As soon as Fulongguan's first-level secret policy came out, the entire upper echelon of Longguo was shaken.

Because many of them have already discussed with the Ten Nations Alliance how to distribute the money and resources when Fulong Temple sells the spirit stones.

Ever since, these upper-class families have protested to the current Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom.

He intends to let the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom come forward to discuss this issue with Fulong Temple.

The current emperor of the Dragon Kingdom jokingly looked at the representatives of the upper-class families in the hall, and thoughtfully looked at the memorials they handed over.

"Oh, this is the impeachment of Fulong Temple..."

"Well, this is also..."

"Hey, this one has a future, it's already impeaching the Supreme Emperor. I have to frame this one and put it in a conspicuous place."

None of the ministers in the hall thought that these families would be so absurd. Are you able to impeach Fulong Temple?The one who impeached the Supreme Emperor, did he lose his mind?Or was the head caught when entering the door?

But the spokespersons of those families were not panicked at all, and seemed to be very sure that the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom would adopt their suggestions.

"I see, the forces behind you are demonstrating against our Dragon Kingdom, right?"

The emperor's words broke their confidence.

Glancing at each other, they could only stand there stiffly without saying a word.

"Actually, a few months ago, I started to have people investigate. Back then, your families were the ones who fully promoted the whole of the West. That's why I was so stupid to listen to your nonsense..."


The courtiers below are afraid at this time, is there an emperor in the world who will say that he is wrong?
The emperor can't make mistakes, this is an iron law in the minds of the courtiers.

"You don't need to say it, my old man said it well. Right is right, wrong is wrong, it's no big deal, I am also a human being, not a god...I will make mistakes too."

No one dared to answer this.

And the spokesmen of the few families standing under the hall began to feel a little bad.

"I find it strange that this so-called spirit stone was produced by Fulongguan. Now, you guys have jumped out to discuss business with the Ten-Nation Alliance. You will get the money, and Fulongguan will get the goods... This What's the point?"


The spokespersons of several families seemed to feel that it was a bit too much at this time, but they still shouted with their necks pulled:

"Fulong Temple uses state funds, but we are responsible for foreign economic and trade work."

"Hehe, it seems that you still don't understand the national conditions of the Dragon Kingdom. You have been in this country for so long and you don't know that my old man is the master of the entire Dragon Kingdom. Your families are really failures."

"Come on, drag it on, and let the forces behind them see what happens."

"It's... Your Majesty..."

The turmoil in the court was not big, and it was almost negligible compared to the bloody rain on the international social media.

Powerful countries continue to exaggerate the threat theory of the Dragon Kingdom and the island nation on social media, and keep saying that the current island nation has changed, and it is not the vibrant island nation anymore.

And the ten-nation alliance has also begun to hype, and the entire world network is like a mess.

The purpose is the same, to discredit the Dragon Kingdom.

The islanders are now working with their heads down and praying with their heads up, and have no time to care about these boring things.

But the people of Long Kingdom are vigilant.

"Be vigilant, whether the shame of a hundred years ago will be repeated...Recently, the ten-nation alliance has become annoyed by the regulation that our country's Lingshi new energy should not be exported, and constantly exaggerated our threats on the Internet..."

"We must remember the humiliation of a hundred years ago, prepare for war... don't be lucky."

At this time, it was revealed on the Internet that several big families of the Dragon Kingdom colluded with the Ten Kingdoms Alliance and collectively forced the palace in front of the emperor.

Originally, these were just rumors. Later, some supernatural netizen got out all the surveillance cameras in the Chaotang Hall and added subtitles.

This thing is so confidential, if you say it is not officially provided, no one will believe it.

For a time, the entire Dragon Kingdom's Internet was filled with hostility towards the ten-nation alliance and powerful countries.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom began to boycott the imported goods from these countries. For a while, the domestic market of the entire Dragon Kingdom ushered in a big explosion, while the import market further shrank.

Seeing the situation, the Ten Nations Alliance immediately felt that it was not good, and hurriedly withdrew all its important companies from the Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, some countries have begun to withdraw their own nationals.

The Dragon Kingdom doesn't know if it's the remnants of the ten-nation alliance, but the entire literary world has begun to spread an argument that the Ten Kingdoms attacked the Dragon Kingdom in the past for the benefit of the Dragon Kingdom.

As soon as this argument came out, it was immediately scolded and criticized by the angry Longguo people.

The officials immediately released the full resume of this "master" to the public, whether it is the unit he worked for, his home address and members, all were scooped up by the powerful netizens.

At this time, the "master" went online and cried and complained that he was being bullied online, and his mobile phone at home and his own mobile phone were bombed 24 hours a day.

When you pick up your phone, you can hear at most two words: SB...

He was depressed, and his family was depressed. He felt that the people of Longguo were too unreasonable.

Ever since, he followed the advice of netizens and went to complain to the reporters of the Ten Nations Alliance.

Then, on the same day, the relevant departments of Longguo arrested him and the reporter of the Ten-Nation Alliance on the spot while Longguo TV was broadcasting the whole process, and searched out the reporter of the Ten-Nation Alliance in front of the audience of the live broadcast. Three manuscripts written to him, the ten-nation alliance passports of all members of his family, 300 million in cash, and a ten-nation alliance land deed.

"Damn it, the price of being a traitor has risen to this level now? If I had known earlier, I would have sold it too. Now I will go to change to a strong country and sell it."

"Fuck me, this SB is really interesting. No wonder it's so stupid, it turns out that it's for money to do things. That's normal."

"Yeah, I can pretend to be stupid if I collect money."

This situation is just a special case, and people in the literary and entertainment circles of Longguo are constantly getting angry with Longguo's recent policies.

At this time, the Ten-Nation Alliance seemed to have heard that the Dragon Kingdom was determined to fight, and immediately withdrew its eggs.

"No, we can't annoy this superpower. We just need to follow the powerful country now."

"Yes, yes, let the powerful countries stand in front."

"P, he's not even afraid of island countries now."


Powerful countries do not even dare to deal with island countries, because their people who come back from island countries have become insane.

"No, there must be some mysterious weapon on the island country. We can't attack rashly when we don't know anything..."

"Your Majesty, otherwise, we can send the island country's sworn enemy, Little Stick, to the island country to investigate..."

"Okay, let's do this. As long as I understand the situation in the island country, I can step on them."

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