Now that Su Jin's hole cards have all been revealed, Jin Ao naturally has no worries at this time.

Thinking of this, Jin Ao slapped Su Jin directly without any surprise.

Su Jin turned her hand again, and the Ba Saber and Tianji Arrow in the sky attacked at the same time to resist the aura.

Then Su Jin used the touch of breath to back up quickly.

Seeing the tail stab behind Jin Ao here, he also directly hit the Su family.

After all, Su Jin had no backer, and under such circumstances, Jin Ao didn't need to worry about Su Jin's tricks.

Looking at the tail stab, Su Jin could only summon the two weapons again to block the terrifying tail stab attack.

"Su Jin, let me see what skills you have now." Jin Ao looked at Su Jin in front of him and said with a smile.

"You can try it again." Hearing these words, Su Jin also smiled indifferently, and then Ba Dao and Tianji Arrow appeared beside Su Jin hesitantly.

"Only defending but not attacking, do you think you have the ability?" Seeing this, Jin Ao sneered coldly, and then walked out in one step.

The whole ground was directly cracked by Jin Ao's aura, and Wang Kulou was forcibly forced back several steps by that aura before he even made a move.

"If this is your strength, then maybe you can't do it." Jin Ao looked at Wang Kulou and Su Jin and said coldly.

Then the breath in his hand quickly hit the ground at this moment.

Wang Kulou hurriedly held the bone knife to resist the aura, but he was still not Jin Ao's opponent.

"Su Jin, do you think you still have a chance?" Jin Ao looked at Wang Kuku who was defeated in one blow, and said with a smile at the moment.

"You can try it." Hearing this, Su Jin also smiled coldly, and then the breath in his hand quickly condensed at this moment.

Ba Dao and Tianji Arrow in the sky also made a roaring sound at this time.

Hearing this, Jin Ao stepped out lightly, and then he appeared in front of Su Jin in an instant, and punched Su Jin directly.

Su Jin hurriedly used Ba Dao and Tianji Arrow to resist the aura, and at the same time retreated quickly, and it was Jin Ao who appeared behind Su Jin in an instant and punched him again.

"Be careful." Before Su Jin had time to react this time, Ye Yuhe directly appeared and pulled Su Jin away, and then the dagger in his hand flashed out to resist the aura.

"That's right." Jin Ao also smiled coldly when he saw this, and then the aura in his hands also planned to quickly suppress them towards them at this time.

"It's too late." At this time, Su Jin said coldly, and then the Tyrannosaurus Sword and Tianji Arrow beside him directly intercepted Jin Ao who was about to strike.

"Do you think this is enough strength?" Jin Ao said coldly with a smile when he saw these things, his eyes were full of disdain.

Although this temporarily suppressed him, but in the long run, the people who suffer are still those of them.

"Then what if I'm added?" At this time, Wang Kulou shouted again, and then he directly hit Jin Ao with a bone knife on the ground for a moment.

Looking at the aura, Jin Ao clearly knew that he had to avoid it, but because he was already restrained by them, he didn't have any chance at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the bone knife directly passed through his body.

Seeing this, Ye Yuhe backed away a little, the dagger in his hand disappeared again, and at the same time, he led Wang Kuku back several steps.

And the Ba Saber and Tianji Arrow in the sky were also moved away by Su Jin at this time.

"How about it, I said that your person is not his opponent, do you believe me now?" Boss Crocodile looked at the Wind Spirit Grass in front of him and laughed, and then punched Mu Rao directly.

"Jin Ao don't fight them anymore, go to the treasure and destroy it." Feng Lingcao frowned when she saw it, but then shouted to Jin Ao who was not far away.

Hearing these words, Jin Ao nodded, and then ran outside with serious injuries.

"Don't worry, Boss Crocodile, we'll help you get it back." Seeing this, Su Jin and Wang Kulou looked at each other, and then said in a low voice.

After saying this, Su Jin and the three quickly chased after Jin Ao.

"You guys." Boss Crocodile was also very angry when he saw it, and the breath in his hand was concentrated at this moment, and he planned to make a move.

But he was directly intercepted by the Wind Spirit Grass at the side, and he looked at Boss Crocodile in front of him and said, "I can't get this thing, so don't even think about it."

"Did you forget that you are just a medicinal material." Hearing this, the crocodile boss also said coldly.

Boss Crocodile understands that the main body of Fenglingcao must be in the treasure, so if Jin Ao destroys that place.

That Wind Spirit Grass must surely die.

"Hahaha, don't think about instigating Fenglingcao." Jin Ao's father said coldly when he heard it, and then joined Fenglingcao again.

"I'm just reminding you." Boss Crocodile said again when he saw that the two of them had unlocked the fusion just now.

After that, another breath directly hit Fenglingcao.

"You think this is enough!" Feng Lingcao just sneered at this, and then slapped them directly, and the surrounding strong wind directly wrapped the two of them together in an instant.

At this time, Su Jin and others followed Jin Ao to a place.

There is a door above this, and it is obvious that as long as the last door is opened, what appears inside is treasure.

And Jin Ao was out of breath when he came here, and at the same time, his planning state began to slowly change to the previous state.

Seeing that Su Jin, Wang Kulou and others also appeared here directly, Su Jin looked at Jin Ao helplessly and said, "Although I know you are not sincere, I still thank you for your hard work."

After saying these words, Tianji Arrow appeared in the sky and was ready to assassinate Jin Ao.

"Wait, let me go, I can tell you whatever you want." In the face of life and death, anything is useless, so at this time, Jin Ao simply gave up his dignity.

"If this is the case, then tell me how to open this place." Hearing this, Su Jin smiled helplessly, then looked at the front door and said to Jin Ao.

Although they knew that there was a treasure behind it, it was still a question of whether they could open it.

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