in the space of consciousness.

Lu Hai lay powerlessly on the ground, holding a broken talisman in his hand.

The Gathering Talisman found inside the ring.

This thing was left by Zhang Jialing when he was haunted by him, and it was also the switch that Taoist Qingshi used to activate to lure other ghosts to attack him.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to use it to almost kill me, now it's my turn to use it to kill you, right?"

Lu Hai laughed wildly, looking at the sky in the consciousness space, the ghosts that kept flying in and landed like a meteor shower, "Hahahaha, how lonely it is for two people to fight, if you want to play, just play something big!"

After hundreds of ghosts entered the consciousness space, Lu Hai locked the soul lock function.

In an instant, this space of consciousness belonging to Lu Hai became a colosseum for hundreds of ghosts, Lu Hai and Qingshi!
With the soul locked, no one can fucking get out!
Isn't that old guy Qingshi awesome?Come on, so many opponents, kill them all if you have the ability!
" are a lunatic!" Taoist Qingshi's voice trembled rarely.

"Hahahaha, thanks to you!" Lu Hai lay on the ground, looked at the densely packed ghosts with greedy faces above his head, and shouted: "Come on, let's have a good fight! Whoever stands at the end will be the one with this body." New owner! I’m not boasting, brother, my bardo body is a rare commodity, come and get it if you have the ability!”

"Madman... madman!" Taoist Qingshi gritted his teeth, looking at the dense crowd of ghosts around him, trembling with fear.He is capable, but there are hundreds of ghosts, there are no less than a hundred of them, how could he beat them!
"Lu Hai, Lu Hai, let me out, I won't get involved in this matter, just treat it as my loss, okay?"

"It turns out that you are also afraid of death. When your body died, you were quite calm!" Lu Hai deliberately provoked the other party.He also understands that for ascetics, death is not terrible, what is terrible is the disappearance of souls.

"You open the ring and let me out, really, I will never come back!"

"It's so beautiful to think..." Lu Hai struggled to get up from the ground, rushed towards Qingshi, and bit down!
The first person to fight, the rest of the ghosts also flew to the battlefield.

Taoist Qingshi is the strongest here, killing him first will benefit everyone!
"Get out! Get out of the way, old man!"


"No, get out of here, old man—"

Taoist Qingshi's struggle is not worth mentioning in front of hundreds of ghosts.

Taoist Qingshi was struggling, and at the same time, the body of Lu Hai he controlled was also struggling.The entrance of Youlan Cave, which had appeared originally, continued to grow bigger as he struggled...

in the space of consciousness.

Lu Hai was like a mad dog, biting Taoist Qingshi's soul fiercely.No matter how Qingshi attacked, no matter how many ghosts behind him took the opportunity to attack him, he never let go of his mouth.

Gradually, he felt that the struggle in front of him became smaller.

As for the mouth, his mouth was empty.

Lu Hai came back to his senses, spit out the black mist that he was unable to struggle with, and then looked in front of him——

Taoist Qingshi died, his soul was scattered, leaving nothing behind.

Lu Hai, who had been holding his breath all this time, was relieved.

Consciousness gradually faded away, maybe he didn't need someone to do it, and he wouldn't last long before his soul flew away.

But it is impossible for the other ghosts not to act. He is the second most powerful soul here. After Qingshi died, it was his turn.

A series of hideous grimaces kept approaching.

Lu Hai trembled, standing on the opposite side of hundreds of ghosts.Die, you can't be too cheap, these bastards who pick up leaks!

Suddenly, he felt his body lighten in a trance, and his whole body was falling rapidly.

"This is……?"

"It's the body's reaction!"

After Qingshi's death, his control over his body finally came back.Although it may be known which lucky ghost will be cheaper later, he is indeed in control of the body now.

Lu Hai opened his eyes, there was a narrow hole above his head, and the dark night sky outside the hole.

And he was falling rapidly.

"Underground space?" Just as Lu Hai thought of something, his body fell to the ground hard.

He didn't have time to look around, but only faintly saw a tall corpse lying beside him.He was lying on the ground, with his feet level with each other, but he could only see his waist.

"This is?"

Lu Hai turned his head and could just see the waist of the corpse. It seemed to be wearing ancient armor, and the corpse did not rot.And the most conspicuous thing in front of his eyes is a waist card made of jade, with three traditional Chinese characters engraved on it——

"Wang Wenqing."

Before Lu Hai could read more, a sharp pain came from deep in his soul.

He was forcibly pulled back to the battlefield of consciousness - countless ghosts were lying on his body, biting him!I want to swallow Taoist Qingshi just like swallowing him!

"Are you going to die here?"

Lu Hai was pressed to the ground, even though he exhausted all his strength, he was still unable to move, let alone fight back.

"This time, I'm afraid I really fell here..."

Consciousness gradually faded away, and Lu Hai was dying.

Outside the world of consciousness, Lu Hai has already closed his eyes, and his hands hang down feebly.

And his right hand happened to rest on the jade belt engraved with "Wang Wenqing" beside him.

Suddenly, the sleeping armored corpse opened its scarlet eyes...


"Be sure to catch up!"

"Lu Hai is an idiot, tell him to run quickly, why doesn't he listen to persuasion!"

On Wangfu Avenue, the busiest area in Tianjing, cars are coming and going, and neon lights are flashing.

At this moment, the nightlife has just begun.

On the main road, a black Harley motorcycle was speeding in the opposite direction, but no one noticed it at all.

