Lin Hui raised his head suddenly, and saw a group of mice of unknown origin rushing in at the door, and the noise of chirping and chirping was coming from the mouths of the mice!

These mice seemed to be crazy, as if they were summoned by something, they rushed towards the funeral home desperately.

Lin Hui jumped into the air, and a few pieces of flaming talisman were thrown out instantly, and some mice ran headfirst into it because they couldn't dodge in time!
In an instant, the entire outer lobby of the funeral parlor smelled of singed pig hair.

Jiu'er was not idle at this time, she was keenly aware that the pursuit of mice should be controlled by humans.

Following the traces of the spirit deeds left by these mice, she quickly thought of a person.

There is an animal trainer in the dragon group, but most of the animals that this person usually shows off are frightened.

Things like manipulating mice and besieging funeral parlors are not something he can do.

"What the hell is there in your place? Why are there so many rats?"

One after another, those mice sprung up like mushrooms, burrowing in from outside the door.

As a last resort, Lin Hui could only lift his foot and rush out, stepping on the rat corpses on the ground, and killed all the way to the door.

He threw out a few talisman papers, intending to form a formation to prevent these mice from moving forward, but as soon as the support was thrown against the wall, the mice seemed to be conscious, piled up one by one, and climbed to the wall without a trace. Copy it in a while, and gnaw it clean!

"Have these rats become spirits?!"

The little girl sighed, but when he turned his head again, the weasel standing on the dissecting table had disappeared.

"That yellow skin is gone! She might be an internal response, everyone be careful!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiu'er immediately became alert.

Only Lin Hui was staring at the gate.

"The matter has come to this, there is no need for that yellow-skinned dog to go out and kill for us, little girl, this world is not black and white!"

Lin Hui's hands didn't stop for a moment.

Because the yellow skin rushed into the night, the speed of the attacks of the rats that had been constantly appearing slowed down significantly.

Lin Hui took the opportunity to upgrade a formation, forming a small enchantment at the door, and these mice piled up in front of the door to form a huge ball of mice, just looking at it makes people feel nauseous.

Although the little girl had seen the big world, she still couldn't bear to face so many mice at once.

What's weird is that the old man's voice and those gray-blue pupils that appeared before did not appear again.

As the chattering and grinding sounds gradually diminished, the outside has also returned to calm.

Lin Hui finally regained his composure and began to deduce the horoscopes of these girls.

As he expected, although the horoscopes of these girls are different, most of them have the appearance of longevity.

If it was placed in the past, such a horoscope would be called a blessed person.

But why is that thing devouring their souls?
Since the birth of the dragon vein in Changbai Mountain, strange events have occurred in various places.

This is by no means a coincidence!
Lin Hui didn't think about it carefully, and glued the talisman paper on the top of one of the girls' heads.

Almost instantly, he seemed to have returned to the scene of the crime.

It was a dark rainy night, and the girl who had just got off work was walking home alone.

It wasn't raining heavily, but there was a slight movement behind him!

It's a cat!

The girl originally thought the cat was pitiful, but before her hand touched the cat, she froze in place as if struck by lightning.

In the next second, her head was turned 180 degrees by a huge force, and she couldn't die anymore!
This was the last thing the girl saw before she died.

That black cat doesn't look like Fanpin!

"Ding, warm reminder, congratulations to the host for discovering the two-tailed cat again! It can be artificially raised!"

God damn two-tailed cat again!
Can this thing be raised by humans? !

It is recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas that this thing feeds on people, and it will eat small animals when no one eats it. Which lunatic would take this thing home to raise it?

Lin Hui put away the Tiangang sword, and walked to the front of the display cabinets where the corpses were placed.

He clasped his hands together and gave a low shout.


The big drawers belonging to these girls were opened one after another, and pale faces appeared in front of the three of them.

Jiu'er had seen big scenes anyway, but when she saw the corpses of these young girls, she still couldn't help covering her mouth, standing aside and retching.

Because of the forensic examination before, the remains of these girls are relatively neat, and the bloody appearance before is no longer visible.

But practitioners almost subconsciously look at the essence through phenomena.

It's just a glance to see how miserable their death is.

Lin Hui walked over one by one, and finally found that the black cat appeared at the scene of every girl's murder, whether it was far or near, they were all related to that cat.

"Where did this cat come from?"

But when he saw the last girl, the black cat in their memory, as if aware of it, stared straight at Lin Hui, with its exposed fangs and bloody mouth , Lin Hui gasped.

He opened his eyes in an instant, escaped from the girl's memory, staggered a step back, his spiritual power surged instantly, and the entire body storage area was covered by the powerful spiritual power in his body.

There was a crackling sound from inside some of the cabinets.

The movement was like something was tearing the body bag!
"Not good! Lin Hui! Take back your aura!"

Although Jiu'er's words had already been uttered, it was already too late.

The corpses of several of the girls were already upright, and they sat up from the cabinets.

The corpse stored on the morgue was the first to respond.

"Cheat... a corpse! Sister Jiu'er, run away!"

The little girl yelled, turned around and was about to run, but it was as if nails had grown under Jiu'er's feet, and she couldn't move at all.

Lin Hui, who came back to his senses, realized at this time that Jiu'er's leg was wrapped around the ground binding spirit at some point!
"The heavens and the earth are natural, and the filth is scattered! Break it for me!"

Lin Hui stopped drinking, and the spiritual energy that had just been released three times was like a sharp sword, and it was inserted straight into the body of the ground binding spirit.


The earth-bound spirit only had time to howl, and it turned into a wisp of flying smoke in an instant.

And on Jiu'er's ankle, several black scratches suddenly appeared.

These scratches seemed to have been embedded in the flesh, Jiu'er only felt that his eyes were dark, and he fell down with his head up.

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