Hell Live Room

Chapter 6 Registering Hell Anchor

The incident of the three-eyed skull virus, like a bolt from the blue, knocked Lu Hai at a loss.

Zhang Jialing is dead, my death...will it be far behind?
Lu Hai sat on the bed slumped, not knowing what to think.

Suddenly, Lu Hai sat up straight, turned on his mobile phone, and looked at the little Jifu Kuaiyan app with complicated emotions.

"The virus has no solution, it is aimed at ordinary people. But if it is not ordinary people, is there a chance of surviving?" Lu Hai thought to himself, the identity of this anchor is his only straw.

"It doesn't matter, it's a dead word anyway, it's better to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

Lu Hai's finger opened the Jifu Kuaiyan APP for the first time!

The moment he pressed it, his finger suddenly hurt.

A drop of blood flowed from his finger, before it spread across the screen, it was strangely sucked by the black three-eyed skull logo.

When he let go of his hand, the three-eyed skeleton had turned scarlet, so ferocious.

Lu Hai agreed with his index finger, and clicked on Jifu Kuaiyan again.

A live broadcast website with a black background and a red frame opened, and countless separate video windows, all of which were pitch black.

Before he could respond, the page automatically popped up in the background.

On the background, his information was clearly written.

"Anchor: Lu Hai."

"Identity: Unknown."

"Anchor level: 1."

"Current subscriptions: 0."

There is very little information.

Lu Hai looked at his name and sighed sadly: "From today on, am I the anchor?"

Thinking of what Yasha Xiaoer said, Lu Hai also saw the so-called mandatory tasks on the operation page.

Note: In order to ensure the quality of the live broadcast, designated live broadcast tasks are issued at random times every month.If you give up halfway or fail, all previous item rewards will be recovered and you will never be hired.

Tip: The difficulty of specifying the live broadcast task is relatively difficult, and it can be completed collaboratively.

Lu Hai carefully looked at the various descriptions, and found that it was similar to most live broadcast websites: viewers can tip, but the money is exchanged for Yinde points, and the items are more abundant.

Differences also exist in other aspects, such as in order to ensure the quality of the live broadcast, the designated tasks are mandatory issued every month, and the live videos of the same level and above are not allowed to watch, so as to avoid vicious competition among peers.

The latter Lu Hai thought about it and understood.

After all, it is different from the peaceful world. If there is hatred between the anchors, it is too easy to cause accidents if you find out the location, life and fighting habits of the enemy through the live broadcast.

However, Jifu Kuaiyan is not a greenhouse. If there is a situation like an enemy or a treasure hunt, as long as the anchor level is higher than the opponent.

The level of the host needs experience to upgrade, which is determined by the number of viewers, number of subscribers and gift value.

The income of the anchor, in addition to the rewards from ordinary viewers, and the system will give an additional gift package every time you upgrade and complete the monthly designated tasks.

The current anchor level of Lu Hai is 1, so naturally there is a reward - this is a reward for new anchors in disguise, and you can get it when you register!
Open the gift bar, sure enough, a beautiful gift box is lying there.

Lu Hai had tasted the magic of the truth-telling potion, and when he saw the gift box, his eyes full of desire were the same as looking at the half-covered beauty on the bed.


With a light tap of the finger, the gift box popped out, and after a burst of brilliant light flashed, a lottery roulette appeared on the screen of the phone.

"It's not a designated item, a lottery...?"

On the roulette wheel, there are five color intervals: white, orange, blue, purple, and red.

The white range is the largest, and the red range is the smallest. Generally speaking, this is from the fifth prize to the first prize.Among them, the smallest red interval is basically just a small gap.

"Forget it, I don't expect the grand prize. I hope to give me a blue one. If not, orange is also fine."

Lu Hai rubbed his hands hard, and after clicking to open it, he closed his eyes, exposing a gap, watching the pointer turn nervously.

White, orange, blue, white, orange, blue, white, purple...

The pointer is getting slower and slower, and finally the speed in the white area on the upper right slows down. Judging by the speed of the snail, it must not be able to climb the fifth prize area.

And if you pass this white interval, it is a red gap, and then there is a blue interval.

However, seeing that the pointer was about to reach the red edge, the speed suddenly disappeared.

"Damn, give me such a trash!"

Lu Hai slapped the phone screen in a daze, and the pointer trembled slightly.

With this small range, the pointer actually stopped firmly in the red area as thin as a hair...

First prize!

"Damn, this is okay?!"

Lu Hai happily jumped up and down on the bed, almost knocking the bed down.

Looking at the phone again, a dazzling red light flashed, and a simple ring appeared in the red light.

