Jiu'er struck out with a long sword in an instant, and placed it directly on Zhou Tian's shoulder, pressing against his neck forcibly.

"If you dare to speak such nonsense again, I will personally send you on your way!"

After Jiu'er finished speaking, she followed Lin Hui's footsteps without looking back.

At the same time, it disappeared into the gap in the mountain.

Zhou Tian looked at the entrance of the cave where the two came down, and then turned his head to look at the cave, feeling a little unconvinced in his heart, but in the end he gritted his teeth and followed.

But the moment they stepped into the gap, the magic circle that Lin Hui had arranged in the cave before burst out with a burst of golden light, followed by all the talisman papers bursting, and the remaining corpses of the bell-bellied snakes on the ground disappeared immediately.

As for Lin Hui, who was walking in the front, he only felt a strong aura pouring into his body at this moment. He suppressed the surging qi and blood, and quickened his pace.

The two people behind Eco noticed something was wrong. The gap in the mountain was much longer than he expected, and the further he walked, the wider the gap was, and some dripping water could be heard faintly.

As they descended to a certain depth, the surrounding air was no longer as abundant as in the cave just now, and the surrounding temperature also dropped sharply.

Lin Hui has rough skin and thick flesh, but the two people behind him are not much better.

Zhou Tian's cursing did not stop all the way.

"What the hell kind of place is it? Soul, if you don't know how to lead the way, just stay behind honestly. Don't try to trick the two of us and make a lot of money yourself. It's getting colder, what are you thinking?!"

The movements of Jiu'er's footsteps became more and more vigorous, and Lin Hui could hear her molar grinding from a distance away.

After walking for less than 2 minutes, Lin Hui stopped.

The sight suddenly opened up, and the sound of water became more obvious.

After coming out of the gap in the mountain, he reached a prominent position in the mountain and came to a small platform, and under this platform was a 20-meter-square transparent pool.

The water is so clean that you can clearly see the water plants swaying under the pool and some unknown little bugs that glow.

Looking forward along the bottom of the nearest pool, there is a huge sarcophagus under the pool.

There are still some patterns carved on the sarcophagus, but most of the place has been covered by aquatic plants, except for the totems of a few giant snakes that can be vaguely seen on it, the rest are indistinct.

"Why don't you leave? Why are you standing there?! You step on your horse..."

"Shut up! Don't think I dare not kill you!"

The voices of the two of them were already close at hand, and the searchlight above Jiu'er's head became more and more clear at night. When she followed Lin Hui and walked out from the gap in the mountain, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

"How can there be groundwater here?! The map I brought didn't show it. There is also a cave here. How did it form?!"

Zhou Tian had already opened his mouth in shock at this time, but when he saw the sarcophagus, his eyes instantly became greedy.

Lin Hui observed the changes in the expressions of the two, bent down and squatted on the ground, and touched the soil layer.

"Changbai Mountain is located above the dragon's veins, and it's not uncommon for there to be anything underground. The princes and generals in ancient times were not like the people of today. They buried themselves in any place. There can be a coffin in this place. What's the matter?" Strange?"

The soil here is dry and loose, as if no one has been here for a long time.

And on the way they came in, they didn't find any trace left by the snake at all, not even a trace of blood.

Lin Hui knew very well how hard he could stab with a single knife. The Tiangang sword didn't go in half. When the snake got into the gap, blood had already dripped down on the ground along the scales, and there were still traces of blood in the cave.

But why did all of this disappear after they came in?

The situation in front of him was beyond Lin Hui's cognition.

He thought that he had gained a lot of knowledge after so many years of scrambling, but all this in front of him refreshed his three views a bit.

The ancients paid attention to many taboos, especially the rules of yin and yang and five elements.

The sarcophagus sinks in water, how much hatred, how much resentment?
"There is such a big pool of clear water in this mountain. It doesn't look deep. Why don't I go down to find the way?"

Just as Lin Hui pinched his fingers and deduced, Zhou Tian had already grinned at the root of his teeth and took off his shoes.

Before Lin Hui could even speak, he plunged into the water.

The water is indeed not deep, let's see if it can reach Zhou Tian's waist.

But just when he stood firm and was about to move forward, those glowing bugs that had been floating on the water surface suddenly flapped their wings from the water surface, and the blue halo emitted from his body looked extremely familiar.

Lin Hui and Jiu'er exited almost at the same time.

"Zhou Tian! Come up quickly, there is a problem with the water!"

As a worthless snack, Zhou Tian didn't pay attention to those bugs at all, and even ignored the shouts of the two people behind him.

But in the next second, tragedy happened.

His screams directly spread throughout the cave.

"What's wrong with this, isn't it just... ah! What's on this bug?! Help me! Help me!"

I saw those light blue flying insects flying towards Zhou Tian in a swarm, each of them gnawed at every inch of her exposed skin as if their eyes were red, the protective layer of light shone in the eyes of these insects, It's just a decoration, it doesn't work at all.

Jiu'er panicked immediately. She dropped the tool bag on her body and was about to go down to save others, but was dragged back by Lin Hui.

"Stay here honestly!"

Lin Hui pulled out a climbing rope from the system space, tied a knot, then swung his arms round and threw it out.

"Zhou Tian! Hold on to the rope!"

I don't know if Zhou Tian's head was short-circuited by those insect bites. He flopped in the water for nearly 5 minutes before he grabbed the rope that Lin Hui threw down.

And the hand he was holding onto the rope had already formed a layer of blood mist in the water.

The scene was a tragic one!
Lin Hui and Jiu'er dragged and dragged him out of the water. At this time, Zhou Tian didn't have a piece of good skin on his body, but all the places that could be exposed were densely gnawed by insects. trace.

Especially his proud face became even more horrible.

At this time, he is gone. The arrogance just now, the whole person is like a dying fish. He said, what he called was heart-piercing.

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