"Get out? You should think about how to get out." Ye Li, who was on the side, also walked over and said helplessly.

"What do you mean?" Hearing this, Zhu Chengren and Yu Fei also looked at Ye Li with doubts, not understanding what it meant.

"Look at what's going on around you." Su Jin also said with a helpless smile, with endless helplessness revealed in her eyes.

The two of them subconsciously looked around when they heard this, only to realize that the whole place had long lost the integrity it had before.

A lot of things were directly submerged because of the battle between the two of them, which was tantamount to indirectly destroying this place.

It is precisely because of this that at this time, they can't find a way to crack it at all.

Not to mention going out, this is almost impossible.

Regarding this situation, Su Jin also shook her head helplessly, obviously he didn't know what to do about this kind of thing.

"Let's go to other places to see." Wu Huang looked at them and said helplessly again.

Emperor Wu has lived in this place for a long time, so he can still understand some things. Now that the main entrance can't go out, they can try to see the side view, right?

Zhu Chengren shook his fan in satisfaction when he heard it. This time, the fan in his hand turned into a precious fan. Before launching the attack, there was a very strange aura around him.

Looking at the fan, Yu Fei on the side also smiled coldly, and the surrounding swords were also constantly spinning in the sky.

Seeing this, Su Jin was speechless. She was doing well before, but now why is there so much civil strife at this time.

A group of them came to a strange entrance led by Emperor Wu. Looking at this entrance, Emperor Wu smiled at them and said, "This place is the final place."

"Go and have a look." Zhu Chengren waved his fan and said to the servants beside him.

The man nodded, and then walked directly inside.

"Young master, everything is safe inside." Not long after, the person inside also heard a very excited voice.

Maybe that person saw hope, so he was so excited.

"Let's go." Zhu Chengren nodded with satisfaction when he saw it, and then led the people around him to walk inside.

Seeing those people around here also hurried to keep up.

But Emperor Wu was not in a hurry, he seemed to be waiting for something.

"Why don't you go?" Su Jin saw that the Iron Fan Sect and Yu Jian Sect were already walking towards the intersection.

But Emperor Wu didn't seem to have the intention of leaving at this time, and immediately stopped and looked at Emperor Wu suspiciously.

Emperor Wu didn't speak but smiled coldly at this time, it was obvious that Emperor Wu seemed to have a plan in mind at this time.

But Emperor Wu didn't intend to tell these people around him.

"You guys go first, I'll be there later." Emperor Wu was also taken aback when he heard that, then shook his head helplessly and said.

"No, I'll follow you." But Su Jin is not simple, he also said very directly at the moment.

Wang Kulou and others who were about to leave also stopped when they heard this sentence, because they felt that the emperor's motives were not pure.

"I don't mean anything, I just want to stay and take a look." Seeing the eyes of Su Jin and others, he smiled helplessly again and said.

"If this is the case, then I might be embarrassed." Hearing this, Su Jin directly took out the Ba Saber.

"What? Are you going to do something to me?" Seeing this, Emperor Wu also smiled coldly, and at the same time, the killing intent in his eyes gradually condensed.

"Others are afraid of you. That's other people's business. For me, those things are unnecessary." Su Jin said indifferently, and the Ba Dao in her hand was ready to strike at this moment.

Seeing this, Emperor Wu smiled coldly, and then the afterimage stayed where it was.

"Want to run?" Seeing this, Wang Kulou hurriedly took the bone knife and prepared to chase after him.

"Don't chase Wang Kuku, we can't beat him." Su Jin also said helplessly to Wang Kuku.

They have all fought before, and they are not opponents at all. Now that Emperor Wu retreats without a fight, he must have his own intentions.

Seeing those who had already left, Su Jin smiled helplessly, and then walked towards the cave with Wang Kulou and others.

"There are also murals here?" Su Jin, who was about to leave, saw the murals on the wall, and showed a little doubt.

If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be similar murals in that cave when they came here before.

"This type of mural doesn't seem to have much effect, but in fact no one knows how it is." Wang Kulou looked at the surrounding murals and explained helplessly.

I also encountered this kind of mural ten thousand years ago, but there was nothing too strange about the original mural.

Now that I see these murals, I just take them for a look, and they are not of much use anyway.

"This picture seems to be for cultivation." At this time, Ye Yuhe suddenly saw the strange picture and said with a hint of doubt.

Hearing this, they also hurriedly looked, but they really saw a very miraculous scene.

The person on this mural is practicing cultivation, and the other patterns also look weird, in short, Su Jin can't understand it at all at this time.

"Let's go quickly, the surroundings are starting to collapse." At this time, the cave shook for a moment, directly shaking them who were looking at the murals awake.

Su Jin nodded when she heard that, and then quickly ran outside with the people around her.

Boom, after they left, the things in the iron door collapsed suddenly, and in the ruins, there was a person who looked at them leaving faintly.

This person is none other than the Emperor Wu who just left.

He looked at those who left and smiled with relief, and then left here, and no one knew where he went.

And those people who were waiting outside at this time were also very anxious, because when Zhu Chengren and others were fighting inside, the seal was constantly emitting light.

Anyone seeing the light disappear, they dare not go in, they can only guard outside.

"Forget it." The man from the Lotus Sect said directly after looking inside.

After saying this, his body flickered and he walked directly inside.

But before they could go in, they were directly rushed out by a group of people, who were Zhu Chengren and others who were fleeing.

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