Feng Shui: Opening Secret Nine Money Raising Corpse Caves

Chapter 116 Repercussions from all walks of life

When the images above the Big Wild Goose Pagoda dissipated, the thousands of newly promoted Lin Hui's apprentices kneeling below each had different physical enhancements.

This is what Lin Hui bestowed on them, and it is also the improvement of their physical fitness that the system has allowed them to obtain.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the physical changes of this group of elderly men and women are like taking a panacea for rejuvenation.

They saw that the scars that were not covered by the old man's clothes disappeared, their numb eyes glowed, and the wrinkles on their faces were smoothed out, as if a wave of energy rushed into their bodies, making them glow A new light.

"I'll go, this group of people seem to be reborn now!"

"Master Lin is really amazing! It can also make people rejuvenate!!"

"No, I'm going to apprentice too."

"Don't stop me, I want to apprentice. Hurry to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda!"

The people watching the live broadcast suddenly became excited.With rejuvenation, is immortality far away?

These reactions are only one-sided, and the reactions of other sectors are beyond everyone's expectations.

The archaeological community is too busy now, but the scene of the prosperous Tang Dynasty above the Big Wild Goose Pagoda made them excited again.

"This... this is the prosperous Tang Dynasty. This is the legendary prosperous Tang Dynasty."

Although the duration of the image is not long.But the scenery and characters inside have already excited these archaeologists.

"Hurry up, find out the playback of this video, I want to see the real Tang Dynasty, I want to study carefully what the real Datang is like."

"Teacher, why don't we study Lao Tzu now?"

"Go back first, Tang Shengshi has a better chance than Lao Tzu to break through the original research results."

Another audience group is as crazy as the archaeological field.

"Quick, show me that replay and watch it again. This is the real Tang Dynasty. We must present such scenes in our film and television dramas."

"Director, our set has already been done. Let's do it again now, isn't there... a bit of a loss?"

"You know what? Now all the audiences in Longguo have seen the real Tang Dynasty. Our drama still uses such a background, isn't it just a look?"

This is the case for the film and television production team of the ancient Tang Dynasty that is being filmed on the set, and some TV drama scripts based on Master Lin Hui have appeared in the film and television production companies that are not yet ready to shoot.

It is estimated that the entertainment industry will roll up a number of film and television themes based on the fantasy of the Dragon Kingdom.

These are only one aspect of the influence on the current Long Kingdom, and its far-reaching influence is still being fermented in the discussion of another group of people.

"That's virtual reality! Plus an aerial projection!!"

"I used to say that Master Lin Hui's miraculous practice is scientific, and you have been rejecting it, but now it has been confirmed that this is the real situation. This is not a hoax, this is not a hoax, this... is not a hoax! !!"

"That's right, we are from the Dragon Kingdom. We must realize this technology by scientific means."

"Professor Tang is already doing research, and I heard that a cooperation agreement has been reached with Fulong Temple. It is estimated that results will appear soon."

The major scientific research institutions in the Dragon Kingdom are discussing whether these technologies can be realized by scientific means, and the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom also knows that this is a far-reaching technology, and he ordered all departments to give the green light to such research.

And Professor Tang, who took the lead in researching these miraculous Taoism, is now throwing a tantrum in Fulong Temple:
"What? Our theory doesn't support our research yet?"

"Professor, only Master Lin's master and apprentice can perform such Taoist rituals in Fulong Temple. They..."

"These will affect our focus on overtaking foreign technology in corners. No matter what the cost is, we must combine our theory with practice. Hurry up, let's go to Chang'an to find Master Lin..."

"The Supreme Emperor said that no one...no one is allowed to disturb Master Lin."


Professor Tang is also worried about his students, if there is no research object for scientific research.That was fatal.

"No, I have to make it clear to the Supreme Emperor myself."

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned to look for the old emperor.

The old emperor is smiling all over his face in the Sutra Pavilion now. Not only is Lao Tzu about to be confirmed, but now there are no less than a thousand disciples and grandchildren, and all of them are apprentices with skills.

Now, Fulong Temple can not only stand at the religious pinnacle of Dragon Kingdom, but also break arms with that mighty Western monotheism.

After Professor Tang arrived and stated the importance of these studies to him, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Do it, you have to do it. And it's going to be a big deal..."

While patting his thighs and applauding, he thought about how Lin Hui felt about this matter.

"You... wait when you go back. I'll discuss it with Lin Hui."

Professor Tang was not willing to go, and stood there blinking his eyes expecting something. The old emperor couldn't care so much at this time, so he picked up his mobile phone and called Lin Hui.

After Lin Hui heard about the old emperor, he pondered for a while before agreeing.

He doesn't have much hope for using scientific means to study Taoism.

"After all, these are two different paths, and it's not as simple as talking about it."

However, when he saw that the island country was now included in the research targets by Mao Xiong and Qiang Guo, he also felt that this was the trend of the times in the entire world.

"Hey, I've become the leader of this trend?"

It is not only Mao Xiong and Qiangguo who are also paying attention to the island country, but also the supernatural bureau of Longguo is also paying close attention.

The whole quest hall was noisy with various Taoist disciples who were accepting and handing in quests. Although everyone was very interested in what Lin Hui had done, in their view, they actually completed the quest and got the points to exchange for Lin Hui’s stay in Fukuoka. The basic Taoist essentials in Longguan are really the most practical.

But on this day, everyone found that in the task list, there were more observation tasks about island countries.

"Huh? Is this the same as Qiangguo and Maoxiong that list island countries as observation objects?"

"Why do you care so much? Just complete the task, and it doesn't look too difficult."

"Yes, it's just that this task seems a bit weird. It needs to take pictures of the situation on the island. And you can't interfere in any island country's affairs?"

"That's right, the scope of this matter is also listed in detail, including the mission actions that Qiangguo and Maoxiong have made against the islanders. We can't interfere."

"It seems that we need to be war reporters. Hehe..."

"Whatever, this task has a lot of points. Take it..."

"Go together..."

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