Yu Xiaofeng's departure was great news for Lu Hai.

Hundreds of thousands of venomous snakes in the vast land flocked to the west under the night, turned into snakes and cast chariots, surrounded their queen, and left in the night.

After the snake disaster was lifted, Lu Hai put away the Thunder Summoning Talisman and turned his attention to Zhou Yihai.

The latter came back to his senses at some point, rolled and crawled, and fled into the Taoist temple in a hurry, leaving only a distressed figure behind.


Lu Hai and Xu Yan accelerated to keep up.

The Taoist temple is made of blue bricks and black tiles, with upturned eaves and corners. Pass through the square hole in the main entrance and climb up nine bluestone steps. Entering the courtyard is surrounded by three white walls. In the middle is a courtyard full of mugwort.

The wellhead is placed in the center, with a diameter of more than ten meters.

And Zhou Yihai was standing at the edge of the well, not far in front of him, Guan Xiao, Hong Xing, and Li Qian, who had not seen him for a long time, collapsed on the ground, leaning against the well.

"Sister Qian..."

Xu Yan glared at Zhou Yihai, without saying a word, she raised her gun directly.

bang bang bang-

Just as the bullet was about to hit Zhou Yihai, it was blocked by an invisible wall.

In the air, a little bit of Razer swims away.

Lu Hai wiped the ghost eye talisman, saw the things in front of him clearly, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Around the huge wellhead, a 30-meter-high semicircular energy shield is buckled around the wellhead.In the eight directions of the energy shield, eight bucket-thick lightning pillars gather in the air, and a giant dragon with white and blue lightning and light is entrenched on the top of the energy shield, looking down at Lifetime indifferently!

This is... formation?
What is hidden under the mouth of the well that needs to be protected by such a hanging formation?

Moreover, the feeling of Lei Fa...so familiar...

Lu Hai vaguely felt the "taste" of this lightning formation, which was very similar to his Thunder Summoning Talisman.

Could it be Yu Zhen's lightning formation?

Seeing Lu Hai unable to speak for a long time, Zhou Yihai couldn't help laughing and said, "Hahaha, this is the Nine Dragon Formation of the Patriarch's Thunder Control. It is impenetrable by fire and water, and impenetrable by guns and guns! You idiot, if you have the ability, come in and beat me!"

Lu Hai frowned.

Xu Yan was annoyed, and threw away the submachine gun, took out a pistol and replaced it with armor-piercing bullets.


This time, the bullet still failed to enter, and the only change was that there were more lightning splashes.

Seeing this, Zhou Yihai laughed wildly.

So what if that bitch Yu Xiaofeng defected?With the Yulei Nine Dragons, no one should think about——

Zhou Yihai froze suddenly.

I saw Lu Hai slowly approaching the Nine-Dragon Formation of Yulei, the lightning in his hand was blooming, and he stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the energy shield...

Seeing that the thundering hand entered the energy shield unimpeded, the guess in Lu Hai's heart was finally fulfilled.

Sure enough, the Lightning Nine Dragon Formation was indeed created by Yu Zhen!

Looking at Zhou Yihai who was stunned in place with a disbelief on his face, Lu Hai sneered, clenched his fists and made loud noises.

He approached step by step: "What did you just say? Do you have the ability to come in and beat you? Strange request."

Lu Hai moved like a rabbit, and suddenly punched Zhou Yihai in the abdomen. The latter's body was arched like a shrimp, and he was flying in mid-air, spitting acid water.

Another chop, on Zhou Yihai's shoulder——

With a bang, Zhou Yihai hit the ground hard.

Lu Hai leaned forward, half-kneeling on the ground, with his knees pressed against Zhou Yihai, and his hands tied the latter's head.

The fast kill is dazzling.

But before Lu Hai had time to unscrew Zhou Yihai's head, suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the formation.

The Nine-Dragon Formation of Yulei seemed to have just regained consciousness and confirmed that Lu Hai was the intruder. The thunder dragon entrenched on the top shot at Lu Hai with thunder light from its mouth.

Lu Hai's eyes turned hard, and he planned to take this blow hard, and Zhou Haigou would also die.

But the speed and strength of Lei Guang's arrival was beyond his imagination.


The thunder and lightning hit Lu Hai's left shoulder, and the thunder and lightning instantly paralyzed his muscles, making him unable to exert force—the entire left arm also temporarily lost consciousness.


Lu Hai didn't believe in evil, turned his knee, and tried to break Zhou Yihai's neck with brute force.

Lei Guang is fucking at it again!

Lu Hai didn't hesitate this time, he just backed away, passing by with Lei Dian.

If it was 0.1 seconds late, not only would Zhou Yihai not be able to be killed, but his legs might also be scrapped!

The successive attacks were resolved by the formation, and Lu Hai felt extremely aggrieved.

Zhou Yihai originally closed his eyes and waited for death, but after the thunder passed, he suddenly realized, and then laughed, spraying saliva on the dirt and splashing dust, this former rich second generation didn't care.

"Hahahahaha, damn it, if you have the ability to continue! I thought you were so hung up, come on, kill me!"

Zhou Yihai burst into tears from laughing, and instead of running away, he simply sat on the ground and laughed madly.

Lu Hai clenched his fists tightly. Seeing that Lei Guang was about to fall again, he got away and retreated from the formation.

"What should I do?" Xu Yan leaned over and glanced at his wound.

"He is almost invincible inside, this formation is too evil." Lu Hai looked around, "Look around, if there is something like a formation eye."

Lu Hai didn't know the formation, so he could only do it based on his feeling.

