From a distance away, Xiao Qi had a happy expression on his face.

And Jiu'er walked towards the two of them with a smile on her face, but when she saw the blood on the ground, her complexion changed.

"What happened again?"

"It's Mercury retrograde recently, and everything is inappropriate. I think we should go back to our respective homes and find our respective mothers!"

There was a little impatience in Lin Hui's tone.

"The date of birth of this middle-aged woman is not within the selection range of the person we were tracking before, and just now, I had a face-to-face meeting with that old man, relying on your efficiency, let alone catch If the murderer is found, I'm afraid I won't be able to save my own life."

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he took out two talisman papers and stuffed them into Xiao Qi's and Jiu'er's hands respectively.

"From now on, let's split up. If it's an emergency, don't call. Tear up this thing. I'll rush there as soon as possible."

Lin Hui, who dropped the words, didn't wait for the reaction of the big and the small, stopped a car on the side of the road, and left directly.

He didn't go after the middle-aged woman, but came to the address that Guan Linger had reported to him before.

As soon as he got out of the car, Lin Hui noticed the aura rising around him.

To put it more directly, the current position of Guan Linger and the three of them is probably the place with the most aura in Zhenjiang City.

"It's rare for three people who only know how to study stupidly to find such a place by mistake."

A place full of aura is an excellent place for practitioners to practice.

And ordinary people stay in such a place for a long time, and the spirit platform will be clear and refreshed.

According to what Guan Linger said before, the reason why Chi Xiaoyou still maintains a human form is probably due to this geomantic treasure.

This is a hilltop resort.

Along the mountain road all the way up, you can see a whole row of retro-style single-family villas.

The experimental research site set up by the doctoral supervisor of the three of Guan Linger in such a place.

"Setting up a research station in this land where every inch of land is expensive!"

Lin Hui was mumbling, when he saw a girl with disheveled hair rushing towards him from a distance.

Before he could react, Guan Linger had already run up to her.

She even slammed into his arms, put her arms around his waist and cried non-stop.

"Brother Lin, you're here! I really don't know what to do, woo woo..."

Guan Ling'er's figure is not as good as Jiu'er's, but she has a small face with a bit of spirituality, and her figure is still uneven.

With nephrite in his arms, Lin Hui raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose.

"Am I not coming here? What did you encounter during your experiment?"


Guan Ling'er was only crying, and the two lumps of flesh on her chest were tightly pressed against Lin Hui's arms.

It's midsummer, the sky is dry and the things are dry. Even if Lin Hui has a normal heart, he can't stand this kind of suffering!
He took a deep breath, and the meditation mantra was almost finished.

"Woo... We came here to cooperate with the excavation of an ancient tomb according to the teacher's request. Originally, we were only responsible for doing some project records on the periphery."

Guan Ling'er cried and slurred the general progress of the matter.

But because I was a little emotional, I said this incoherently.

"However, some members of the archaeological team had inexplicable fevers that day, and some of them were quite serious. In order not to affect the progress of the project, Chi Xiaoyou and Xuan Yu'an went to help..."

"On the way back, they bumped into a deer, and then something happened! Brother Lin, what should we do? Chi Xiaoyou, Chi Xiaoyou can't do anything!"

While talking, Guan Linger burst into tears again.

But Lin Hui looked at her face, and then thought about the birth date he had calculated before.

He could only sigh helplessly.

Guan Linger and that Chi Xiaoyou had no fate, and they were destined not to be together in this life.

But sometimes, even if you know that the twisted melon is not sweet, you have to twist it down and taste it.

"I've come here, don't worry! If it's really that kind of thing, I'll do my best to help."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Lin Hui realized something.

"Why don't you find Jiu'er?"

"Sister Jiu'er is busy. She had a big fight with our teacher some time ago, and I'm not okay... I don't want to bother him or her."

Lin Hui couldn't help smiling.

Jiu'er's fiery temper is a sign of the donkey, so he has to be touched by his hair.

But after thinking about it, it's not surprising that people from the dragon group can be involved with doctors in metaphysics.

Lin Hui was already a little curious, these people were their doctoral advisors.

He followed Lianhe and soon came to their dormitory.

The direction facing the door of the dormitory is a straight road.

The road was like a sharp knife, inserted in the very center of the dormitory.

Moreover, in this deep mountain and old forest, there is no grass or tree on the ground outside the dormitory. All places have been compacted with big stones, and there are power grids beside the walls, and fences have been pulled up.

"The place was chosen by your teacher? Is he out of his mind?"

Lin Hui showed no mercy, while Guan Linger lowered her head.

"We didn't live here before. Some new members of the archaeological team have arrived, and the dormitory we used to live in has been allocated to them. Brother Lin, do you think this will have an impact?"

"There will definitely be an impact."

Lin Hui paused, looking at Chi Xiaoyou who was lying on the bed, some brown fluff like animal hair had grown on the back of his hand, and the bones on his face had changed, he let out a foul breath.

"It's just that Chi Xiaoyou may not be affected by this thing."

Immediately afterwards, he changed the subject.

"What about the deer you killed?"

"That deer was bred artificially by the people here. We also lost money after it was killed. They took the deer back and ate it!"

Xuan Yu'an was taking care of Chi Xiaoyou, but when he saw Lin Hui coming, he felt relieved.

When he said this again, he had a look of indignation.

"Brother Lin Hui, do you think they did what Xiaoyou did?"

"How can you blame others? We have to believe in science!"

As Lin Hui said this, the talisman paper in his hand had already emitted a burst of blue light.

He held the burning paper and circled it around Chi Xiaoyou's head.

The originally rising blue flame instantly turned purple.

Lin Hui flipped his fingertips and extinguished the purple flame directly.

This coquettish operation made the eyes of the two people in the room widen.

"This... this is fire!"

"Don't yell here, have you never seen the world? Go and close the door! There is a peach tree outside the east wall of your yard, right? Go and break off a branch."

Lin Hui directly yelled at these two high-achieving students to help him.

On the other hand, he helped Chi Xiaoyou up, and put his index finger and middle finger together in the middle of his forehead.

The old man often said that love comes from the heart.

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