Hell Live Room

Chapter 90 The first entry into the underworld

Lu Hai is still a human being, and he can only travel in the shadows when he goes to the underworld.

When he poured all his energy into the yin pill in his body, and then opened his eyes, he found that he was indeed not in the state of the soul like ordinary people, but still in the body.

But when he got up, he found an afterimage left where he was, still looking like he was meditating.The afterimage is translucent, and you can vaguely see the Yin Dan under the abdomen that is constantly rotating and shining with silver light.

Xiao Er looked back and forth, seeming to understand something, both excited and worried.

"The bardo body in the legend? It is indeed different from ordinary people. It is said... I forgot how to describe it as a white face... Hey, anyway, it is like water. It turns red when it drips blood, and turns black when it is ink. There is no fixed shape, in short, it is very pure and very plastic. But..."

Using an analogy that is not difficult to understand, he came up and hooked Lu Hai's shoulders, and reminded in a low voice: "Have you heard of Duoshe? It's just a ghost who wants to be reborn and seize someone's body. Your body, tsk tsk, and the peerless beauty in the eyes of perverts Almost, very tempting, you have to be careful in the future, with this body, you will be in more trouble in the future."

He said with a sigh, "Not only ghosts, but whoever wants to create a yang body in the underworld, your bardo is also the top-notch, so you have to be careful in the future."

Seeing that Lu Hai nodded in understanding, Xiao Er didn't delay any longer, and waved out the window. A Harley motorcycle that was shrinking in size finally became a small toy and landed in Xiao Er's palm.

Putting away the magic weapon, Xiao Er pulled Lu Hai with one hand, and pulled out the soul-calling banner behind his back with the other hand, stomped on the ground, the floor gradually rippled, and a black vortex gradually grew larger.

"Get up!" Xiao Er shouted.

Afterwards, Lu Hai's body sank, his eyes darkened, and the world had changed.

The underworld and the underworld are different concepts. The underworld includes the underworld, and no one knows how far its border is; Fighting, but not as chaotic and bloody as Limbo.

The place where Lu Hai fell was under the wall of an ancient city.

In the front is a towering building that is faintly visible, and in the back is a ghost market.

Quite a few people saw people coming down from the city wall and looked towards this side. All of them had pale faces covered with blue, their eyes were lifeless and empty, and their movements were stiff and slow.Seeing the soul-calling banner behind Xiao Er, human-like expressions finally appeared on the numb faces—fear.

Afterwards, seeing Xiao Er's eyes glanced over, he lowered his head and hurried away, each alive.

Alive... Lu Hai looked at the clothes of these ghosts, ranging from modern and simple T-shirts and jeans to Republic of China cheongsam to ancient sackcloth bunts.Each of them was busy in the market, not exchanging anything.

"Here, why are there so many...?" Lu Hai wanted to talk about people, but felt it was inappropriate.

"They are queuing up for reincarnation." Xiaoer glanced casually, "Reincarnation doesn't mean you go to reincarnate after the first seven days, usually there is a review time of sixty years. Although the above reforms, the review time is shorter, but you also know that, Now the population is increasing, and there are more and more ghosts and ghosts accumulated. These people just line up and dawdle here. Some of them can vote for a few years if they have a relationship, and some of them have been here for 300 years. You may not be able to enter reincarnation."

Lu Hai was stunned, but another question came to mind: "There are more and more human beings, where do these extra souls come from? You can't create something out of nothing, right?"

Xiao Er shook his head and sighed: "Six realms of reincarnation, six realms, human beings are just one of them. You only see the increase of human beings, but don't you see that other creatures have decreased significantly?"

Lu Hai was taken aback, and nodded slightly.

The two stepped into the city gate and walked in.

Lu Hai had time to observe the surroundings, after all, it was his first time entering the underworld.

Speaking of which, instead of the corpses and putrid smells everywhere that I imagined, the streets look tidy and the air is fresher. The only downside is that the light is a little dim.

It's not that the underworld is better than the world, at least there is not enough sense of security here.

The characteristic of ghosts is that good and evil are too distinct, and the evil thoughts here are almost undisguised. Walking on the street, there will always be an illusion that someone is looking at you in the dark.Compared with the society in the human world, which is covered with a layer of civilization, the expression of desire in the underworld is more fruitless.

After walking 100 meters into the ancient-style road, the road gradually becomes complicated. On the road that first presents a zigzag shape, you can see the "Temporary Pavilion" for judging the good and evil of the new soul along the way, and the "Temporary Pavilion" for praying for a child. "Niangniang Temple" and the "Wenchang Hall" where the city judge and chief registrar are in charge, these are all visible on the road.

Among them are the "Main Hall" used for the meeting, the "City God Hall" where the City God is located, and the "Wusheng Hall" where Yan Jun is located; the three most important "Halls" are distributed on the left, right, and top of the shape. On the main hall, on the left is the City God's Hall, and on the top is the Wusheng Hall.

Before going to the third hall, there is a second ritual gate.

Yimen is about ten feet high, and the pillars are painted with red lacquer, with the word "Yimen" written on it.

After passing the second gate, you will arrive at the main hall.

The main hall is the meeting place for the local underworld to discuss important events, and it is more majestic than the buildings seen before.

Green bricks and black tiles, cornices with upturned corners, a seat on the eaves to mock the wind, and a stand in front of the door.

Links on the left and right sides:

The first couplet: The way of heaven is selfless, doing good and sending auspiciousness to predict good and bad fortune.

The second couplet: The gods should practice meritorious deeds to distinguish between evil, righteousness, loyalty and traitors.

Horizontal batch: Xie manages yin and yang.

