Hell Live Room

Chapter 34 Ghost Hit the Wall

As soon as Lin Long left, Lu Hai stood in front of Gate 306.

"I'll go in and have a look first, and you can watch for me." Lu Hai said, sitting cross-legged in front of the door.

Before Xu Yan understood what Lu Hai asked her to look at, in a blink of an eye, she saw Lu Hai who was leaning against the wall as if asleep, with his head drooping.

Soul out of the body.

Lu Hai got into the room, it was a two-bedroom house.The balcony curtains were drawn tightly, and the door to the bedroom on the right was left open.

"There is my breath here, it should have stayed here for a while." Zhang Jialing's ghost floated out from the ring, sniffing the air.

"In addition to mine, there is also that stinky Taoist priest!"

Lu Hai nodded and drifted to the bedroom on the right.As soon as I entered, I noticed that the bedroom was very messy, the furniture was scattered everywhere, and there were irregular scratches on the walls.

I touched the scratches, they were very long and deep, about three centimeters in length.With this force, if it is grasped on a human body, it is likely that several catties of flesh will be lost.

"Miss Lin probably heard this voice last night." Lu Hai said, then turned around and asked Zhang Jialing, "Now, can you feel where your body is?"

"Wait." Zhang Jialing closed her eyes, then suddenly opened them, "It's gone!"

"What?" Lu Hai was surprised.

"Just now, the breath disappeared!" Zhang Jialing gritted her teeth, "It must be something that stinky Taoist did!"

"It's so early..." Lu Hai faintly felt that something was wrong, and turned the ring to return to his soul.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xu Yan's puzzled face.

Lu Hai quickly told what happened just now.

"That is to say, they cut off contact earlier than you thought? They cut off contact, which means that even if they leave now, we will not be able to track them down..." Xu Yan tidied up her eyes, "Act immediately, In all likelihood, they are already planning to leave!"

The two didn't say any more, and hurried down the stairs.

As a result, as soon as he went downstairs, the lights outside were shaking, and there was a sound of chaotic footsteps approaching here.

The ones who took the lead were the security guy on duty at Ximen, and Lin Long who was hiding behind him.Behind the two of them were seven or eight men in security uniforms.

"It's them!" Lin Long pointed at Lu Hai and stepped aside.

The security guy walked over with a stick in his hands, full of anger.Looking at the two of them, seeing Xu Yan's alluring face, he immediately raised his eyebrows.Good guy, I haven't noticed just now, this girl is so beautiful.

"You two, come with us! Dare to act wildly in our Dihao, and don't look at your own virtue!"

"What do you mean?" Lu Hai stood in front of Xu Yan, looking at the security guard who appeared out of nowhere.

"What do you mean? You two think you can fool people with a fake police ID? Think we are idiots?!" The security guy was taken aback as he said that, feeling as if something was wrong.Looking at Lin Long who was staring at him, he immediately scratched his head, "Anyway, come with us, or you will suffer!"

Lu Hai was impatient, Zhou Yihai might have packed up his things and left at this time, but he didn't expect to be stopped by these guys.

Xu Yan pushed him from behind, stepped forward, slightly raised the corner of her waist, revealing the gun pocket.

Suddenly, there was an uproar on the other side.

"Gun? Damn, it's a ruthless character!"

"...how about we call the police..."

"I said, isn't this person really a policeman?"

The security guy is also nervous, there are too many of them, but they are guns!

"You, what do you mean? Let me tell you, don't be impulsive. If you are impulsive, there will be no good fruit for everyone."

Seeing that the gun was working, Xu Yan raised her hand and threw the police card over: "Police, there is a nasty case that needs assistance. Take me to your monitoring room."

Lin Long couldn't tell whether the police certificate was genuine or not, but the security guard knew the goods.

The security guard looked carefully at Xu Yan's police ID, and suddenly shuddered.Throwing the stick, he saluted awkwardly: "Yes, yes!"

The aggressive security guards softened and gave way one after another, wishing they could hide their weapons in their buttocks, it's so embarrassing!
With Xu Yan's identity as a police officer, the two quickly pulled out the surveillance video.

When they saw the scene of Lin Long looking for the security guy to call for someone, the two hung their heads, not daring to look at Xu Yan.

Xu Yan didn't care either, and focused on the monitor.

"This car..." Xu Yan noticed the black Mercedes that drove out from the west gate 10 minutes ago, and after cutting back and forth several times, she finally confirmed that the driver was none other than Zhou Yihai!
The two immediately came out of the monitoring room, rushed to the west gate, and were about to stop the car to chase after him.

At the same time, Xu Yan took advantage of her job and began to contact the bureau to closely investigate the black Mercedes with the license plate G10088.

At this time, it was already ten twenty at night.


While leaving the west gate, Lu Hai turned on the live broadcast.

The moment the live broadcast was started, subscribers received text messages.At the same time, the window of the live broadcast room instantly appeared on the homepage of Kuaiyan Live, and the column list on the right was seventh!

Lu Hai took a glance, there were ten small live broadcast windows in total, except for him, the others were all black screens—this meant that among the videos recommended by the current homepage, he was the anchor with the lowest rank.

Listed on the homepage as a level 2 anchor to recommend the top ten!
Almost instantly, the audience flocked, and the momentum continued unabated!
Live Room 10086: Fight for Kuaiyan's reputation!

