A gunshot sounded from afar.

There was a commotion in the crowd in the distance, their faces were terrified, and they kept running, running towards this side.

"That the No. [-] Middle School!" Lu Hai didn't have time to think about it, and leaned on his strong body to squeeze through the crowd.

When Lu Hai anxiously rushed to the gate of the No. [-] Middle School, the gate was already empty.

Fortunately, because today is a weekend break, there is no one in the school.Only some passers-by hid behind the car, looked at the door, and chatted with the people nearby about what just happened.

In the distance, the siren sounded from "Ula Ula".

Lu Hai ran to the main entrance—according to passers-by, this is where the shooting happened just now.

When he saw bloodstains on the ground, he became short of breath!
Xu Yan...

A text message alert sounded suddenly.

Lu Hai frowned and opened it, and it was Xu Yan who sent the message.

This made him frowned, and he had time to send a message, at least nothing serious happened to him.

Information is a positioning - "Tianjing Fuer Road Auxiliary Secondary School".

Look at the red dot, the location should be on campus.

This location is familiar to Lu Hai, and this is where they plan to implement the plan these days.Firstly, there is no one here at night, which is convenient for fighting; secondly, the only place not far from the hostel with a wide view is the school.

"They passed early?" Lu Hai thoughtfully looked at the blood on the ground.

Before the police came, he left the school gate, turned a few turns and found the back gate of the school.Seeing that there was no one around, he jumped lightly, climbed up the three-meter-high wall, and turned inside.

On the way, Lu Hai called Xu Yan.

The other party missed, but soon, he saw a fluorescent light shaking in the distance, and waved to him.

"God, this way!"

Lu Hai didn't see who it was yet, but when the other party opened his mouth, he knew it was a smile.

When he ran over, he found that all three of them were here.

Among them, Zhuangzhuang's right shoulder seems to be injured.Xu Yan half squatted on the ground, and was bandaging his wound with gauze. Little blood was printed on the gauze, blooming like plum blossoms.

"and many more!"

Before Lu Hai got closer to ten meters, he stopped him with a smile, "You, show me your right hand."

Lu Hai knew what she was worried about and shook his arms.Seeing this, the other party finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong with Zhuang Zhuang? I just heard gunshots." Lu Hai looked at Xu Yan for a while, but fortunately, she was fine.

"That shot hit him." Xu Yan tied a knot in the gauze and stood up.

"What's going on? Where's the Taoist priest?" Lu Hai looked around.This is probably under the school teaching building, under the protection of a camphor forest.More than ten meters to the right is the playground.

Xu Yan briefly recounted what happened just now.

It turned out that shortly after Lu Hai left, "he" came back.

Taoist Qingshi is worthy of the nickname of Taoist with Thousand Faces, his disguise technique has no flaws except his right hand.

When Lu Hai, who had just started pretending to be fake, came back, the others basically had no doubts.

But after a while, Xu Yan noticed something was wrong.

At that time, Xiaoxiao clamored to go to school early and implement their plan.

Xu Yan stopped Xiaoxiao with her eyes and said the specific plan. Seeing that Lu Hai, who was pretending to be Taoist Qingshi, also agreed to the action, she hesitated for a while, and decided to go to the school with few people to deal with Taoist Qingshi.

——Her pistol was loaded with an astonishingly powerful armor-piercing bullet, and it was too easy to mistakenly injure people on the way off work in public.

The four walked to school together.

Xu Yan had doubts in her heart, so she walked at the end and kept observing "Lu Hai" secretly.

Xiaoxiao and Zhuangzhuang didn't know it, but they still chatted enthusiastically with "Lu Hai".

Just as he was about to arrive at school, Xu Yan suddenly saw "Lu Hai" take out a dagger from his trouser pocket.

At the moment when the opponent was about to attack Zhuang Zhuang, Xu Yan didn't care about the impact of shooting in public, so he raised his gun and shot!
In this attack, she deliberately raised the angle of the muzzle of the gun, so as not to hurt passers-by after passing through the body of "Lu Hai".

As a result, the other party seemed to have noticed it, and hurriedly pulled Zhuang Zhuang, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Before Zhuang Zhuang could react, he heard a loud gunshot.

Fortunately, the muzzle of Xu Yan's gun was raised very high, and the gun just brushed Zhuang Zhuang's right shoulder and flew towards the sky.

"It's all my fault. If I had noticed at the time and hugged him, maybe he would have died." Zhuang Zhuang grinned in pain, still feeling guilty.

"It's because I have too many scruples." Xu Yan shook her head.

"Okay, everyone is not responsible. On the contrary, I lost someone after chasing him." Lu Hai sighed, "You say he is a Taoist priest, how can he do nothing like a killer?"

"Maybe they are spying on information to find out about your changes." Xu Yan thought, "What's worse is that this is the first time you and Xiaoxiao have separated so far, he probably already knows that the real curse virus is Xiaoxiao. Moreover, he also noticed that we had planned an ambush."

"This guy..." Lu Hai became quite irritable when he thought about it, "Then what should we do now? The plan continues?"

"There is not enough time, and there is no other way for the time being. Just follow the original plan and adapt to the situation." Xu Yan explained, "He only knows that we have a plan, but the content is not clear, and it may still be useful."

After the four of them finished speaking, they began to make preparations.

