The old emperor was not sure because when he was watching the live broadcast, he saw that all the people who came to apprentice were old people who were about his age.

Now, these old people have passed the test inside the bronze gate.

This had to make him think of a problem.

"Boy, you said they can pass the level, if I go in..."

Lin Hui rolled his eyes at the whimsical old man and said:

"You have no knowledge at all, let alone go in, even if you touch this blocked door, you won't be able to touch it."


As the old emperor said, he stretched out his hand to touch the bronze door.

However, his hand passed through the ancient bronze door.

"This... this... really can't touch it?"

Lin Hui shook his head, pointed to his middle finger and pointed to his brow.

The old emperor finally understood what Lin Hui meant. He bit his middle finger and made a blood-red fingerprint on his brow.

Now he touched the bronze door, and he was so shocked by the aura of simplicity that he almost sat down on the ground.

Lin Hui supported him, and said softly with a serious face:
"They're coming out!"

Then he pulled the old emperor to stand aside.

Inside the bronze door, a strong arrogance soaring into the sky began to rise.

The bronze door was opened from the inside again, and there was a sound of orderly footsteps coming from inside.

As the footsteps got closer, the old emperor felt the ground vibrate.

The first one to come out was our young master of the Su family. He came out with a spirited beast full of horseshoes on his back.

As soon as he came out and saw Lin Hui, he threw the spirit beast aside.

"Master, I won the battle..."

Lin Hui stopped his words, pointed to the staff member who was filming in a certain corner and said:
"It is not allowed to say a word about the things inside."


When Su Dingfang lowered his head to respond, other figures slowly appeared behind him.

Yan Zhenzhen appeared at the door with a group of middle-aged people.

Yan Zhenzhen who came out was also like Su Dingfang, ready to tell Lin Hui about the situation in the formation, but he stopped him by shaking his head.

He was an old man when he entered the battle, but he became a middle-aged man when he came out.

This fact made the old emperor feel that the world was a little confused. It seemed that he had been emperor for so many years for nothing.

He didn't even know that there was a training ground here, so he wasted too much of his time.

But now is not the time to regret, the old emperor arranged for those staff to clean up the scene, so that these disciples who had just finished training could sit on the ground.

After all the disciples came out, the copper door closed in response, and then slowly shrunk in full view.

Until it shrunk to the size of a palm, Lin Hui picked it up, then threw it to the old emperor and said:

"Don't try to open it privately, you don't have the basis of Taoism. So you can't open it anyway, unless you feed it with dragon energy."

When the old emperor heard this, he couldn't help being disappointed.

Although Dragon Qi is owned by the Dragon State, there are not many of them.

However, dragon energy is directly related to the country's fortune. If a country has less dragon energy, then the country's development to the limit will be much slower than other people's development, and it will be much worse.

But when he saw 780 vigorous disciples and grandchildren, he smiled again.

A group of disciples came out and lined up, and when they were about to bow down to Lin Hui, Lin Hui looked up at the sky.

A black cloud slowly floated over, like a trailer with a heavy load.

"Master, is this that we are going to be robbed?"

Yan Zhenzhen usually reads a lot of these Taoist books, and knows that if a normal person breaks through the limitations of human beings, the gods will send down divine thunder and hit him.

After passing the bar, he will be regarded as an official Taoist monk in the future.

As for the failure of the bar, no one will know the consequences.

"Well, it is indeed going to be robbed. But don't worry, Sajin and I will escort you."

When the disciples heard this, they were both excited and worried.

When everyone looked at each other, they couldn't help but kneel to Lin Hui.


Lin Hui held his palm empty, and just such a movement made all the 780 disciples unable to kneel down.

"I said that a man has gold under his knees. People in my family only kneel to the sky and kneel to their parents. You must remember."

"Yes, Master!"

The unanimous response of the disciples shook the entire forest, while the reporters outside were eager to know what happened.

Facing the soldiers guarding in front of the forest, these reporters were helpless.

Lin Hui looked at the more than 700 middle-aged people on the field and was ecstatic.

I saw that after these disciples didn't see any physical problems, their spiritual power and strength increased a lot.

The most powerful thing is that the cooperation of these people just now makes them seem to have the ability to communicate with each other.

Whenever it's time to form a formation, there is no need to shout at all, the other party will know what you want with just one look.

This is the difference between regular Feng Shui masters and bulk Feng Shui masters.

The old emperor looked at these disciples and grandchildren who passed the test, and his heart was overjoyed, but he still maintained the old emperor's force, and his hands were already trembling a little with his hands behind his back, which was exciting.

Under Lin Hui's instructions, the disciples put away all the sacrificial items prepared for them by the Supernatural Bureau, and then led by Lin Hui, they began to respectfully ask Xie Zhenren to leave such a good bronze door for future generations.

At this time, the black cloud over their heads seemed to be getting thicker and thicker.

Yan Zhenzhen was still worried, and whispered in Lin Hui's ear:

"Master, will these sky thunders bring those of us who have changed our lives against the sky all of a sudden?"

Lin Hui had never encountered such a situation before, so he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Forget it, let's talk about the real Xie Sa first."

Su Dingfang and Yan Zhenzhen led the crowd to start a large-scale collective worship.

"Heaven and earth are all directions, and the gods are above. Today, I, Lin Hui, thank Senior Sa for the inheritance left. We will definitely do our best to develop our potential, purify the world for the world, and purify my heart."

"Purify the world, purify my heart!!!"

The shouts of 780 people once again startled the reporters down the mountain.

"What are they calling? Can anyone hear it clearly?"

"It seems to be something that purifies the world, purifies my heart, right?"

"Purify the world? Hehe, the island country needs people to purify it most now. Why don't we send some people who were so happy just now to the island country to help them?"

"Hahahaha, who doesn't know that the island country is preparing to go to war with the powerful country. I heard that all the powerful people on the island have been killed, and now the emperor of the powerful country is furious."

Netizens guessed that there was nothing wrong with it. The emperor of a powerful country had already thrown away all the things that could be thrown away in his bedroom, and panting heavily, he said:

"I want to grow mushrooms for the island country!!!"

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