Current audience: 486——

Current Subscriptions: 8
The current number of viewers keeps rising, and in less than 3 minutes, it has already exceeded a thousand.At the same time, the current increase in the number of viewers has also driven the number of subscriptions. Although the growth is not fast, it is already faster than before!
With the assistant, the live video has changed slightly.

In the lower right corner of the page with Lu Hai as the main page, another small window appeared, which was Xu Yan's perspective.

As the number of people increased, the live barrage began to appear in front of them.

"Hold the grass, and you will be on the recommendation list after two levels?"

"PY transactions, there must be PY transactions!"

"Hey, is it still a series column?"

"It seems to be the column mentioned on the homepage last time"

"Is it that time that someone faked our platform logo to do evil?"

"Wow, big beauty!"

"Big beauty +1"

"The yang bodies of these two guys are so real!!!"

"This yang body must be a great god!"

The barrage floated by line by line, seriously affecting Lu Hai's sight. As a last resort, he had to lower the transparency of the barrage, so that he could see things anyway.

Facing the admiring tone from the audience, Lu Hai felt extremely embarrassed—someone else regarded his body as a so-called Yang body, so that they misunderstood him as a master.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yan found Lu Hai's expression strange and asked.

Lu Hai suddenly realized that Xu Yan should not be able to see the barrage.He handed over the phone and let Xu Yan see it.

Xu Yan found it new. She had only heard about the live broadcast before, but she never had time to watch it.Looking at it now, I found it very interesting, especially her perspective below. Xu Yan turned her head to the special area and watched the change of perspective, which was very novel.

While the two started the live broadcast, they went out of Ximen to observe around without any delay.

After just a second glance, they felt that it was a wrong choice to wait for the bus here.

Outside the west gate is a not-so-busy street.Looking around, there are only two or three small shops on the long street, with the words "[-]% off swimsuits" and "two pairs of slippers for ten yuan" written on them.

It was already ten o'clock, these small shops were closed, and the streets were deserted, with no one passing by.

"Go back and see if you can find the car." Lu Hai suggested.

But when the two turned around, they were dumbfounded.

Where is Simon?
What about the security booth?

The original west gate disappeared, only the two-meter-high wall stretched infinitely from left to right.

A gust of wind blew by, taking away all the heat from the street.

"It's weird, we just came out of here..." Lu Hai stepped forward and touched the wall, it was really not a trick.

Looking at the street again, there is no end to the left and right, and the road is under the dim light, sinking into the darkness in the distance.

"Ghost hitting the wall?" Xu Yan asked, taking out a pistol.

"I don't know." Lu Hai shook his head.

The ghost hitting the wall in Lu Hai's impression is the phenomenon that at night, when there is no reference object, the legs take slightly different steps, and thus spin around in one place.

Although after being exposed to the existence of Kuaiyan, I feel that things in the world may not be so simple, and some things cannot be explained by science.

But there is only a street in front of you, you can't walk around in a circle, right?

"Go around and see if there is a door next to it."

The two were on the left and the right, not daring to go too far. When they met after 5 minutes, both of them had expressions that were not quite right, and they shook their heads in unison.

"It shouldn't be, is it really a ghost hitting the wall?"

Lu Hai didn't believe in evil, so he took a stone and carved a white mark on the trunk of a sycamore tree with a broken branch by the roadside.

"try again!"

This time, the two did not separate, and went all the way east.

But only 3 minutes later, Xu Yan beside him gently pulled him and pointed to the side of the road.

Lu Hai looked, and there was the sycamore tree with broken branches beside him, even the marks on the trunk were exactly the same!
Hit the wall!
"Damn it, it's evil!" Lu Hai cursed in a low voice, can a ghost hit a wall in a street?

"Think about how to break it." Xu Yan took out her mobile phone, "There is no signal on the mobile phone, and I don't know if there is any news from the bureau."

how to break...

Lu Hai rubbed his hair vigorously, feeling a little regretful.

Since coming into contact with Kuaiyan, he has focused most on cultivating talismans or attacking talismans.As for other related skills, his eyes are smeared, and he doesn't understand at all.

He vaguely remembered the example of someone yelling swear words while watching TV, and finally walked out of the wall, but after all, it was TV, and he was not sure if it would work.

At this moment, he noticed that someone was making moves in the barrage that he had increased the transparency of.

Some people suggest using wang qi to watch the yin qi flow away.

Some people also say that if you use the positioning of the seven stars and watch the seven stars go, you will always go back.

But soon someone refuted, saying that the ghost hitting the wall encountered by the anchor is unusual, and it only circles infinitely in a straight line. Naturally broke.

The idea of ​​peeing is obviously very interesting. More than 8000 people came to the live broadcast room at this time, and they all brushed up "piss".

Lu Hai was speechless.

"Lu Hai? What do others say?" Xu Yan knew that Lu Hai was probably watching the barrage just now, but she couldn't see it, so she could only ask.

"Cough, this... They say that boy urine can break ghosts and walls." Lu Hai blushed.

"Then just pee." Xu Yan said calmly.

Seeing that Lu Hai hadn't responded yet, Xu Yan raised her eyebrows and squinted at Lu Hai: "You don't know, aren't you a virgin?"

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