The address where the Ghost Infant Temple was located yesterday was an office building.

Because it has not yet reached the official office hours, there are relatively few people on the road.

Zhang He was wearing a hospital gown and sneezed on his back.

"Ah Choo! What does it smell like? Brother Hui, you saw it yourself, I really didn't lie to you!"

Lin Hui still couldn't believe it.

He simply dialed Jiu'er's number, but when Jiu'er arrived here in a tuk-tuk, he was shocked by the office building in front of him.

"How is this possible? Last shouldn't be! Even my master doesn't have the ability to transform space! How is it possible for such a large building?"

Jiu'er only felt that her three views had been subverted.

She sat on the curb, her expression twisted into a ball.

Lin Hui stood aside, took out a compass, and made his handprints quickly.

Looking at the posture of these two people, Zhang He let out a long sigh.

"Hey, I don't know what's going on with the two of you? But this building has been built for more than ten years. If you don't believe me, I'll take you to the address of the ghost baby temple right now!"

"Let's go immediately!" Jiu'er stood up instantly.

Lin Hui also raised his head. "Go right now."

Zhang He looked at the reaction of these two people, and slapped himself on the mouth.

Make you talk more!

"Let's have a meal first! Let me go home and change my clothes first."

Lin Hui only gave Zhang He, a fat man, 20 minutes, but the fat man's efficiency was indeed very high.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the three of them, together with a driver under Zhang He, had already set off for the location of the Ghost Infant Temple.

"Brother Hui, on our way, we will pass through a valley of the dead. That place is a suicide sanctuary in Siam, and many people die every year. If you find something, you must not mess around, isn't it? domestic."

"Valley of the Dead? A holy place to commit suicide? Are these people in foreign countries so natural?"

When Jiu'er heard this, she immediately became interested, and simply clicked on a certain website, and Baidu started talking about the Valley of the Dead.

But Lin Hui sat in the back seat and closed his eyes from the beginning to the end, without expressing any attitude.

As the car drove into a tree-lined road, the compass in Lin Hui's hand suddenly turned its direction. The two pointers pointed to the east and west directions, and the other small pointer circled in place.

It can be seen that the magnetic field of this forest has changed.

Lin Hui stared at the compass for a while, and when he looked up again, he found a dead body hanging not far from Lin Zi.

The corpse was barefoot and without shoes.

And that face was the girl Lin Hui and Zhang He met in the elevator before!
It's just that at this moment, she is completely lifeless, with her long tongue sticking out, wearing only a white nightgown and a bell tied around her ankle.

Every time a gust of wind blows, the bells on her feet jingle.

"Stop!" Lin Hui shouted loudly, and opened the door to get out of the car.

But Zhang He stopped him.

"Brother Hui! The police are here!"

As a Feng Shui master, the last thing you want is to deal with the police.

Especially these foreign policemen.

Lin Hui began to hold the doorknob forcefully, because his emotions were a little out of control, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He wasn't blaming himself, but the girl's soul was standing not far from her body!
The girl's soul obviously also noticed Lin Hui, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something.

The four people in the car all looked nervous.

But Lin Hui was the only one who saw the girl's soul. Jiu'er, Zhang He, and the driver just saw the policemen tearing the girl's body off their hands while laughing and cursing.

"It's fucking bad luck! This task is sent out early in the morning! When can't you die, but when I'm on duty!"

"Who said it wasn't? When I go back, I have to wash it with grapefruit peels! There are these hanging people every year, can we come up with some new tricks?"

In the eyes of these foreign justice envoys, a girl's life can only be turned into a joke in their mouths.

When the mood comes up, maybe you can even swear a few words.

And one of the bastard policemen stopped the movement of his hands and let the girl hit the ground with her head upside down, with her legs leaning against the tree.

Due to the effect of gravity, the skirt fell off, and the long legs were exposed to the air.

"This leg is so white! If you can make a few brothers before you die, that's really..."

"I'll go to you!"

Zhang He understood what the policemen said, and the driver even clenched the steering wheel.

Jiu'er was still a little dazed, but after Zhang He translated the police's words to her, she blurted out a few national curses, wishing to bring out the 18 generations of these people's ancestors.

Lin Hui's complexion was ashen, and his blood-red eyes were like deep pools soaked in blood, and he couldn't see to the end at a glance.

He flicked his wrist, and a gust of wind blew up out of nowhere in the Valley of the Dead, forcing the corpse to the ground, and the white skirt was stained with mud and covered the girl's legs.

Immediately afterwards, the soil under the feet of those policemen suddenly loosened, and before they had time to react, they fell into the mud pit under their feet.

The soil instantly sealed several people inside, only one head was exposed.

Hearing the yelling and cursing of these people, Lin Hui slowly looked away.

He patted the driver's seat, "Let's drive! We still have business to do."

Along the way, Jiu'er seemed to have taken some gunpowder, so he directly hacked into the offices of these policemen, played some horrible scenes on their computers in a loop, and watched the surveillance video. Those policemen were scared out of their wits, and the smiles on their faces became more and more perverted.

"Leader Jiu'er, the people under his command are not for you to use like this, so you are not afraid of being blamed by someone who hurt you?" Lin Hui felt a sudden fear in his heart when he saw her vindictive attitude.

But Jiu'er was like a normal person, showing two small canine teeth.

"So what? If I could, they would drive me out of the dragon group and make my aunt anxious. Don't think about it!"

Lin Hui had asked someone to investigate Jiu'er before, but her teacher's school was hidden and she was covered by someone's tricks.

Apart from knowing that her master is a perverted old witch, there is almost no other news.

In addition, this woman hates evil like a vengeful, and if she has a grudge, she will avenge it, and Lin Hui doesn't want to cause trouble for herself, so she doesn't get entangled anymore when she comes and goes.

And Jiu'er lay on his shoulder with a big thorn.

It was gone without realizing it.

Lin Hui could only feel that his concentration was good. If it were someone else, he would have bullied this aunt long ago.

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