Hell Live Room

Chapter 98 5 Lei Zhengfa

After returning to the Tsinghua apartment, Lu Hai plunged into the pile of talisman papers.

The bed was clean and sleeping, and he just sat on the floor, drawing wildly for three days in a row.

The symbols that can be drawn are messy, and it can even be said that they have deviated from the concept of "symbols".


On the third day, he even used cinnabar to paint and paint on his body, completely bewitched.

Li Qian wanted to remind Lu Hai several times not to cry out in surprise at night, making it disturbing to sleep peacefully, and at the same time pay attention to her body.

But they were all pulled back by Xu Yan, who shook her head to signal not to disturb him.

On the third day, the unshaven Lu Hai finally came out of the customs. He took a shower under the exhaustion, then lay down on the floor and slept for a day and a night.

In the dream, he kept giggling, as if he had picked up a treasure.

Li Qian asked Xu Yan to lift him up, put a thick mattress on the floor, put a mat on it, and finally covered Lu Hai with her own pink blanket.

"You said that this person doesn't care about you for a while. You just woke up, he ran out, and when you came back, he closed the door to play by himself...He has no heart..."

"Duplicity." Xu Yan choked with a smile.

Ever since Xu Yan woke up, Li Qian had heard many stories about how crazy Lu Hai was in order to find the seal of the first emperor.And when she fell down, Lu Hai tore apart Yi Hai like a demon, climbing mountains and screaming.

Although Xu Yan had never seen it before, she was very moved just waiting for Li Qian to say it.

Looking at Lu Hai's sleeping soundly, he couldn't help but smile with his eyes bent, looking engrossed.

How could Li Qian not understand the emotion in Xu Yan's eyes, while she was relieved, she felt a little lost for some reason...


When I woke up, it was already the morning of the third day.

Lu Hai was in a good mood, looking at the curse marks on his left and right hands, he was even more happy.

Fatty Zhang's words brought him into a new world.

The understanding of talismans has been improved to a higher level.

On the palm of his left hand, there is a shield-shaped pattern carved with cinnabar. If you look at it with a magnifying glass, there is a miniature talisman in the middle of the pattern—the Zimao talisman.

On the palm of his right hand, there is also a "Ling" pattern patterned with cinnabar - the Summoning Thunder Talisman.

These two kinds of talismans are the most commonly used by Lu Hai, and they are also the most well-understood talismans.

It took three days and tens of thousands of different models were drawn, and finally using these two different patterns, the function of thinking with the talisman was achieved.

The left-hand Zimao talisman serves as a shield.

The right hand summons the Thunder Talisman to make a sword.

The two only need to provide Yin Qi, no talismans, no mantras, and can be used directly.

On the surface, it just saves the time to get the talisman, but this time is changing rapidly, and it is definitely enough to overturn the balance of victory!
Moreover, in the process of drawing the curse seal, he had a thorough understanding of the essential operation of the two talismans.It seems that it is also a mathematical formula. It is one thing to use it directly, but it is another level to understand how the formula is derived.

Understanding the nature of the talisman to induce the power of heaven and earth is enough for him to play the role of the talisman more flexibly!
In addition, referring to Xu Yan's armor-piercing bullets, he designed another set of bullets for her - thunderbolt bullets.

It is envisaged that it is a bullet that can achieve the function of thunder blasting, and very importantly, this time the thunder bomb can take effect on ghosts.

Xu Yan no longer needed to see ghosts, and shed tears when she watched the armor-piercing bullets that could only attack real objects.

But I haven't tried it yet, so I can only leave it to Xu Yan, and ask her to create a new bullet through her family relationship.

The incantation of the Zimao Talisman, the Summoning Thunder Talisman, and the design of the thunder bomb are not all he has gained in the past three days.

The biggest achievement of these three days is that Lu Hai finally solved the mystery of the curse seal on Wang Wenqing's corpse!

The curse mark on Wang Wenqing's body originally depicted his greatest achievement in this life - the lost thunder method of the Shenxiao sect - the five thunders rectification method!
The five thunder methods: the liver is the wood of the eastern soul, the lungs are the gold of the western soul, the heart is the fire of the southern god, the kidney is the water of the northern essence, and the spleen is the soil of the middle palace; there are five kinds of thunder in total——Oriental wood thunder, southern Fire mines, western mountain mines, northern sea mines, and central earth mines.

If the Five Lightning Technique is cultivated to the highest level, one can achieve a fairy body with a lightning body!

What makes Lu Hai interesting is the practice of the five thunders' righteous method, which is divided into three stages: the five thunders evil method, the five thunders' righteous method, and the five thunders' Taoist method.

Who would have thought that Shen Xiao's orthodox practice of the five thunders is to use evil to enter righteousness, and then use righteousness to enter Taoism!
But thinking about it, Wang Wenqing is really amazing, with advanced thinking, knowing that power is just a tool, and there is no distinction between good and evil in tools.

Without hesitation, he directly enlightened.

The first stage of practicing the evil method of five thunders, from easy to difficult, is to practice from the soil of the middle palace, the earth mines.

The first earth mine method that Lu Hai practiced was called Lei Chong!

