The start inherits the inheritance of Dao Zu

Chapter 20 Talking to the Earth Immortal

"Do you know a man named Huang Yu?"


Ye Yuhe hastily grabbed Su Jin's mouth, "You are not afraid of death! If anyone knows that you call the emperor by his name, it will be a crime of beheading!" A layer of cold sweat.

Su Jin felt that it didn't matter, after all, he was just his unfilial disciple, let alone calling him by name, he could just slap his face.

"Then let me ask you, what would you do if I were Su Jin?" Su Jin asked as if it didn't matter.

"Ah? I don't know. The people above want me to kill Su Jin. I will definitely do it, but if you are... I am a little hesitant." Ye Yuhe answered the question seriously.

Su Jin laughed, and waved her hands to show that she didn't care.

"I can tell you that it is impossible for him to come. You can continue to wait, or follow me in the future." Su Jin asked.

"I chose to continue waiting." Ye Yuhe smiled.

Su Jin shook her head, "Forget it, fate cannot be forced."

Ye Yuhe didn't say anything, Su Jin walked out slowly and flew to Ye Dynasty.

Ye Yuhe continued her journey of waiting, but she couldn't wait in this lifetime.

Ye Yuhe also guessed that the so-called Pan An was a fake name, he was Su Jin, but the answer came out, she would not hurt Su Jin.

It took Su Jin a day to arrive at Ye Dynasty.

Very prosperous, this was Su Jin's first thought, bustling with people selling things.

"Stop! Boy, you look familiar. It must be someone who owes me a hundred and eighty silver, or a lot of cultivation resources! Hand it over quickly, or you will be arrested." The guard saw Su Jin's unfamiliar face, and said The vice-scholar also seemed to be plotting something wrong in his heart.

Su Jin doesn't have any money, but there are a lot of big mouths, so I don't know if he wants it or not.

Su Jin waved her hand.

When the guard saw Su Jin like this, he knew that it was easy to bully him, and anyone with some cultivation would question him instead.

Since it is a soft persimmon, then pinch it to death.

"Bold! You actually lied to me. Then what else do you have on your body? If you don't give me an explanation, then don't even think about leaving!" the guard shouted arrogantly.

People around have seen it too, but they are all used to it.

Su Jin felt it was funny, and looked at his cultivation base to laugh even more: "A mere doorman, who is only at the peak of innate cultivation base, you actually questioned me and blackmailed me."

Su Jin seemed to have heard some funny joke, but the guard did panic.

Su Jin is very upset now so...

"Since you are so intent on seeking death, I will send you back to the West!" Su Jin suddenly picked up a spiritual knife.

The guard panicked completely, "Don't kill me, I'm the brother of the deputy commander's son!"

Su Jin didn't seem to hear it, "Ba Dao, Tian He Yi cut!"

The Spiritual Qi Knife erupted with great power in an instant, beheading the guard directly, and passers-by watched the show with great interest.

Su Jin glanced over, and the power of the peak of the fairy instantly scared them away.

"Where is the thief! He dared to trespass on our country and even killed the guard." A man who was already at the seventh or eighth level jumped out, but Su Jin slapped him into a pulp.

Su Jin looked at his corpse coldly, "The villain died because of talking too much, he died early and was born early."

The pressure of the Earth Immortal erupted in the distance like a tiger, and the raptor descended the mountain.

Su Jin didn't care about it at all, they were just ants, even those in the realm of the earth fairy were just so-called weak chickens.

Just a little bit stronger.

"Bold thief! How dare you kill someone in front of me, do you really think I'm not there? I've guarded this country for thousands of years, so what kind of country are you from?" the strong Earth Immortal shouted.

Su Jin grinned, and instantly disappeared in place, flying directly to the side of the strong Earth Immortal.

"Three-character mantra, slow down!" Su Jin said, then walked to the side to wash her hands, and then slowly grabbed his neck.

But the strong Earth Immortal only felt that he was trapped, unable to move.

However, Su Jin knew it wasn't, it was just that he slowed down his body's reaction force by ten thousand times, which was due to the concentration of his aura.

His battle with Yu He was just a temporary cultivation base given to him by the system, and at that time, it was only a distance between the peak of the Earth Immortal and the realm of the True Immortal.

Now there are mad immortals on the heavenly immortals, and it is only the real immortals.

If not, give him a slow down of [-] million, and he will have to cry and faint in the toilet.

After all, [-] million times is easy to say, but it is really difficult to do it.

It takes [-] million seconds to do something that can be done in one second. One can imagine the gap.

However, the strength of the Earth Immortal has been reduced a lot, and it directly becomes a thousand seconds for one second.

If he was at the peak of the Celestial Immortal, then this move would be useless. That's right, that's why he wasn't afraid of assassins.

There are two disciples in this eastern continent, who happened to be true immortals after they recognized their ancestors and returned to their clan.

Then he can also do whatever he wants in this eastern continent.

Su Jin suddenly realized that there was something left to ask, so he cut off his spiritual veins with three spiritual qi, and temporarily he was a mortal except for his physical body.

"Who are you!" The strong Earth Immortal showed horror on his face, obviously he knew that he was no match.

But he didn't back down either. If he was greedy for life and afraid of death, he might kneel down and beg for mercy.

Su Jin nodded in satisfaction. Since the emperor Huang Yu is his disciple, he also pays close attention to these matters.

"This is Huang Yu's patriarch." Su Jin felt like imitating that kind of immortal demeanor, but the strong earth celestial being laughed out loud.

"Master Patriarch, hahaha! Boy, you are going to laugh me to death. Let's not say how old our emperor is. With your strength, I am afraid that if you are our king, you will die without a place to bury you. Return to your ancestors." Master." The strong Earth Immortal smiled generously, but every word and every word revealed a hint of sarcasm.

Su Jin wasn't angry either, could it be that a weak chicken would get angry?
He just sneered sinisterly and shook his head.

The Earth Immortal powerhouse was taken aback, but this kid would not become angry from embarrassment, "Although I don't know how your cultivation base came about, I can only say that besides your cultivation base, you also have your heaven-defying skills. It’s so weak! If one day you want to break through that realm and become a mortal and practice the Three Lives III, if you are not careful, you will be flattened by the sea.” The strong Earth Immortal said seriously.

Su Jin stared into his eyes without a trace of strangeness, it was obvious that this guy was not lying.

"Don't talk about me first, just talk about yourself, what strength do you have? What can you do?" Su Jin tilted her head and smiled.

"Boy, I think your bone age is only so small. Even if I am one-thousandth of my age, I am older than you. If I guess correctly, you will either be infused with a lifetime of cultivation by a mad fairy peak powerhouse, or It's from Zhongzhou." The strong Earth Immortal looked at Su Jin and said.

Su Jin also became interested. This old man does know a lot, but he does know about the first one.

But he knew very little about this world.

"Zhongzhou? How about Zhongzhou? Why can those from Zhongzhou reach my level of cultivation?" Su Jin narrowed her eyes and asked with a smile.

The strong Earth Immortal also smiled, "Sure enough, it's a little hairy boy with no hair. There is a place in Zhongzhou called the Nine-Stories Tower. The monsters in the tower are very special, with very strong strength and combat experience."

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