"Hiss...cough cough cough!" The driver coughed, as if he wanted to cough his lungs out of his chest.

As soon as the little girl in front heard this movement, she took out a piece of chocolate from her pocket and threw it into the driver's arms.

"You don't need to follow today, go back and rest well. What happened last night, the funeral home still needs to deal with the surveillance video and clean up, so don't show your feet."

The driver nodded twice, but didn't say much, just leaned on the seat and closed his eyes.

From the rearview mirror, Lin Hui could clearly see the bruises on the driver's face.

The dark purple bruise on his neck stood out at this moment.

Lin Hui finally understood why he couldn't see through the driver's face.

Can a dead person see a fart? !
Lin Hui now seriously doubts the influence of his IQ loss of nine children, and he is more or less offline.

He drove the car from time to time to glance at the little girl beside him from the corner of his eye.

After parking the car on the side of the road and putting the driver down, the little girl spoke in a nonchalant manner.

"Uncle, my name is Xiaoqi. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. As long as I can tell you, I will never hide it. You don't have to worry. I am a living person, and I am living well."

"You don't have to go to school?" Lin Hui changed the subject in embarrassment.

"I still have to go to school, but it's summer vacation now. Uncle, you don't slip through the net of the nine-year compulsory education, do you?"

The little girl's crisp words directly stabbed Lin Hui's chest.

He has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, but he really didn't expect to be silenced by a little girl's film.

"How's the investigation at Apartment Nine going?"

"Go and see for yourself, you will know."

When the little girl spoke, she was still ruthless.

She has been eating non-stop since she got in the car, and that small mouth never stopped.

After several hours of flying and staying up all night, Lin Hui, who didn't even eat breakfast, felt like cursing her mother.

What is the origin of this little monster?
How had he never heard of it before?
Just when Lin Hui was thinking wildly, the navigation reminded them that they had arrived at the area where apartment No. [-] was located.

From a long distance, Lin Hui could feel the dead air coming from there.

"This place...is not very good."

"Just drive the car in. There are so many things that happened before, and almost all the people who can move around here have already moved. Except for those who really have nowhere to go, if they stay here, there is basically nothing around here. people."

As the little girl said, when she looked up again, her left eye had turned gray-blue.

Lin Hui was speechless secretly, but he still parked the car in the nearest parking space on the roadside.

But as soon as the two got out of the car, a flower pot fell from the sky and landed at Lin Hui's feet with a loud clang.

Pieces of dirt and pots were scattered everywhere.

And the smashed pot of white chrysanthemums was exactly the same as the fake flowers seen at the entrance of the funeral parlor.

"It seems that it is not suitable to travel today."

As Lin Hui said, he printed a handprint, looked around, and found nothing wrong.

The whole street was empty.

Not to mention the car, even the shadow of a person can't be seen.

Right above the so-called No. [-] apartment, there are some black air masses floating faintly, and occasionally a few crows fly by.

The electric poles on both sides of the road were full of crows, one next to the other.

A gust of wind blows, and the rubbish on the road is flying everywhere in an instant. That scene can be called a post-apocalyptic disaster movie.

Lin Hui let out a long breath, lit a cigarette, and put it in his mouth.

"Little girl, this place you chose is really unlucky!"

"Apartment No. [-] used to be a tube building. It is said that it was not a peaceful place back then. Even if it is rebuilt now, the problems left over from history may not be resolved. Uncle Lin, if you can handle this matter, it will be a great achievement .No matter whether you will join the Dragon Group in the future, the people above will not embarrass you."

The little girl returned to her previous appearance as a little ghost. She took the lead and walked into the area where apartment No. [-] was located.

Lin Hui let out a breath, and the smell of tobacco filled the air.

The system began to frantically absorb the evil spirit around it, and Lin Hui's pale face returned to normal.

He followed in the little girl's footsteps. As soon as the two entered the apartment, Lin Hui noticed that something was watching them.

At first he thought it was a member of the dragon group, so he didn't take it seriously.

But soon, Lin Hui sensed the danger.


Lin Hui stepped forward and grabbed the little girl's arm, holding her in his arms.

And right in front of this little girl, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared.

Scarlet Ghost!

Under the ghost's feet, there is even a vagina-absorbing formation.

But the strange thing was that this red-clothed ghost had no intention of attacking the two of them.

Her eyes were blindfolded, and a charm was pasted in the middle of her forehead.

Behind her, there is a closed door for safe passage.

Apartment Nine became a high-rise residential building after renovation.

There are nearly 50 floors, several of which will be set up as special refuge floors.

Lin Hui and the little girl originally wanted to take the elevator upstairs, so at least they also checked out the place where the girls lived.

But before he got into the elevator, he met such a ghost.

"Haunting in broad daylight?!"

The little girl's pupils changed suddenly, she struggled from Lin Hui's arms, and jumped to the ground.

"Let's not talk about the haunting in broad daylight. Those people killed eight girls who were born in the shade. Even if I saw these things at noon on the first day of the first lunar month, I wouldn't be surprised."

Lin Hui finally seized the opportunity to mock this little girl.

He flung out a talisman with his backhand, muttering in a low voice.

"The world is natural..."

As soon as Lin Hui's voice of chanting the mantra came out, the red-clothed ghost suddenly exploded, and the world rushed towards the two of them.

And the formation under him was activated immediately.

The little girl next to her didn't notice for a moment, and she was almost smashed against the wall.

"court death!"

Lin Hui let out a loud roar, and with one hand formed a claw, he directly grabbed the back of the red-clothed ghost's head.

And just at this moment, a gust of wind lifted the talisman paper above the head of the red-clothed ghost.

Lin Hui had seen that face before!

It was the girl who was lying on the mortuary table before!
Lin Hui withdrew his hand suddenly, made a seal with his backhand, and threw out the Qingxin talisman paper, which firmly stuck to the back of the red-clothed female ghost's head.

Then, he took out a porcelain vase from the system space, and took her in the moment the red-clothed ghost regained consciousness.

"Raising ghosts with souls? Aren't these people afraid of being struck by lightning?"

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