In the method of earth and thunder, the most basic thunder charge is not to attack thunder, but to use the soil of the middle palace as the source point of thunder and lightning to send lightning to the muscles of the body, which greatly improves Lu Hai's strength and agility!

Moving like lightning, quiet like mountains.

Undoubtedly, for Lu Hai in the past three days, it was like a complete transformation, and his strength increased dramatically.

I believe that if he faced Monk Changmei in his current state, he would be sure to deal with Changmei directly within 3 minutes without the magic spell!


When I saw Xiaoer again, it was already June 27th.

The designated live broadcast task for this month has not yet been issued, but Xiaoer brought him the task first.

The two walked in the ghost market, and the ghosts around them hurriedly avoided it as if they saw the city management.

Lu Hai asked curiously: "Speaking of which, the ghost messenger seems to be pretty busy. It's been almost a week before there is a task."

Xiaoer said: "You can't say that, it's just because we are anchors, so the superiors gave us privileges, and the burden of work is shared with other people."

From the young couple, Lu Hai roughly understood the duties of ghost messengers.

Ordinary ghost messengers will be equipped with a team of about five ghost servants as subordinates.

The ghost servant detains the soul, responsible for dealing with the affairs of the local people who enter the underworld after death.

On the other hand, the ghost messenger supervises the work of the ghost servant, and on the other hand, when the ghost servant encounters difficulties, such as when the target of the ghost arrest is a gray shadow ghost, a black shadow ghost, a red-clothed ghost, or even a green ghost, he will act.

However, if you choose to be the ghost messenger of the Kuaiyan anchor, the task burden is basically shared with other ghost messengers. On weekdays, you work alone, and only when you are on a collective task, you will act in unison.

This time, it was a collective task.

"I heard that our Yin Division will cooperate with Human Taoism this time. Many Taoist sects are now gathered in Tianjing, Guancheng and Sha County. Our task is to maintain order." Xiaoer said lazily, obviously Not very interested in being a security guard for humans.

Yin Division and Taoism cooperate?
Humans and ghosts have different paths, so it stands to reason that there is little communication.

This time the cooperation between the two parties... Lu Hai vaguely felt that it might have something to do with the tomb in Haikou on Monday.

"Don't worry, it's not a big task." Seeing Lu Hai pondering, Xiaoer thought he was nervous, so he comforted him: "We are in Guancheng Middle School, those from Quanzhen Sect Longhushan are all staying in Tianjing, those who come to our Guancheng, Most of them are small and medium sects. The small sects are good, they don’t have such a big temper, and they are easy to get in touch with.”

"Are we all going?" Lu Hai asked.

"Of course not. We are people with status, so it's good to have a few thoughts. The main task is actually the chaos in the last three places, and the others are responsible for calming the chaos. You are new here, and I am being treated as yours again." Guide the way, so we are responsible for the simpler work of maintaining order."

Xiaoer added: "This time I came into contact with Taoism, it's just you and me, plus Wang Tao and the three of them. The team will be led by Xunyou Qin Wenzhong, and the five of us will be responsible for specific matters."

Guan Cheng Yin Division, Yan Jun, Cheng Huang, Cheng Judge, and Master Bookkeeper each.

Two ghost messengers: Wu Wenjing and Yue Mubai.

Four people on tour: Qian Zhong, Li Bai, Ou Ruoli, Qin Wenzhong.

Guichai plus Lu Hai made a total of twelve people.

There are more than 50 ghosts.

There are more than 200 ghost servants.

This is all the staff of Guancheng Yin Division.

No one knew who the spy Guan Xiaokou was talking about, but Yu Xiaofeng's appearance made Lu Hai a little concerned about Wu Wenjing.

Lu Hai pretended to be casual, and asked, "Speaking of which, the Master Ghost Messenger I saw last time seemed to be very indifferent, does he have any objections to me?"

Xiao Er patted Lu Hai on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Wu Guishi is just that temperamental, and he is very indifferent to everyone. I have been here for decades, and I haven't seen him smile once."

Lu Hai nodded and continued to ask; "What about Qin Wenzhong?"

Xiao Er frowned: "How should I put it, Qin Wenzhong is closer to Wu Wenjing. He has a similar temperament and doesn't really fit in with the group. But he is fair in doing things and won't treat his subordinates badly, but his temper is a bit bad."

Lu Hai was thoughtful.

He is a ghost, and there are not many opportunities to contact ghosts, so it is a bit unrealistic to approach Wu Wenjing to investigate.However, starting with Qin Wenzhong, who was closely related to Wu Wenjing, we might be able to find some clues.

Thinking of this, he became a little more curious about Qin Wenzhong, the boss of this mission.

On weekdays, most of the tasks are issued from Wenchang Palace, that is, orders are issued by the city judge and the chief book.

This time is no exception.

When the two rushed to Wenchang Hall, there were already three people standing respectfully inside, they should be the three ghost messengers who were working together.

And in the hall near the statue, a black and thin young man was whispering something with the chief bookkeeper Zhang Shu.

That person is Qin Wenzhong?

After Lu Hai appeared, Zhang Shu pointed to Lu Hai and said something to Qin Wenzhong in a low voice.

Qin Wenzhong frowned, and looked at Lu Hai with a slightly scrutinizing gaze...

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