Fantasy: The Invincible Director

Chapter 370 The same dream

This surprised others.

Just meeting for the first time.

Duan Wugeng borrowed him one hundred thousand?Why?
Others don't know Duan Wugeng's identity, but they, as old friends, know that they have to show Duan face when the capital comes.

After paying the money and going through the formalities, Xu Ke directly asked the staff to open the stone.

Several rich men followed.

They also want to see why Xu Ke is so confident that this rough stone can produce good jade.

When the humble No. 888 rough stone was cut, everyone was stunned.

"Oh my God, full of green, full of imperial green!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the jade field heard the sound, all showing shocked eyes.

Many people even offered olive branches to Xu Ke.

In their eyes, Xu Ke is no longer a poor kid, but a billionaire.

"Hello, I'm the general manager of Tianfu Jewelry Co., can you sell this jade? I'll buy it for 3000 million."

"3000 million? Are you ashamed to ask, such a big imperial green is worth at least [-] million, boy, sell it to me, I bought it from Manjiang Hong Jewelry."

Many big jewelry stores are rushing to buy.

Xu Ke shook his head.

Selling to these people is not enough guarantee, who knows if there will be no bones left by them.

Xu Ke looked at Duan Wugeng, smiled lightly and said, "Boss Duan, if you sell this rough stone to you, you only need to pay me 5000 million, and the rest will be your return for lending me [-]."

Duan Wugeng said without hesitation: "No problem, it's just that I don't have that much money now."

"It's okay, my family lives in No. 8 Shuidiao Village, just send it to me tomorrow, I don't have a bank card, please help me get one by the way, my ID number:..."

After finishing all this, Xu Ke asked Duan Wugeng for several thousand yuan in cash, and then left indifferently.

There were still many people following, but Xu Ke used the wave step technique to disappear without a trace.

Duan Wugeng was even more convinced that this young man was definitely not simple, so he made a phone call: "Old Xu, help me find a person, the ID number is... let me know the result immediately."

When Xu Ke returned to the place where he met Liu Rushui, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

In order not to waste time, Xu Ke took the initiative to go to the vegetable market to look for Liu Rushui, so that he could buy some big meals to eat back.

Xu Ke knew where Liu Rushui usually set up a stall, and he had been there quite often before.

"Sister Liu, how is the sale?"

"So-so, half sold."

"Don't sell the rest, let's go, it's time to go back."

"Huh? Isn't it still early?"

"It's late."

"Then I'll clean it up."

"Don't clean it up, these herbs are not worth a lot of money, don't want them anymore."

"No, this..."

"If I say no, I won't. Don't you want to listen to me?"

"Ah! Then don't want it."

Pulling Sister Liu, Xu Ke came to the Food City, and then he swept up all the food, bought a trailer by the way, and spent all the thousands of dollars.

"Xiao Xu, I wanted to ask just now, where did you get so much money? It can't be..."

"Stolen? Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal. I just earned it. I'll transfer 500 million yuan to your passbook tomorrow."


"You're kidding me."

"Right, smile more, don't waste your beautiful face."


"A lot of people are watching."


Liu Rushui immediately blushed like an apple.


Back home, Xu Ke brought a truckload of delicacies to the table: "Dad, I didn't lie to you when I said I would treat you to a big meal. Your favorite stewed pig's ear is a big box for you. "

"Wait, where did you get the money?"

Xu Ke: "You gave it to me!"

"I gave it? The food and the trailer are worth thousands of dollars, right? I just gave you 30. Tell me, where did you get the thousands of dollars?"

Xu's mother was also worried: "Son, you didn't steal it, did you?"

"Oh, I have a headache. I said that I went to Yushi City to gamble and opened a full emperor green and earned 5000 million yuan. You must not believe me. Then I said that I met a noble man and lent him 30 yuan to buy a lottery. You paid me thousands of dollars, believe it or not?"

The old man shook his head.

"That's right, you don't believe it anyway, but son, I can assure you that I didn't steal or rob, and you will know what happened tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Can't you say it now?"

"Secret, I promise, you will know the truth tomorrow, remember not to get too excited, and be like the Xu family."


The second elder knew that Xu Ke would never lie, so he ate happily.

Of course, Liu Rushui is also like a daughter-in-law, happily eating delicious food with her.

The next morning.

A large group of people came to Shuidiao Village in a big battle.

Duan Wugeng knew Xu Ke's background clearly yesterday. He is a very ordinary child. He has just finished the college entrance examination and is about to give his grades. Everything is normal.

But this made Duan Wugeng even more puzzled.

How could an ordinary child who couldn't be more ordinary have such a terrifying and murderous aura, and also seemed to know that the rough stone No. 888 would definitely be full of emperor green, this is too weird.

So, before dawn, Duan Wugeng took a group of people to Shuitiao Village to confirm the situation.

Although the mountain road is rugged, luxury cars can still pass.

When has Shuidiao Village seen such a battle?

When the village chiefs and other people in and out of the village heard that a rich and powerful person was coming, they rushed to greet him.

"We're here to find little brother No. 8 of the Xu family!"

When they heard that they were looking for Xu Ke, everyone was confused.

"Could it be Xu Ke who got the first prize?"

From their point of view, such battles are only possible after being the No. [-] scholar in the college entrance examination.

Soon, Duan Wugeng and a large group of people came to the door of Xu Hak's house, and Xu Hak's parents were not fainted by the excitement.

"Did my son do something bad?"

Mother Xu trembled.

"Where, your son is amazing."

Duan Wugeng looked at the two elders and became more and more sure that they were ordinary rural farmers, nothing special about them.

Xu Ke came out yawning, saw Duan Wugeng, smiled lightly and said, "You poured it on time."

"Hahaha... There is no way, there are countless doubts in my heart, if I don't come, I will panic."

Duan Wugeng laughed out loud.

"Please come in."

Duan Wugeng walked into Xu Ke's dilapidated home, and everyone else was talking outside.

When Xu Ke's parents learned that their son had made [-] million yuan betting on stones, they were immediately stunned.

Thinking of what Xu Ke said yesterday, Father Xu trembled and said, "Son, what you said yesterday is true?"

"Why am I lying to you, look, people have sent me bank cards, [-] million, tomorrow we will go to the city to buy a big house to live in, every day we have a lot of fish and meat, and ask three servants to serve you and provide you with Exclusive doctor, from now on you will just travel around, eat, drink and have fun."

Xu Ke laughed.

"I should be dreaming, I'm going to sleep."

Mother Xu said.

"I should have had the same dream as you, and I'll go to bed too."

Father Xu also entered the room.

Xu Ke didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then looked at Duan Wugeng seriously: "Didn't I say 5000 million? Why is it still [-] million?"

"I want to use the remaining 5000 million as a consulting fee. I would like to ask you a few questions."

Duan Wugeng smiled lightly.

"Those who have been on the battlefield are vigorous and resolute, no problem."

Xu Ke smiled lightly.

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