After crossing the threshold of half a person's height, and entering the carved beams and painted pillars, the incense is constantly burning, and the statue of King Qin Guang, the king of hell, is offered to the first hall, and there is an empty hall below.

When Lu Hai entered, there were already people inside.

A total of five people.

Standing on the right side of the statue is the city god Tian Qi, dressed in a cumbersome official robe, about fifty years old, with gray hair and a kind smile.

Standing on the left side of the statue was Bai Liuli with an indifferent expression and silver-white hair hanging down to the ground.

Standing on the left and right behind the two, one has a white face, the other has a black face, one is wearing a military officer's uniform, and the other is dressed as a master.Needless to say, the white face is the judge in the group, and the black face is the master.

The last person stood silently with his head bowed. He was a young man in black clothes dressed in an ancient style. He looked handsome, but his expression was indifferent, his eyebrows were very light, and he looked a little unfriendly.

Xiao Er whispered to him that the man was Wu Wenjing, one of the two ghost envoys in Guancheng.Another ghost envoy, Yue Mubai, is on his way to another city and is not in Guancheng for the time being.

Parade and ghost messengers are not eligible to attend today's meeting.

Xiao Er brought him there, got up to say goodbye, and waited quietly outside the main hall.

Is this the leadership team that will manage him in the future? Lu Hai will firmly remember the faces of these people.

City God Tian Qi is an old acquaintance, and he didn't see anyone else. He looked Lu Hai up and down: "I didn't expect that we had a rare bardo body in Guancheng. Haha, Boy Lu did a good job this time. He gave us Guancheng a face!"

Although he cheated the old guy ten thousand points of virtue during the battle, at least the mission was successful. Guancheng, who was marginalized by Fengdu because of the mistakes of the previous leadership, after this incident, at least he saved a little face, so everyone's opinion of him I think it's not bad.

It was Yan Jun Bai Liuli who treated him... Forget it, the reason is too shameful.

Apart from Bai Liuli, the ghost envoy Wu Wenjing just glanced at him indifferently, and continued to close his eyes and meditate.

The next thing is simple.

After handing in the ghost order, the city god Tian Qiyi waved his hand, and Lu Hai's name was added to the token.

Then there is Yan Jun's title, which is even simpler.

Bai Liuli just glanced at him lightly, and said "Yes" in a frosty voice.

The title is in hand.

"The ghost order and seal are complete, and then it depends on God's will to allow you to enter the Yin Division."

City God Tian Qi stretched out his hand, volleyed to grab Lu Hai, and a faint light was sent to the statue of King Qin Guang.Then, Tian Qi stepped forward to light incense.

If Fengdu accepted the incense, it meant that Lu Hai was naturalized.

But Chenghuang Tian Qi lit three sticks of incense, but none of them burned!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the hall became weird.

The lack of fragrance can only mean that Feng does not approve of this person. If he does not approve, it means that this person has obvious stains on him, or he thinks that he is not good or disrespectful to Feng.

Lu Hai didn't understand the meaning behind it, he only knew that everyone looked at him, from admiration, to suspicion, to unkindness...

At this time, Bai Liuli stood up.

"Give me the incense."

Bai Liuli took the incense from the hand of the city god Tian Qi, closed his eyes for a long time in front of the statue, then stretched out his hand to light the incense...

A little spark finally appeared, the cigarette was misty, and it was done!

It was only at this moment that Lu Hai felt the pressure that had been pressing on him and he couldn't breathe, and it disappeared at this moment.

City God Tian Qi glanced at Bai Liuli thoughtfully, and then announced: "From today onwards, Lu Hai will take up the position of ghost messenger of Guancheng Yin Division. Bai Shang, prepare the standard magic weapon and approve it for distribution." What the judge said.

The induction ceremony was finally completed.

A group of people dispersed.

Bai Liuli was the last one to walk, and when passing by Lu Hai, he whispered a word in his ear - "If you dare to use evil spirit, no one can save you!"

Lu Hai was in a cold sweat.

The incident in the palace just now was because of his evil spirit?

He turned around and glanced at the statue of King Qin Guang. For some reason, Lu Hai felt that those eyes were alive, staring at him coldly...


See you again outside the door.

Xiao Er agreed to help him run the next procedure, and Lu Hai expressed his gratitude.

Xiaoer waved his hand, "It's okay, it's nothing more than housing, salary, and unified magic tools. I'll help you with the housing and salary information when the time comes, and you can come and check it at any time. However, for magic tools, I suggest you go through it." Let’s see if I want to pick it up in a few days.”

The magical weapons of ghost messengers are distributed uniformly, such as the soul-calling banner on the second hand, Lu Hai doesn't understand why the second hand emphasizes that he should not worry.

Xiao Er explained: "Don't forget, your assigned task for the live broadcast was last month, this month is already the end of the month, and your assigned task is not far away."

"Then wouldn't it be better to get the magic weapon earlier?"

Xiao Er snorted and laughed, very embarrassed: "You don't understand this. As a fifth-level anchor, your senior, let me tell you a little secret."

"The difficulty of the specified task is determined according to the anchor's current ability. If you get the magic weapon early, the magic weapon will give you bonus points for your ability and task difficulty. But if you don't get the equipment first ', the difficulty of the task is only determined according to your current strength."

"So, do you understand? This is for your own good. After you receive the mission and then take the magic weapon, won't it become stronger and weaken the difficulty of your mission?"

"This is a cheat book among our senior anchors. But...it's a pity that the higher-ups seem to have noticed it recently, and adjustments may be made in the near future. So, this is the last chance, you can enjoy a designated task with 'no difficulty' !"

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