In fact, he had hoped that someone would point out the way to break the formation in the live barrage, but he didn't.

Yu Zhen's formation was too mysterious, he almost created a system of his own, and the more than [-] "cobblers" in the entire room failed to find any flaws.

Lu Hai and Xu Yan could only watch the formation, but couldn't find an effective method.

At this moment, there was a slight movement outside the Taoist temple.

Lu Hai strained his ears to listen——

Something is approaching, and... more than one!
"Be careful--"

Just after Lu Hai yelled, a corpse with a snake's tail jumped out from the entrance of the Taoist temple and flew towards Xu Yan in the air!
A loud bang.

At the critical moment, Xu Yan's armor-piercing bullet hit the corpse's face.

The latter changed direction in the air as if being hit hard, and fell to the side—but staggered, but stood up again!

This guy has rough skin and thick flesh!

To make matters worse, this thing is not one or two!
The two looked towards the door, and suddenly one head after another poked out from the door, some with animal horns, some with snake scales, with crazy expressions and violent behavior.

not only that!

On the top of the three-meter-high wall, a bunch of heads suddenly popped up, and they looked vaguely serious.

"It's the one named Du Lao Wu, and Yang Dajiao..."

Damn, these guys don't live in peace even if they die!

Lu Hai's heart trembled a little.

When facing the corpse, they even prepared bombs.

Although it has become stronger now, the game is not played like this!
There are at least fifty corpses appearing here!
What's more, there are people who have self-cultivation in life, which are even more difficult to kill!

May be here today...

Lu Hai took out the Thunder Summoning Talisman, and crazily poured evil points into it...

"Xu Yan, listen to me, it's better to keep one of them than to die here, I'll—"

Lu Hai didn't say a word, a hurricane came down from the sky, and there was a boom behind him, something fell from the sky!
The cold murderous aura is like a glow on his back!

Lu Hai's black hair was flying in the hurricane, and his body was hit hard.

He saw Xu Yanzheng looking behind him with wide eyes, and opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something...

Lu Hai's hand holding the Thunder Summoning Talisman was trembling, he turned his head slowly, and finally saw behind him clearly.

A figure nearly two meters tall stood behind him, with Buddha clothes flying around. The man's face was full of flesh, his long eyebrows fluttered, and he glared at King Kong.With both hands tucked on the left side, holding a gold-rimmed and silver-patterned three-meter-long pole, he stared down at him with ferocious eyes...

Monk with long eyebrows!


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and Lu Hai only had time to see a long shadow approaching, a pain in his waist, his whole body flew out like a cannonball, and hit the wall hard!
At this time, the hurricane roared again.

Then there was a bang, Lu Hai almost smashed the wall, and his whole body was sunken into the wall.

The viscera seemed to be shifted, and Lu Hai felt as if he was choking on a mouthful of magma, until he spit out the blood with the remains of the flesh, and then his chest became smooth and he was able to breathe again.

But the bones in his body seemed to be creaking, and he was severely injured with just one blow.


Lu Hai spat out bloody residue.

He looked solemnly at the furious and manic monk holding a long pole.

This person fell from the sky?Are you still talking about it?


There was a strange noise from above.

The corpses who were lying on the wall, saw the good meal, and approached one after another.

Lu Hai casually threw the Thunder Summoning Talisman filled with 500 Yinde points over——


The thunder was a sensation.

Half of the courtyard wall was almost completely collapsed.

Seeing six or seven greedy corpses, they didn't have time to dodge the Thunder Summoning Talisman, and turned into scorched corpses on the spot.

"Damn, come again!"

Lu Hai resisted the severe pain in his body and turned the soul lock ring.

Next gear, out of body!

After obtaining the bardo body and unable to exit the body normally, the exit of the soul-locking ring has changed.

When the out-of-body is activated, his whole body will "try" to reduce his body mass.

Now that he is out of his body, his whole body weight is less than half of his original weight.

The benefits are-

Great increase in agility!

Since you can't fight hard, let's fight for speed!
Lu Hai rushed over like lightning.

With the help of the sudden increase in speed, when Changmei raised the golden-patterned pole, he bent down to dodge it—the Summoning Thunder Talisman!

At the same time, Xu Yan's armor-piercing projectile fired!
Both sides attack!

"Should have won this time..."

As soon as Lu Hai's thoughts flashed, he saw Chang Mei erecting the pole in front of him, and with a slap of the Dharma seal, the Buddha's light surged and turned into a golden bell, covering the whole body!



The armor-piercing projectile arrives first, and the Thunder Summoning Talisman moves later.

But... unscathed!
This golden mask is as hard as a bastard's shell, and the best attacks of the two of them can't break a golden bell mask!

"It's my time!" The monk with long eyebrows said loudly at this time, holding the shoulder pole in his thick hands, walking briskly, he caught up with him at a speed no less than that of Lu Hai!

Bian took a head-on slam!

Lu Hai narrowly escaped, but was sent ten meters away by Yuli.

The storm caused by the pole hit the face, burning pain!

Xu Yan hurriedly covered with armor-piercing projectiles——

Lu Hai dodged again and again, summoning the Thunder Talisman to feign an attack——

The situation appears to be at a draw.

But Lu Hai knew that Xu Yan's armor-piercing bullets were limited, and his Thunder Summoning Talisman was also limited.

What's more, there are so many corpses watching.

If things go on like this, they will definitely be the ones to die!

He reached into his bosom and touched the soft little cloth, which was a life-saving tool given to him by Guan Xiao...

Can you only wear underwear and be Superman?

Taking out women's panties in front of more than [-] people...

No matter, life is more important than face!

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