Hell Live Room

Chapter 42 Ghost Lotus Flower, Ghost Face Flower

Lu Hai practiced for a whole night.

He almost couldn't resist turning on the "resentment cleansing" state of the soul-locking ring, purifying Zhang Jialing's grievances and looting them.

But when he thought about the strength of Zhang Jialing's ghost, Lu Hai managed to maintain his sanity.

Just after dawn, Xu Yan knocked on the door to remind Lu Hai to prepare things.

Today, I am going to Tianjing.

Zhou Yihai, the old Taoist priest, and the mutated corpse of Zhang Jialing probably went to Tianjing.The two of them planned to try their luck.

At breakfast, the two met.

As a college counselor, Li Qian is busy during the graduation season.The past few days have asked for enough leave, and if she asks for leave again, her second uncle will have to blame her.So early in the morning, Li Qian bit a deep-fried dough stick and went straight out.

"I look at the mobile phone and it seems that there is an extra Kuaiyan platform, which contains my information." Xu Yan sat upright, sipping soy milk.

"Is there anything I don't understand?" Lu Hai was not so dignified, he was almost lying on the dining table, sweeping away the hot dry noodles and steamed dumplings.

"I generally understand, but I don't understand Yinde points and upgrade rewards."

"This." Lu Hai took a sip of soy milk and pressed down the food, and explained, "Yin virtue points are equivalent to the currency of the underworld, and can be used to buy things, such as spells that need to be practiced. Upgrade rewards... Sigh, this ring is my big prize .”

"I have a chance too?" Xu Yan looked at Lu Hai's ring.

"Well, there are opportunities, but it mainly depends on luck." Lu Hai said halfway, then suddenly remembered something, and took out an invitation card, "By the way, I found this on Qu Chong's body yesterday Things, see if there are any valuable clues."

Xu Yan took the invitation and checked it.

"Tianjing Jiayuan Hotel? I've never heard of it." Xu Yan frowned, "The Taoist priest gave it to him?"

"I don't know." Lu Hai shook his head, "Look at that petal again, do you recognize it?"

Compared with Jiayuan Hotel, Lu Hai cared more about this unknown petal.

He had smelled this petal when he was hunted down by the old Taoist priest, and found it on Qu Chong's body, and the elixir Huang Lao ate also had this smell.

Lu Hai told Xu Yan what he knew, and the latter fell into deep thought.

"So, this petal probably hides the secret of why they were able to cast a curse to kill people. If we can figure this out, maybe next time someone is victimized, we can stop it in advance." Xu Yan, as a policeman, gave Suggestion, "I think it's better for us to start from this petal."

"I think so too. But what about Jiayuan Hotel? What if they meet there..."

"It's nothing. Qu Chong's soul has escaped, and they must know that this thing is in our hands, and I'm afraid they won't go there again. But during the insurance period, I sent someone to watch over it, so we can know if there is any change."

"Who is going?" Tianjing is not Guancheng, Lu Hai thought that it is impossible for Xu Yan's colleagues to cross the border to investigate, could it be Tianjing's friend?
"Hehe, you've seen it. The one who helped me retrieve the corpse from the bureau last time."

"...that big guy in a suit?" Lu Hai vaguely remembered that the one who drove the corpse back then was a strong man in a suit.

"Well, they are my father's subordinates, and they are under my command now." When Xu Yan mentioned her family, her mood changed slightly.

Seeing it, Lu Hai didn't ask any more questions, just lowered his head and ate the noodles.

Seeing this, Xu Yan smiled slightly and said, "We don't have any information about petals now, but there is one person I think she should know."

Lu Hai raised his head: "Is it your friend again?"

Xu Yan shook her head: "It's your friend."

Seeing that Lu Hai was puzzled, Xu Yan pointed to his mobile phone, "Your friend named 'Guan Xiao', she knows."

Lu Hai was surprised. Guan Xiao did say that she was from Guancheng. Could it be that the two of them knew each other?

Hearing Lu Hai's question, Xu Yan smiled without saying a word, focusing on drinking soy milk.

Lu Hai scratched his head, unable to sort out the situation.

Depending on the situation, Xu Yan must know Guan Xiao, maybe Guan Xiao also knows her.But... Judging from Xu Yan's words just now, it seems that the relationship between the two of them is not very good?At least not friends.

Lu Hai was slightly entangled, these two, one is a friend in reality, and the other is a friend on the Internet.If the relationship between the two is tense, he will be in trouble.

But the case was important, so he didn't get too entangled. He took a photo of a few petals and sent them to Guan Xiao.

Guan Xiao responded quickly.

"Why do you have this thing in your hand?"

Lu Hai will tell the ins and outs in detail in the future, and emphasize that this is directly related to the live broadcast of the case.

Guan Xiao didn't ask any more questions, and sent a message:
"This is the ghost lotus, also known as the ghost face flower. Born in the underworld, only the underworld can support it. It is a special product of the underworld."

"However, it appeared in the human world 15 years ago. The ghost lotus flower has a strong fragrance and strong yin qi. If you eat too much at one time, it will cause coma. If you take it for a long time, it will reduce the body's yang qi, and finally become a living corpse! But if you use it in a small amount, it can slightly improve The elixir has medicinal effects, if added to the dishes, it can greatly enhance the taste and make the meals more delicious."

