
This heart-piercing cry made everyone feel terrified. At first, the few timid ones scrambled and hid aside, for fear that they would be implicated.

The one who was chosen was a foreigner. He looked at his blood vessels in horror, being pulled out from under the skin bit by bit, and his whole body had turned into a gourd of blood.

The severe pain made him burst out, and his survival instinct ran wildly in the empty field in front of the whole temple, blood dripping all over the ground.

And as the capillaries in his hand were torn out, his body cracked quietly, and his internal organs were scattered all over the place, but his torso seemed to be unaware, and he ran forward for another five meters before barely stopping. fell to the ground.

Before he died, he still stared at those eyes full of unwillingness and horror.

It's so hard to die, an eyeball burst out as he fell to the ground, and rolled all the way to Zhang He's feet.

Even if you have seen a big scene, it is far inferior to this live scene where people are skinned and cramped.

"Fuck! Fuck! Brother Hui, what's going on here?"

"Follow me!"

Lin Hui's expression was very solemn at this time.

This imp, who has been dead for hundreds of years, is more dangerous than any ghost he has encountered so far.

Moreover, his control over death has reached an extremely precise level, otherwise, it would be as difficult as heaven to peel people alive.

Seeing the torn thing not far away, everyone around was silent, not even daring to breathe. Only then did they realize that the danger of this ghost baby had far exceeded their expectations.

"Let's go together! I don't believe we can handle this little bastard!"

"Go! Avenge the third child!"

Almost in an instant, with someone in the lead, these people seemed to have found the backbone, and all kinds of moves and attacks fell on the back of that pillar without money.

But the wave of attacks had just ended, and the kid who had been hiding behind the pillar had long since disappeared.

Lin Hui was already sitting cross-legged on the ground at this moment, and he was drawing a formation on the ground with cinnabar. The cinnabar was mixed with black dog's blood, and under the gloomy moonlight above his head, he looked particularly eerie and terrifying.

But some people didn't understand what Lin Hui was doing.

Among them, a few people who had just spent all their strength and hadn't killed the little devil saw him sitting on the ground calmly, and turned their faces on the spot.

"Brother, that kid hasn't moved from the beginning to the end!"

"What are you doing? We are all busy catching ghosts, you are waiting for the pie to fall from the sky!"

Following his words, many people around had already noticed the anomaly on Lin Hui's side, and a few of them who had a bad temper had already surrounded him.

But Lin Hui didn't respond. Jiu'er realized that something was wrong and stood by Lin Hui's side.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

These people are people who have experienced life and death on the battlefield, how can they be frightened by Jiu'er's coquettish and coquettish words?
"I'm a beauty. I just gave you face in the bar. You don't really think that my brothers dare not do anything to you, do you? If such a beautiful girl dies here, what a waste of money, why don't you flash to Go aside, brothers will not kill you."

"Fart your mother! If you want to die, my aunt will fulfill you!"

Jiu'er didn't hesitate for a moment, and made a preemptive strike, and a scimitar suddenly appeared in his hand.

She lowered her figure, her aura surged, and a layer of blood-red light appeared on the scimitar.

Sometimes, in extremely dangerous situations, human nature will be exposed.

Some of these people are greedy, some shrink back, and some even regard others as fools and want to take advantage of it.

But these people often don't live very long.

Lin Hui directly blocked all the noise from the outside world, carefully portraying the formation pattern that the system reminded him.

This is a sleepy spirit formation, and it needs to be formed in one stroke from beginning to end, even if you draw a wrong place, all previous efforts may be wasted.

Not to mention that time is tight now, and the task is heavy, which will extremely test a person's psychological quality.

But when several groups of people were fighting in full swing, a panicked voice sounded.

"On the roof, the little beast is on the roof!"

At this moment, the ghost baby's eyes were already filled with blood. He was holding a beating heart in his left hand, and the heart of the corpse beside him had long since disappeared.

It looked condescendingly at everyone present, and a strange syllable came out of its small mouth, and it couldn't tell what language it was.

It was like teasing a monkey, playing a game of cat and mouse with these people present.

It's just that it's clear at a glance who is the cat and who is the mouse.

In just a few breaths, a strong and pungent smell of blood permeated the entire Ghost Infant Temple.

And as time went on, it was approaching midnight.

This place should have been illuminated by Buddha's light, but it is like a purgatory on earth.

Lin Hui finally finished his last stroke at this time, and the cinnabar and black dog blood he carried with him had been completely exhausted.

He sat in the middle of the formation, bowing his head and whispering.

"Taiyou is destined to hunt down evil spirits. Protect the Dharma God King and defend the chanting. Convert to the Dao, Yuan Henry Zhen! Formation!"

As the formula of the divine spell took effect, a layer of golden light emerged from the blood-red formation.

With Lin Hui as the center, these golden lights continued to spread, and soon attached to the entire formation.

After Lin Hui got up, he cut his palm and dropped a drop of blood in the middle of the formation.

Then, he stepped out.


After all, Zhang He was still very courageous. He and the driver had been guarding the soul back to back, but anyone who had evil intentions and wanted to disturb Lin Hui was smashed by him with a brick.

"You two, stay around this formation, don't go out, even if someone dies under your noses, don't move!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Hui pasted two talisman papers on their foreheads, and soon, their figures disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Where are people?! Where did they go?! This kid is a Taoist priest! Taoist priests are used to catch ghosts, hold him down!"

Among these people, there are always some who will not be able to detect the abnormality in the monastery very quickly.

Following his roar with a broken gong, the few people who were fighting fiercely just now withdrew their hands instantly, and at the same time withdrew towards the back.

Jiu'er slammed into the air with one blow, almost being backlashed by the spiritual energy.

The movements of her feet froze, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"A bunch of ugly grandsons, if you have the ability to molest your aunt, don't run away if you have the ability!"

The three big men who spoke rudely just now were barely able to parry under Jiu'er's hands, but after a few minutes, they were already unable to do what they wanted. Jiu'er was like a tiger jumping into a pack of wolves. As soon as they chopped and hacked, the machete was used as a kitchen knife.

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