The ring had a strange shape, and it was dark black as a whole. On the simple ring, there was a long fish with its tail in its mouth.

Next to the mobile phone pattern, there is also a line of small words explaining: soul-locking ring, grade unknown.

"This description is short enough, except for the name, there is no useful information at all. But judging from the name, it should be related to the soul."

Just like the red envelopes in the communication group, if you take it out directly, the ring will appear in his hand.

Lu Hai was so excited that he put the ring on his left middle finger, looked left and right, up and down, and couldn't get tired of looking at it.

While playing with it, Lu Hai found that the long fish with mouth and tail on the ring was moving.

Lu Hai tried to turn it up, but only turned halfway, and then got stuck.

Waited quietly for a moment.

Lu Hai was at a loss: "This...what's the use? It seems that nothing has changed!"

Isn't that what it's used for?

Unwilling to give up, Lu Hai tried to turn his head downwards.

...still nothing.

"What the hell, how is this soul-locking ring used? Could it be an ornament?" Lu Hai was helpless, what's the use of having a ring that he doesn't know how to use?

"Forget it." Lu Hai thought, time is running out, and now he doesn't know when he will die suddenly.

The first thing he has to do now is to find out when Zhang Jialing got the fake three-eyed skull logo, to make sure he has a few days left to live.

After putting away his mobile phone, Lu Hai just got out of bed when he discovered a strange thing.

The body... so light!
Lu Hai almost floated to the lower bunk, he was wondering, when he suddenly noticed something on his bed from the corner of his eye.

Looking up, the one sitting on the bed is not himself!
"This is... the soul coming out of the body?" Lu Hai opened his hand to look, and found that his body was in a translucent posture.

"Is this the function of the soul-locking ring?"

Lu Hai's eyes gradually lit up, and he tried to twist the ring upwards.


Lu Hai's eyes blurred, and he returned to the bed like he was on a roller coaster!

Looking at the flesh and blood palm, Lu Hai smiled.

It turned out to be so useful!

Rotating the soul-locking ring downward means the soul is out of the body.

In the out-of-body state and then rotate upwards, the soul will immediately return to the body.

Although I don't know if this is the full function of the soul-locking ring, but just this, for Lu Hai, it is equivalent to having a spell.

"Spells! With this, I'm not an ordinary person, am I?"

Lu Hai played for a while, but he didn't forget the business, and was going to the hospital.

Since the soul can go out of the body, does that mean that you can talk to ghosts?Zhang Jialing's body is in the hospital, if I can meet her ghost...

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

There are text messages.

Lu Hai opened it suspiciously, and it was "Guan Xiao" who hadn't replied to the message for a long time before chatting with him privately.

Guan Xiao: "Sorry, I wasn't here just now. What can you do?"

Lu Hai asked the previous question again, and by the way, sent the excuse he told Yasha Xiaoer.

Guan Xiao replied quickly: "I'm afraid I can't help your friend with this, sorry."

Lu Hai: "Okay... by the way, are you also in Guancheng?"

Guan Xiao: "I'm not there now. Why, are you from Guancheng?"

Lu Hai: "That's right, hang around here."

Guan Xiao: "(Smiling face) Fate."

Guan Xiao: "By the way, can I trouble you with something?"

Lu Hai: "You say, try to help as much as you can."

Guan Xiao replied a lot: "Since you are in Guancheng, you should know about Zhang Jialing, right? Her death is absolutely abnormal, and the local people have also discovered this, and they are going to hold a soul-calling ceremony. I wanted to go, but I took off If you don’t come back, can you help me to take a look, then give me some information, and I will give you some rewards.”

Someone wants to summon Zhang Jialing's soul?
Lu Hai hurriedly replied: "It's just a little thing, what information do you want, after I go, I will sort it out for you later."

Guan Xiao sent a link: "Take a look at this first, and sign up in your name. Information... How about it, you just record the whole process for me, it's convenient."

Lu Hai: "No problem, I will contact you when the time comes."

Guan Xiao: "Go and register first, the reward will definitely not disappoint you, thank you in advance."

After finishing the chat, Lu Hai clicked on the link.

The content of the link is very simple, just an advertisement:
——About Ms. Zhang Jialing's spiritual summoning ceremony.

In the middle is a description of Zhang Jialing's life and death.

And at the bottom it says: If you can attract the soul of Ms. Zhang Jialing, you will be rewarded with [-] yuan!Attached is a Thunder Summoning Talisman!

Signature: Zhou Yihai.

Lu Hai smiled coldly, and murmured, "Is it Zhou Yihai? Just right."

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