"15 years ago, the place where it appeared was Tianjing!"

"Perhaps you have already thought of it—yes, it was Zhou Jianjun who first used the ghost lotus at that time, that is, Zhou Jianjun's father. Zhou Jianjun borrowed the ghost lotus to enhance the taste, and gradually made his fortune from a hawker, and finally he has today's Zhou's Catering group!"

"In the early days, the side effects of the ghost lotus did not appear. Until three years later, more than ten people in Tianjing died of it, and more than 100 people were sick. Zhou's family was already rich and powerful at that time, so they found someone to cover their backs to escape their shells. Flee to Guancheng to take root."

"The ghost lotus has only appeared for three years, and the only one it has is the Zhou family. So, if you want to find clues, I suggest you go to the Zhou family's old restaurant in Tianjing."

Lu Hai was shocked when he heard the news.

Zhou's family has a dark history, and as an outsider, he knows about it.But what I didn't know was that this black history actually involved so many life debts!
Xu Yan noticed the successive changes in Lu Hai's face, waited for a while, and asked in a low voice, "What did she say?"

Lu Hai handed over the phone.

Xu Yan also frowned, "The Zhou family's old restaurant... I know about that."

After breakfast, the two of them simply cleaned up and took the bus to Tianjing.

Tianjing is the largest city in the west of Hubei Province, and its prosperity is equivalent to three or four pass cities.The city is mainly based on manufacturing and tourism.

Thirteen princes of the Ming Dynasty were buried here, and it is considered the most famous ancient city in Hubei Province.

After getting off the station, Xu Yan led the way.

"Zhou Jianjun started out as a hawker at a mobile stall, selling to students at the entrance of the No. [-] Middle School. Later, when he became more prosperous, he ran a 'Zhou's Restaurant' on Fu No. [-] Road."

Xu Yan has been in Tianjing for more than half a year, so she is familiar with this place.

After two transfers, we arrived at our destination directly.

Fuer Road is not very lively on weekdays, but thanks to the fact that there is a key middle school nearby, there are many vendors.Every weekday when school is over, all kinds of small vendors flock past, and this deserted street will become a little lively.

At the intersection less than 100 meters away from the middle school, the third place to the north is the former site of Zhou's Hotel.

The scale of the hotel is very large, with a land area of ​​[-] square meters. The upper and lower floors plus the backyard are nearly [-] square meters.Because there is no one to inherit it, nor rent it out, and it has not been repaired for more than ten years, the hotel looks dilapidated.

It's not that the Zhou family didn't think about renting out the land, but no one wanted to take it over.The main reason is that no one wants to touch her because of her bad reputation.

At first, some people thought that it had been a long time, and everyone had forgotten that maybe they could buy it at a low price—unfortunately, in the past ten years, several strange things happened in the abandoned Zhou's restaurant, so no one was willing to take over.

Even the surrounding buildings are far away from it, and the nearest hardware store is about ten meters away.

It looks lonely, staying in a piece of wild grass, waiting for the day when it will completely rot.

"Strange thing, what strange thing?" Lu Hai caught this word from Xu Yan's introduction and asked.

"Haunted." The two got out of the car, and Xu Yan took Lu Hai to the nearest hotel to book a room. "At that time, Zhou's Restaurant was very popular, and hundreds of tables needed to be reserved and lined up. Back then, there were a group of loyal diners. Later, some of these diners died. After the restaurant closed down, some people said that they saw the diners who died before, and they went into the restaurant as usual. Some people nearby said that in the middle of the night, the restaurant still heard the sound of cooking, which was very lively. .”

What the two of them were looking for was a youth hostel with the name of these four characters.

The girl at the front desk kept looking at the two tourists. The man was mediocre, but the woman was beautiful and eye-catching.Hearing what Xu Yan said during registration, the girl at the front desk smiled awkwardly for a moment, and then said:
"The two of you know Tianjing quite well. However, the haunting and the like are all rumors, so it's not so mysterious. What age is this, isn't there a ghost that was discovered by scientists a long time ago?"

Lu Hai and Xu Yan smiled and said nothing. Obviously, the girl at the front desk was afraid that her business would be damaged, and she couldn't tolerate people saying that the neighborhood was haunted.

However, an aunt in the house was blunt:

"Xiaomei, you're an outsider, so you've come late, so you've never heard of it." The aunt looked at Xu Yan, and she obviously had a good sense of this beautiful junior:
"Let me tell you, aunt, I have lived here for more than 20 years, and I know everything about Zhou Papi's family! They just did too many bad things, and now those ghosts who died unjustly are looking for him in the restaurant! Don't you believe it?" , The year before last, I saw with my own eyes that the little girl was still wearing those suspenders and ran to the cafeteria in the middle of the night. That little girl has been dead for more than ten years!"

The aunt ignored the threatening eyes of the girl at the front desk, shook the flower fan used for square dancing, and said mysteriously: "Besides, it is not only haunted, but also killed people! Those ghosts are looking for scapegoats. A few days ago , Lao Yang's little girl died inside!"

"Aunt Zhang!" The little girl at the front desk was anxious.

"Human life?" Lu Hai frowned.

"Xiaomei, don't blame me for talking too much, everyone knows about it, and people can just ask about it."

"Auntie, where is that Uncle Yang?" Xu Yan asked suddenly.

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