The owner of the car was a handsome young man in his 25s with a cocktail braid in a white shirt and black trousers.At this time, his face was full of anxiety, holding the phone in one hand, and looking at him from time to time.

Conspicuously, on the head of his motorcycle hung a black flag fluttering in the wind with the word "Guan" written in the middle.

The screen of his mobile phone lit up, and a call came.

The handsome young man hurried to pick him up.

An anxious girl yelled at the other party: "Why haven't you arrived yet? The live broadcast has stopped!"

The young man was surprised and said: "The live broadcast stopped? Is it over? Could it be that Lu Hai already..."

"Shut your crow's mouth! He... I saw the entrance of Netherland before, he should have fallen in, and there is no live broadcast in Netherland."

The young man finally breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay, that's okay."

"What's so good! Hurry up! If you still can't make it in 10 minutes, you won't even want this year's parade qualification!"

The young man hung up the phone with a bitter face.

Damn, who did you provoke?
"Lu Hai is also a guy with unlucky luck. Back then, so many people searched for the bodies of the six great gods but couldn't find them. Why did he touch them as soon as he stepped on them?"

"Although the great gods were Taoist Dharma protectors, they died with endless resentment after all. Once they are woken up, they will see people and kill people on the cliff, and ghosts and ghosts!"

"Little Er, Xiao Er, you are really unlucky. Go and hold that big guy for half an hour? It's just a joke!"

"Hey, that silly boy, by the time I get there, I'm afraid he's already dead. Unless, he is the bardo body that is not included in life and death according to the legend..."

This young man who keeps complaining is none other than Yasha Xiaoer.

Of course, he is not a yaksha, and he took this name simply because he wanted to become a yaksha.

After noticing the difference in the location of Lu Hai's battle from the live broadcast, he received an order from the city god Tian Qi to rescue Lu Hai quickly. By the way, if the corpse of the great underground god wakes up, he will be responsible for delaying time and waiting for other colleagues to arrive.

Little Er dared not disobey Chenghuang's order.

First, he sent a bullet screen to remind Lu Hai, but the other party ignored it, and then he bombarded him with text messages, but he still didn't answer.Helpless, he can only find Guan Xiao, get rid of Guan Xiao and find the phone number of the other party.

Guan Xiao has a way, actually a phone call directly to the beautiful live broadcast assistant -

"Speaking of which, that big girl named Xu Yan is indeed beautiful, even taller than Guan Xiaona's second generation ancestor by a little bit, right?"

"Little Lu Hai, why is he so lucky?"

"Tsk, if he dies this time, these two beauties...hehehe..."

Just as Xiao Er showed a foolish smile, he suddenly came back to his senses and slapped himself.

"Little Er, Xiao Er, what are you thinking?"

"Lu Hai is your friend! How can you expect your friend to die? My friend's wife, no—speaking of which, they haven't had a relationship yet, right? If I make a move, will it count as bullying my friend's wife?"

"No, Xiao Er."

"If you want to have a yang body that truly has a yang life, you have to become a ghost messenger. Ghost messenger... When I become a ghost messenger, these two beauties will be turned into ashes, right?"

Talking to himself, the Harley motorcycle had already reached Fuer Road.

He was driving an underworld mount, so he was not afraid of people seeing him, so he went directly to Fu No. [-] Middle School.

When he got to the gate, he saw a fancy red Maserati parked in front of the school.


"When will the boss upgrade the mount again? It's better to hang on four wheels!"

As he spoke, Xiao Er's speed did not slow down at all, and he passed through the iron barricade in front of the school gate like a ghost.

finally reached.

Xiao Er's expression also turned serious, and he looked around, and suddenly noticed that in the school, a faint blue light pierced the sky, and was finally stopped by the foam in the air.


After finding the location, Xiao Er arrived on a Harley motorcycle.

The messy battle scene in front of him was exactly what he had seen on the live broadcast before.

He ignored the two unconscious human beings, pulled out the spirit-calling banner, got off the motorcycle, and walked towards the ravine emitting a faint blue light.

Suddenly, a black shadow ghost floated out of the gully in a panic, and fled away in a panic.


He also frowned.

Can make the black shadow ghost flee in embarrassment... Could it be that the corpse of the great god woke up?

Xiaoer's summoning banner stood in front of him and moved over cautiously.When he got to the side of the ravine, Wei Wei probed down.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

There is no huge corpse slaughtering ghosts as imagined, but a human being kneeling on the ground, covering his mouth with his hands, and chewing something non-stop.

Xiaoer recognized the figure, it was Lu Hai.

Is he still alive?

Xiaoer opened his mouth to shout.

But soon, a mutation appeared!

Suddenly, shadows sprang out of Lu Hai's body, but they were blocked by a thin film.Xiao Er could even see the grimaces printed on the film, full of despair and fear!

Finally, the always powerful black shadow ghost squeezed out of the film with the efforts of all the ghosts.

At that moment, Xiaoer saw a human expression on the face of a black shadow ghost in a ridiculous way—it was a smile of unbelievable happiness after escaping from death.

But soon, the smile on its face froze, and it let out a miserable scream!
——Lu Hai didn't raise his head, and grabbed the shadow ghost with one hand, which had almost escaped.Then, he violently pulled it onto his legs, opened his mouth to reveal sharp teeth, bit the black shadow ghost, and swallowed him in a few mouthfuls!

Xiao Er's body trembled.

Just now, that black shadow ghost reached out to his natural enemy, ghost messenger, to seek help...

"What The Fuck?!"

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