Lu Hai took out the anti-drug pills given by Fatty Zhang, and shared one with each of them.Then one person distributed three Zimao Talismans and five Corpse Destination Talismans.

Xu Yan took out a calculator-like thing from the canvas bag - a remote control bomb.She has been running around for the past few days mainly because of it.

The bomb was given to Xiaoxiao, and Xu Yan kept the remote control for herself.

After the distribution of things is completed, according to the rehearsal plan, Xiaoxiao will hold the bomb and stay in the sewer near the teaching building; Zhuang Zhuang will be ready to respond in another sewer connected to Xiaoxiao ten meters away.

Everything was ready, Lu Hai and Xu Yan leaned on the open space above Xiaoxiao's head, waiting quietly.

Tonight, the ghost lotus will bloom.


Lu Hai opened the live broadcast room.

In an instant, the 10086 live broadcast room was ranked ninth on the recommendation list of the Kuaiyan homepage.

Since his designated task is a series, the viewers who watched it last time received the information pop-up window uniformly.

After a while, the live broadcast room became lively.

Lu Hai glanced at it casually, and the most talked about in the barrage were nothing more than two things: whether he is human, and whether the beautiful assistant has a boyfriend...

He glanced at it, put the phone away, and waited intently.

The last time a newborn calf ran to chase Taoist Qingshi.

In the end, it was just a twist, which trapped the two of them.Although Qu Chong's body was destroyed, Xu Yan almost paid the price with his life.

If Qingshi really makes a move...

Lu Hai can only rejoice, fortunately, the opponent intends to leave Guancheng, otherwise he and Xu Yan would have gone to Huangquan together if they really fought.

In the summer of June, the nights are still hot and dry.

There are also many mosquitoes in the camphor forest.Lu Hai almost lost his patience after being bitten, but when he saw the solemn and dedicated Xu Yan beside him, he was not to be outdone, and tried his best to calm down.

This wait is two hours.

The live broadcast room has already exploded - is this live broadcast station street boring?
All of a sudden cursing, shouting to leave, all over the screen.

In the end, Lu Hai was really impatient, so he simply blocked all the bullet screens, and the world became clean at once.

Just when his patience was about to reach its limit, Xu Yan poked him with her arm.

Lu Hai's muscles tensed immediately, and he looked in the direction Xu Yan was looking at - in the woods ahead, a red light dangled, approaching the two of them.

The two stood ready.

But when the other party approached, Lu Hai breathed a sigh of relief, and put the Thunder Summoning Talisman, which was about to be soaked in sweat, back into his pocket.

"Where have you been these few days?" Lu Hai looked at Zhang Jialing, the ghost in red who kept drifting closer.

Ten days ago, Zhang Jialing said that she was going to track down Huang Daosheng to find the whereabouts of Taoist Qingshi, but it took ten days to go there.Unexpectedly, at this time, she came back.

"Didn't I say that before?" Zhang Jialing still didn't have a good temper with Lu Hai, and her tone was very aggressive.

"Then did you find anything?" Lu Hai kept a distance of three meters from the other party.

"I found some." Zhang Jialing glanced at Lu Hai's soul-locking ring, and continued: "Huang Daosheng did cooperate with that stinky Taoist priest. The old man Huang Daosheng is seriously ill now, and he won't live long. He is afraid of death. It was the stinky Taoist priest who hanged him, so let's be a gangster."

"Anything else?"

"No, I dare not show up. I don't find much information."

While the two were talking, Lu Hai observed Zhang Jialing openly.

It was good that Zhang Jialing and him had a common enemy for the time being, and it was good that the news they brought could withstand scrutiny, but the timing of her appearance was too coincidental.

However, no matter how he observed, the other party did not show any strange behavior.

"Speaking of which, what are you doing here at night? Who am I ambush for?" Zhang Jialing glanced at Xu Yan thoughtfully.

"It doesn't matter who ambushes, we are waiting for him to come. How about it, don't you want to take revenge and help us?" Lu Hai asked.

"Of course, but are you sure? I don't want to give my life away." Zhang Jialing doubted.

"To tell you the truth, I'm really not sure. There is an unknown monk beside the Taoist priest. Speaking of this, did you see that monk when you investigated?" Lu Hai asked nonchalantly.

"That monk with long eyebrows? Looking at it from a distance, it looks very strong." Zhang Jialing said.

"Oh..." Lu Hai smiled strangely.

"So, I think you should be careful, in case that monk—" Zhang Jialing was talking, when she suddenly found Lu Hai frowning and looking behind her.

Zhang Jialing turned around in surprise, suddenly, a gust of wind blew from the back of her head!


Lu Hai's body was like lightning, he stepped forward, his left hand formed a claw, and grabbed the back of Zhang Jialing's head.

The soul-locking ring flashed red, and Zhang Jialing had disappeared in place.

Ten days ago, Lu Hai could only forcibly accept the black shadow, but now that he has entered the second level of Yin Qi forging body, he is eighty percent sure that he can take away Zhang Jialing who barely entered the ghost.

Zhang Jialing has seen the monk?

Fatty Zhang had confirmed ten days ago that the monk would not be by Taoist Qingshi's side in the near future.

The two have different opinions, so Lu Hai naturally believes in the latter!

It seemed too easy to accept Zhang Jialing just now, almost as hard as accepting a black shadow.

Could it be that it has become stronger and feels different?
Lu Hai was slightly surprised.

But soon, a violent fluctuation came from the ring!

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