Hell Live Room

Chapter 75 Dream, the first deceased

On a quiet night, only the bonfire would be heard from time to time, and sparks would fly.

The night at Longtou Mountain is terrifyingly quiet, there are no insects or birds, it is dead silent, like a cage.

After Lu Hai rested, Xu Yan sat alone in front of the bonfire, thinking about something.

If it was normal, she would definitely not relax, but now that Xiao Nan and Xiao Bei are here, most of the night watch work can be shared.

The two little guys, Xiao Nan is full of energy and is not afraid of the dark, running around.The shared field of vision shook so badly that Xu Yan became dizzy if he couldn't see it for a while.

In comparison, although my younger sister Xiaobei is timid and dare not come out, the little guy's ability is not bad.

As long as my sister concentrates, she can provide Xu Yan with a 360-degree viewing angle, but she will get tired easily after a long time.

With a snap, the tent lights next door went out.

The tent was opened, and Guan Zihan, wearing an obviously oversized coat, walked over with sleepy eyes, yawning long.

"It's my turn, ah..."

Guan Zihan touched Xu Yan and sat down beside Xu Yan like a walking corpse, almost closed his eyes, took out a Snickers bar from his arms, and gnawed on it.

Xu Yan frowned.

Guan Zihan could guess what she wanted to say even with her eyes closed, she shook her hands up and down, "Don't worry, I can handle it, I'm just a little sleepy, just eat something."

Xu Yan still frowned: "Your performance today is surprising."

If it was someone else, they might think that Xu Yan was complimenting her, but Guan Zihan knew what the opponent, who was three years older, meant, "Just because I almost missed the team? Please, my strength doesn't mean I have good endurance. I can compete with you, a girl from the police academy." Han Zibi?"

Xu Yan shook his head and didn't continue talking, but he didn't leave, the gesture of distrust was obvious.

Guan Zihan didn't care either. After eating the Snickers bar, he took out a can of fruit candy and chewed it. His mind seemed to clear up with the addition of sugar.

"Hey, about Aunt Hongxing's "Destiny", have you heard of it before?"

Xu Yan ignored it.

Guan Xiao smiled, and glanced at Xu Yan: "Don't forget that I was walking with you at the time, when you heard "Mandate of Heaven", your face changed obviously. Why, you plan to keep a little secret?"

"Since you are awake, keep vigil."

Xu Yan still didn't answer, seeing that Guan Xiao was awake, she got up and went to close Xiao's tent - her tent Lu Hai was sleeping.

The three tents are the same except for the color. They are special tents for donkey friends that Lu Hai bought from an outdoor store.

But within a few hours, the differences between the tents became apparent.

Sweet, sweet and greasy.

Compared to her simple tent, Guan Xiao didn't know how much candy she brought, she seemed to be eating it in her dreams, making the room full of various sweet and greasy aromas, mostly fruity.

"Can you climb ants?"

Thinking of this, Xu Yan felt irritable and restless, and she didn't feel drowsy anymore.

In the dimness, Xu Yan's bright eyes flickered in the dark.

"Destiny... Immortality..."

After an unknown amount of time, in the darkness, the eyes shining like stars gradually went out.

Xu Yan had a long-lost nightmare, a dream she hadn't had for nearly ten years.

In the blurred ward, the little girl walked to the bed lightly with a lot of medicine in her hand.

"Mom, you will be fine, this is the prescription given by Uncle Mu..."

On the hospital bed, the woman with disheveled hair turned her back to her sideways.

The little girl shook the woman's shoulders while blowing on the steaming potion.

The woman turned around abruptly, the movement was very sudden, but her hands were still hidden in the quilt, and madness was written all over her haggard face.

"Mom! The medicine has been spilled. Dad is going to be angry again like you!" The little girl pouted, put the half bowl of soup and medicine that she had tried so hard to save on the bedside, and bent over to wipe the medicine stains on the floor.

"...Yanyan, don't blame mom, don't blame mom..."

The woman's eyes were wide open, and tears kept flowing.

Suddenly, with trembling hands, she took out the syringe from the quilt, which was filled with golden liquid.

The girl still lowered her head, thinking that her mother was apologizing for spilling the potion, and she was still comforting her.But soon, she felt something, and looked up blankly...

"Yanyan, I'm sorry! They don't believe me, and I'm doing it for your own good...forgive mom!"

"Mom can't last long, forgive mom, forgive mom..."

The needle keeps approaching with the mother's crazy face——

Xu Yan woke up suddenly, her body was already dripping with cold sweat, and her back was drenched.


Before I knew it, it was almost dawn.

Lu Hai woke up from his trance, looking at the soul-locking ring thoughtfully.

After returning from Tianjing, every time he enters meditation, he no longer cultivates yin qi. Anyway, the function of purging grievances is still continuously providing yin qi, and his own bardo body is also absorbing yin qi on its own—he is more about comprehending Wang Wenqing Textures on corpses.

With the continuous comprehension of the tattoo on the corpse, he felt something faintly, but he didn't seem to feel anything at all.

