The start inherits the inheritance of Dao Zu

Chapter 286 As expected of my boss

How could he lose to these people in front of him so easily?

At the moment, the whole person let out a roar without any accident, and then the surrounding aura also quickly gathered towards Yu Xingtao at this time.

Yu Xingtao hurriedly held the petals to resist the aura, and at the same time, Yu Fei was directly repelled by the aura several steps in an instant.

At this moment, the surrounding blood vines still condensed towards the two of them unabated.

At this time, Su Jin was looking for the so-called blood vine flower body in the hall.

It's just that although this hall is not big, at this time they still have no way to find the so-called body.

Regarding this, Wang Kulou also said dejectedly: "It seems that this thing is destined to not find those bodies."

"Impossible, as long as the blood vine puts its body in this place, it will definitely be around, and it can't be in other places." The snow lotus in Ye Yuhe's body said again.

They are also herbal soul bodies, so he naturally knows the mind of the soul body.

Even if Yang Jian is locked in this place, it means that the blood vine flower will definitely be here at this time.

"Here." Just when Wang Kulou and others were still puzzled, Su Jin looked at the box in front of her and said coldly.

According to his feeling, what exists inside must be the so-called blood vine flower itself.

But this box is locked by blood vines at this time, no matter what breath blow Su Jin uses, it will be of no use at this time.

Seeing this, Wang Kulou slashed away with the bone knife in his hand.

With the sound of clang, a flower appeared in the surrounding breath at this moment, and then the blood vines that were guarding directly hit Wang Kulou with a vine.

This hunting god-level strength directly knocked Wang Kuku back several steps.

"This breath is stronger than the one outside, and it almost shattered my bone knife." Wang Kulou put away the cracked bone knife, showing a hint of surprise.

You have to know that this bone knife has been fighting with me for so long, but this thing has not happened yet, and now it is actually messed up by a small plant at this time.

"Just kidding, this is the real soul body of the blood vine flower. If you want to open it, the only way is to crack this thing, otherwise it is absolutely impossible." Just when Su Jin and the others were still wondering, Xue Ling said again .

"Then what should we do now!" At this moment, they have absolutely nothing to do, but they can't just watch things here and do nothing.

"Oops, the blood vines outside are going to summon the main body." At this moment, the box in front of them suddenly began to shake, and then the vines condensed towards the outside at this time.

Seeing this, Su Jin and Wang Kulou hurriedly retreated, but even so, they were still forcibly injured by a breath at this moment.

At the same time, the blood vines flashed for a while, and then completely disappeared.

"Let's retreat first." Seeing this, Su Jin said helplessly in a low voice, and then signaled Wang Kulou and Ye Yuhe to leave.

"This is the main body?" Yu Xingtao looked at a flower that appeared in front of them, showing a hint of surprise.

Now the blood vine flower soul body has no strength to fight again, and although his main purpose is to kill Su Jin, his secondary purpose is also to get the blood vine flower.

After all, it is also a ten-thousand-year medicinal material, and it must have a great effect.

"Do you want it?" Yu Fei said slowly while looking at the blood vine flowers in the sky with his battle sword.

His appearance here is nothing more than Yu Shengxiao's help. Although ten thousand years of medicinal herbs are scarce, but their three sects are the largest sect on the other side, how could they still lack this thing?
"Naturally." Yu Xingtao glanced at Yu Fei and then said calmly.

He had roughly guessed that Yu Fei didn't like this thing, so at this time he could completely rely on Yu Fei's hand to help.

"Do you think you can get it?" The blood vine flower, kneeling on the ground in pain, also let out a roar.

At this time, General Blood's spell was even faster, and the blood stains on the blood vines also quickly dissipated at this time.

At the same time, the blood vines, which seemed to be slightly useful before, also became extremely soft at this time.

But after the blood vine flower soul body, it is still very difficult to look up here.

Seeing these situations, Yu Xingtao waved the big knife in his hand and slashed directly without saying a word.

Seeing this breath, the soul body of the blood vine flower on the ground let out a powerless roar, and then Yu Xingtao chopped off several blood vines with a single knife.

"It looks like you can't do it anymore." Yu Xingtao said with a smile when he saw this, and at the same time, the breath in his hand changed rapidly at this time.

He slashed directly at the blood vine flower again.

The body of the blood vine flower, which was in great pain on the ground, exuded a terrifying aura, which exploded in an instant.

"Madman." Seeing this, Yu Fei yelled, and then Yu Jian floated in the sky, and the blood vines on the ground also quickly broke.

General Blood, who was reciting the spell, stepped back several steps under the breath of this breath, and then fell to the ground without any accidents, motionless.

With the help of this breath, Yu Xingtao floated in the sky and used energy to resist the damage of the explosion.

"He won't blow himself up, will he?" Wang Kuku, who was watching the battle not far away, also said with a hint of helplessness.

After all, this blood vine flower is their target this time. If the blood vine flower itself explodes, it will be tantamount to losing this medicinal material directly.

"No, it must be impossible for the blood vine to give up on this matter." Seeing this, Su Jin smiled faintly.

Although the blood vine flower soul body wants to detonate the blood vine flower body, judging from the box, this blood vine flower should have two soul bodies, which are similar to the double sheng flowers in his bully sword.

"But we can't find such a big smoke at all." Looking at the aftereffects of the explosion, Wang Kulou said with a hint of helplessness.

"Ye Yuhe, are you sure?" Su Jin looked at Ye Yuhe, who was staring at the smoke, with a hint of doubt.

Ye Yuhe also showed a smile when he saw it, and then quickly flew towards the smoke with Su Jin.

Waiting for the smoke to disperse, I saw Su Jin holding the body of the blood vine flower in one hand, and the soul body of the blood vine flower in the other hand.

"As expected of my boss."

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