Traveler of the Plane World

Chapter 13 Kidnapping the Whole City

"Hello, may I ask where the nearest news broadcasting group should go?" Lin He asked an old white man walking on the street.

The current time is 21:[-] noon, and there are only [-] hours left before the last time to survive.

"Ah~" The old white man was still a little dissatisfied when he was pulled. He stood up and was about to scold him. He just glanced at Lin He, but he swallowed hard what he was about to say.

His legs and feet were weak and he was about to collapse to the ground, pointing at Lin He with trembling fingers, unable to say a word.

Today is not April Fool's Day. He felt that God had played a joke on him and sent an evil devil to him. He must have not prayed today.

"Sir, if you keep pointing at me like this, I doubt if it will still be on your body." Lin He smiled at the old white man: "Tell me, the building where the nearest News Corporation is. "

"You devil, you will definitely go to hell." The old white man came back to his senses, retracted his fingers, and growled at Lin He with gritted teeth.

"Are you not afraid?" Lin He shook his head lightly after speaking, and patted the old white man with his hands.


The old white man turned into a phantom and crashed into the shop across the street.

Because of the consequences of the riots in the city, the shops along the street have been suspended. Some small supermarkets can only open their shops carefully in order to maintain their lives. They pay attention to the outside world at all times and are ready to close at any time.

There are always some criminals who like to fish in troubled waters, smashing up shops and looting, although at this time the riots along the street are basically suppressed by armed forces.

The tanks and helicopters approaching the outskirts of New York are not decorations, and the hideous muzzles are not just used as a deterrent and do nothing.

Any situation that threatens the power of the government and personal safety may be misfired.

Lin He's movement was not big, and the impact it caused was not that deep. There were not many people on this road, and more people rushed past by themselves in a hurry, and they would not stay much.

In this troubled time, although some people recognized him, they kept silent for fear of attracting hatred.

Heroism is not the kind of mindless yelling. Just because I know this, even if I want freedom and truth in my heart, I still will not abandon everything and join the parade.

Not all are necessarily stupid.

Lin He could only sigh, and found another person to ask for directions. This time, there was no other trouble. He simply asked for the address of News Corp. and flew there, leaving the panic-stricken man with shortness of breath behind. White youth.

"It should be here."

Stopping at the door of DSD News Corporation, Lin He walked towards the inside without looking at the security guard. The security guard found that Lin He's shirt was covered with blood and his clothes were disheveled. He wanted to stop him, but was sent flying by an invisible force. out.


Ignoring the terrified eyes of others, she walked into the elevator without squinting and headed towards the 23rd floor with the studio. Seeing Lin He disappearing in the elevator, the front desk lady let out a long breath with a look of fear on her face.

Obviously recognized Lin He, and quickly called the police.

And all of this has no effect on Lin He, and now he is going to do something more meaningful.

Pushing open the door marking live broadcast room No. [-], Lin He walked in slowly, looking at the busy figures in front of him. The staff in front stepped forward to stop them, but he gently pushed them aside, making a lot of noise. .

In front of the workbench under the live broadcast hall, it was dark and dark, and there were many figures. If you didn't look carefully, it would be difficult to find that there was an extra person among them. The movement made by Lin He immediately attracted the attention of the staff below.

"Is it live, gentlemen!" Only the corner of Lin He's smiling mouth was outlined in the dark, and a faint voice came from it.

"Damn it, who are you, get out." The director yelled at Lin He with anger on his face.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Lin He, a traveler from the far east." The black shadow slowly took off his coat, and Lin He came out from the shadows. He had an oriental face and a calm smile. So frivolous.

"Bastard, security guard, security guard, come in for me, and drive out the troublemakers." The director angrily picked up the walkie-talkie and said angrily while gesturing to the host on stage to keep his state.

"If you're talking about those big guys outside, I think you don't have to shout, it's a waste of your tongue." Lin He suppressed his smile and murmured expressionlessly: "Of course, I don't mind at all if you become Like that."

The tools placed on the ground began to automatically float in the air, and time stopped at this moment. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Lin He dumbfounded.

"The devil, it's the devil."

"My God, you're going to ruin my job."

"Get out, devil, you are not welcome here, get out of here for us."

Looking at the different faces in front of him, Lin He shook his head with a smile, waved his hand, and the things floating in the air under the control of his thoughts smashed towards their heads.


Nightmare-level fear and an unbearable weight pressed down on their heads, blood spurted, and they fell to the ground crying and suffering.

"Now, can you do me a favor?" The body floated in mid-air, looking down at the staff who fell to the ground and wailed.

"Get out of here, you devil." A burly black man stood up, grabbed the chair beside him and threw it at Lin He.

"Looking for death!" Lin He held the black man in the air with one hand, and a force pulled the black man to slowly hang in the air. He kicked his hands and feet and his face turned blue, and he threw it aside.

Ignoring the group of fearful people, he came to the hostess who had already collapsed on the ground, and stretched out his hand to her with a smile on his face.

"Need help, ma'am?"


A piercing scream sounded, and the hostess scrambled towards the audience. Lin He did not stop her, but shook her head at the staff below: "The live broadcast continues. If you find that the connection is interrupted, you can Don't even think about walking out of this gate, let's start."

A big chair flew from a distance and hung behind him, and he sat down quietly, looking at the camera aimed at him with a calm face, the staff below dared not disobey Lin He's orders no matter how frightened they were.

Life and death are in the hands of this demon.

The personnel stood on their posts, although their bodies were trembling, everything was ready.

"Shit, this news is so bad, go home and have a baby!"

"I can't even do a live broadcast well, and I will never watch such a bad show in the future."

"What the hell happened!"

The live show was suddenly disconnected, causing the audience's emotions to explode. One by one, they clamored to resist the show and the host. They stayed at home, and the people who urgently needed to know the current situation were angry.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Lin He, Shuangmu Lin, He who makes money from harmony. I think you don't understand the meaning of this word."

"I think you all know me, the parade crowd, and the audience friends who are squatting at home."

"I'm sorry to say."

"Now, I'm angry."

"What major general, come on, come and catch me, I'll wait for you in New York!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, and friends of the parade, I now declare."

"You were kidnapped by me!"

After saying this, Lin He stretched out his palm towards the camera facing him with one hand, and clenched it lightly.


The camera made of alloy steel casing was slowly pinched and deformed, the smoke slowly rose from the cracks, the wires were exposed, and it was pinched into a ball of iron under his virtual grip.

Shocked, terrified.

At this moment, clusters of dark clouds floated over New York, as if forming a skull with a sly smile.

"Asshole, what is he going to do?"

"Let him go to hell and let our army destroy him."

"This devil, is he going to kidnap Quanmei?"

"Send him to hell."

People in the parade stopped, threw away the parade banners in their hands, and stared angrily at the picture on the advertising board on the building.

"Sorry, you were kidnapped by me."

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