The start inherits the inheritance of Dao Zu

Chapter 280 Blood Vine Exhibition Competition

After all, they chose to take refuge in the Blood Vine Flower, and they had already betrayed the Blood Vine Clan.

If they betrayed the blood vine flower in the future, there would be no place for them to accommodate them.

"Look for someone." General Xue looked at the people around him who were still planning to speak, and said in a cold voice.

Hearing these people around here also couldn't help showing a smile, and then they left here to explore other places.

At this time, Su Jin was refining the so-called detoxification herb.

Although he has devoured the detoxification herb more than he has now, the detoxification herb still contains a lot of aura.

Su Jin has no way to swallow them all in a short time, and it is precisely because of this that Su Jin continuously transmits breath to the ground.

"Hero, can you make some fancy things less moving?" Su Jin is in retreat and doesn't know the current situation.

But at this time, Yu Xingtao was taken aback.

The surrounding aura is so terrifying, as long as there is a little person around here who can sense this aura.

That would be tantamount to knowing the addresses of these people directly. You must know that Yu Xingtao is still injured, so it is definitely not appropriate to mess around at this time.

"Wait for a while, I'm going to be fine." Su Jin also smiled helplessly, and then another breath hit the ground.

In an instant, the blood vines of the entire blood vine family began to wither again, and even a few beads of blood vines had lost their vitality at this time.

"Aren't you too scary?" Yu Xingtao said helplessly when he walked outside and looked at the blood vines that had bottomed out on the ground.

You must know that these blood vines are equivalent to a person's life, but they haven't done anything yet at this time.

Just let a few blood vines wither, at this time Yu Xingtao doesn't think he has the strength.

"Then you still dare to speak against me?" Su Jin smiled helplessly at this.

"To kill you is what the lotus taught people, and I was just following orders." Yu Xingtao smiled helplessly at this, and then took out the petals again and carefully looked around.

But after several days of investigation, Yu Xingtao and Su Jin found that none of these people seemed to be there.

And all of them are in a arena in the castle.

"Could it be that those people went there to compete in martial arts?" Su Jin glanced at Yu Xingtao and said helplessly.

"If you are afraid of death, then don't go." Yu Xingtao smiled casually, and then rushed there quickly at this time.

"Did you tell me this sentence?" Su Jin also laughed at this, and then disappeared in place.

Knowing that Ye Yuhe and Wang Kulou were still there, how could he not go there.

Besides, he had to go there to see what had happened so far.

Of course, the two of them didn't approach there directly, but each watched the arena not far away.

At this time, those blood vines in the martial arts field are constantly fighting.

At this time, these blood vines hit him continuously, and the opponent also responded with blood vines at this time.

The two of them continued to fight like this.

Surrounding them were Blood Vine Flower, Blood General and others, who were watching the battle off the court with great interest.

"What's so interesting about this?" Looking at these Su Jin was also speechless.

If it is an extremely fierce battle between the two sides, maybe there will be something really interesting.

"Hey, your lover and your friend are over there." Yu Xingtao also whispered to Su Jin at this time, and then motioned Su Jin to look not far away.

In a prison not far away, Wang Kulou and Ye Yuhe were practicing with their eyes closed. Judging from their state, there should be no problem now.

Seeing this, Su Jin couldn't help but feel at ease. After all, as long as they are all right, then the best thing for him is next.

"Okay, let's go down." The blood vine flower who was on the stage said at this time.

The blood vine who was beating the opponent also started to retreat for a while.

Then the blood vine flower waved its hand again, and the cage holding Ye Yuhe and Wang Kulou slowly landed in the middle of the arena at this moment.

"I'll give you a choice now, either go on like this for the rest of your life, or kill the two human races in front of you." Blood Vine Flower may also be tired of seeing them constantly whipping, so at this time, Ye Yuhe and Wang Kulou directly It was lifted up.

Wang Kulou and others, who were closing their eyes to rest, frowned involuntarily at this time.

Although these people are not very strong, after all, these people have helped their group before.
If they did something to these blood vines at this time, it would be more or less unreasonable.

"I almost gave it to you, and then I will look at yours." Blood Vine Flower looked at the disciples of the Blood Vine Group who were extremely puzzled, and sneered at the moment, and then looked at it not far away as if watching a good show here.

"Then I'll kill you first." Wang Kulou yelled as soon as he heard it, and then the bone knife in his hand directly turned into an extremely sharp treasured knife. At this time, this precious knife struck towards the blood vine flower extremely quickly .

Seeing that aura, the blood vine flower sneered coldly, and then waved her hand slightly, the surrounding aura changed in an instant, and then a layer of sky net was directly condensed around the martial arts field.

This Skynet came down without any accidents at this time.

"Wang Kulou is careful." Seeing this, Ye Yuhe hurriedly waved the dagger in his hand, and a breath went directly, and the surrounding Skynet also slowly disappeared at this time.

At this time, Wang Kulou was forced to the martial arts arena again without any accident.

"Hahaha, do you think you guys can escape?" Blood Vine Flower looked at the helpless Wang Kuku on the ground, and said with a big laugh.

At the same time, it also signaled the surrounding blood generals to strengthen their energy again at this time.

Seeing the blood vine clan disciples on the ground here seemed to feel a heavy blow in their brains for a moment, and at this moment they all felt extremely painful.

"It's still the same sentence, I'll continue to choose for you, I hope you won't be ungrateful." Blood Vine Flower looked at them and said coldly again.

Then he also appeared not far away at this time, looking at the arena very calmly.

"Blood vine flower, you are so cruel." Wang Kulou looked at the disciple of the blood vine whose eyes were slowly turning red, showing a hint of helplessness at the moment, and then directly took out the bone knife in his hand.

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