But one thing is certain, the pattern of this enlightenment is similar to Yu Zhen's Lightning Summoning Talisman, but it is completely different to some extent.

"Wang Wenqing's tattoos must be the essence of what he has learned all his life. After all, he is a person who is a god, and it is really difficult to comprehend it."

"However, the Summoning Thunder Talisman is a thunder method created by Yu Zhen when he was young, and it has some similarities with the essence of what Wang Wenqing learned... This Yu Zhen is indeed a terrifying genius."

At 04:30, Lu Hai got up and called everyone.

Except for Lu Hai who rested for two hours, everyone else rested for three hours. Although it was not much, it was enough to replenish their energy.

But... Xu Yan's complexion was a little pale, Lu Hai asked a few words, but the other party just shook his head to indicate that it was okay.

Time was running out, Lu Hai didn't delay any longer, and the four of them set off again.

Regarding the small lead, the group did not take detours, and the speed was not uncomfortably fast.

And behind them, there is still a tail hanging.

Those four people were still biting tightly behind them.As the road became more and more difficult to walk, the four people were afraid that they would not be able to keep up, and they didn't even bother to fall far. They appeared in Lu Hai's vision brightly, keeping a distance of more than 50 meters.

Lu Hai was disturbed by being followed, but the road was not his own, and reasoning was useless.

Keep your head down.

There are more and more rocks on the road, and there is a faint sound of running water coming from the front, which seems to be a new water source.

That's good news.

But Xu Yan suddenly stopped everyone at this moment, with a serious look on his face: "They have started closing the net!"

Lu Hai was taken aback and realized.

There will be no danger on the first day because Zhou Yihai and Changmei wait for all the targets to enter the net, and closing the net now means that everyone has arrived, and someone has already been recruited.

"What did you see?" Lu Hai knew about Xu Yan Youtong, Xiao Nan must have discovered something.

"The corpse, one with a new face, should have walked in front of us." Xu Yan's eyes moved slightly, sharing Xiao Nan's vision.

After a long time, she breathed a sigh of relief, "There is no danger within a radius of 50 meters."

Lu Hai nodded, ordered the others to take the Zimao Talisman and the Zisi Talisman, and walked over by himself.

Bypassing the moss-covered stone groups, the scenery in front of you suddenly opens up. It is a pebble beach with a rushing stream beside it.

The corpse lying on the rocky beach was particularly eye-catching. The blood filled the cracks of the cobblestones and hadn't solidified yet. It seemed that he had died not long ago.

Lu Hai frowned.

Not long after they died, it meant that they were not far from death just now, but they didn't hear any cries for help or screams.

The corpse was a middle-aged male, wearing a mountaineering suit, with a strong figure and looking strange.

The fatal wound was on his forehead, a blood hole the size of a fist, from which red and white liquid gurgled out, exuding a fishy smell.

What caught Lu Hai's attention was the expression of the deceased - he was still smiling!
"Destroying the brain with one blow should be a sneak attack, so the expression is still at the last moment." Xu Yan walked over, reached out and touched the blood hole on the forehead of the deceased, looked at the mixed brown debris in the blood at the fingertips, and continued. :

"It should have been killed by a tool made of wood, and the tool was recovered, judging from the time - the murderer hasn't gone too far!"

With those words, the whole team tensed up.

At this time, the four-person tomb robbery team that had been following them also caught up.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, the four had different expressions.

Only the short, fat middle-aged man smiled when he saw Lu Hai and the others look uneasy.Walking forward, looking at Xu Yan and Guan Xiao from time to time, he smiled and said, "Oh, he's dead. I just said, this Longtou Mountain is not so easy to break into, maybe you will change like this in the next moment. How about it?" , two beauties, follow us, I, Du Lao Wu, can assure you that I will protect your safety!"

The two were too lazy to talk to each other.

But Hong Xing really couldn't stand this ex-teammate's nasty behavior, and angrily said: "Du Laowu, what are you, you still protect others? What are you capable of?"

Du Laowu was not annoyed, he flipped his fingers, and as if by magic, he had a silver-gray revolver in his hand.

Pointing the gun at Lu Hai, she replied to Hong Xing: "Just relying on this, how? Can you protect these two little beauties?"


Du Lao Wuyin sneered and loaded the gun, his eyes greedily walked around Xu Yan and Guan Xiao, and looked at Lu Hai: "Boy, some blessings are not for you to endure. Since people have already started to die, it means that boy Zhou Yihai If he is not sincere at all, then if a few people die, others will at most blame him if they find out, don’t you think so?”

Lu Hai didn't answer.

what sound?
From the very beginning, there was some restlessness in the surrounding woods.

While thinking, Lu Hai squeezed the Zimao Fu tightly, looking impatiently at the short winter melon in front of him.

Although this bastard is greedy and shameless, there is a saying that is true, people who die here will only be counted on Zhou Yihai in the end.

The two had different thoughts. Suddenly, a black shadow flew from the woods with a sharp whistling sound!


Behind Du Laowu, the tall and strong man suddenly fell to the ground, with a thick wooden spear sticking out of his head!

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