Not long after, Lin Hui and his party arrived at the cemetery on the top of the mountain.

But although it is said to be a cemetery, it is actually only the tomb of Li Liyu's mother-in-law.

Inside the cemetery, the layout is extremely luxurious.

The majestic tombstone alone is as high as ten feet, and there is also a glazed tripod built after it.

On both sides of the road, there are sculptures of various rare and exotic animals.

Around the sculpture, there are four lush trees, covered with dark red resin.

Lin Hui was pacing up and down while secretly smiling.

If the scale of this place was placed in ancient times, at least it would have been the top-level treatment that only the princess or concubine had. It seems that the Taoist priest was really slaughtered mercilessly when he encountered a big family.

The woman walked in front and introduced in a soft voice:

"The furnishings here are all arranged according to the Taoist priest's instructions."

"He said that this place is a once-in-a-hundred-year golden phoenix cave, which can not only ensure the prosperity of future generations, but also enjoy the wealth and honor of the public."

"Covering the land and covering the golden phoenix cave? Protecting the well-being of future generations? What a dream!"

"Don't say too much, just say that there are big problems with the four trees in front of you." Lin Hui sneered.

"Is there a problem with the tree? These four are all phoenix blood poplar trees that we bought at a huge price according to the Taoist priest!"
"The Taoist also specifically explained at the time that the resin of this tree is blood-red, and it can gather Qi to stimulate acupuncture points. This..."

Li Liyu was startled, and looked at Lin Hui in disbelief.

"Oh, you've been fooled! But if you think about it, the other party must be sure that you can't recognize the tree before you dare to act like this. Let me tell you, this is not a phoenix blood poplar, but a phoenix blood pagoda tree. Only the shape is similar to poplar. Tree."

Lin Hui stepped forward and touched the blood-red resin, "The word for locust tree can be disassembled into wood and ghosts, which means that this tree is unknown and often born with ghosts, so it is also regarded as a thing that summons ghosts."

"As we all know, locust trees must never be planted in any normal burial. This is a taboo in the yin house!"

"Although the yin house belongs to the mausoleum of the dead, it does not mean that it must be built in a place with heavy yin energy. On the contrary, the yin house should be placed in a place full of yang energy to ensure that the tomb owner can absorb enough energy."

"Now these four pagoda trees are planted here, and they are arranged in a yin-gathering array. Affected by this, the yang energy from the outside world can't edify the ancestors' anger at all. As a result, the ancestors will be eroded by the yin energy all day long and cannot live in peace. If you can't get out of your grievances, you will definitely find a way to trouble you juniors, it's a strange thing that your family doesn't have any troubles."

"Ah! husband and I didn't see it at the time!!" Li Liyu said in shock.

"It's not your fault. People who don't know how to do it don't know the details, and this kind of locust tree is not easy to distinguish from ordinary locusts and black locusts. It is really rare." Lin Hui waved his hands.

"Then...can I have someone cut down the tree right away?" Li Liyu asked.

"It's useless." Lin Hui shook his head.

"Now that the formation has been formed, even if the locust trees are cut down, the gathering of yin will continue as usual, and you are still in the lead."

"Ah... this, master, what should I do then?" Li Liyu was shocked when she heard this, and she was so anxious that tears came out.

Lin Hui didn't answer, but took out eight small bright white nails and a small hammer from his cloth pocket.

This is the breaking nail that Lin Hui exchanged from the system earlier.

This object is made of special cold iron, and it was consecrated by Lin Hui himself. It has the effect of changing shape and changing potential, which can be called reversing yin and yang good fortune!

Immediately, Lin Hui came to each locust tree one by one, and buried all the nails.

Every time a piece was buried, Lin Hui closed his eyes and made a formula, saying "seal" in his mouth!
"Master, it's better to let the servants do this kind of trivial matter, you don't have to work hard yourself."

Although she was very curious about what Lin Hui was doing, Li Liyu didn't dare to ask. Seeing Master Lin driving nails into the ground in a very simple manner, she had to persuade him.

"No, I feel more at ease doing these things myself." Lin Hui waved his hand and refused.

At this moment, Lin Hui's actions undoubtedly aroused strong suspicion from the servants.

There is a saying that if you have no hair on your mouth, you will not be able to do things well!
Look at how profound this kid can be at such a young age?

It is estimated that there is a high probability that it is another liar who came to the door!
But in front of the mistress, no one dared to speak directly what was in their hearts.

However, after a few minutes.

A strange scene has appeared!

The locust trees that Lin Hui had buried with iron nails suddenly became withered and yellowed a lot, as if they had lost their vitality.

And the crimson resin that leaked out also solidified and weathered into ashes!
"It's amazing! This is simply a miracle!" Li Liyu exclaimed.

Seeing this scene, all the servants were dumbfounded, and they were amazed.

"Master, you are really a god, it turns out that we have eyes but don't know Mount Tai!!"

"Strange, why doesn't it feel as cold as before?"

"Hey, when you say that, it seems to be true!"

"This cemetery has always been blustery and windy, and the chill penetrates to the bone, and now I feel warmed up all over my body!

"Master, what's the reason for this?" Li Liyu suddenly felt amazed, and was deeply shocked by Lin Hui's magical methods.

"It's very simple, because these nails are my Taoist magic weapon - breaking power nails."

"This thing can isolate the terrain and has the power to reverse the good fortune of yin and yang."

"The reason why this cemetery is extremely cold and humid is mainly because the Yin-gathering array formed by these eight locust trees has condensed too much Yin Qi."

"Now that the formation is broken by the nails, the Yin Qi gradually disappears, and the temperature naturally returns to normal."

Lin Hui's words made Li Liyu and the others startled for a while, but they could tell that the situation had turned for the better!

"Master, thank you for your kindness, you will be our family's benefactor from now on..."

Li Liyu was so grateful that she made a gesture to bow down again, but Lin Hui sneered, "Do you think this is the end?"

"What? Then... this..." Li Liyu's expression froze, and she looked at Lin Hui in astonishment.

"Breaking the Yin Gathering Formation is just to let the accumulated Yin Qi dissipate, and buy a little time at most."

"When the time comes, you still can't escape the end of your family's destruction."


Li Liyu was so frightened that she slumped on the ground, stuttering and saying: "Master, master, what do you think should be done?"

Lin Hui walked to the tombstone, pointed to Baoding behind and said, "The root of the problem is still inside this tomb."

"If nothing else happens, the old man's body has already changed."

evil Dead?

what does that mean?
Seeing everyone stunned, Lin Hui sighed and explained: "It's what the folks call zombies!"

"What? Zombies... Zombies?!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a stone breaking the sky!
The faces of the people present all changed in fright!
Reminiscent of the scenes in Xiangjiang movies, everyone trembled and their hairs stood on end.

"Could it be... the old lady will turn into an invulnerable monster like in the movie and come out in the middle of the night to suck the blood of the living?"

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