Hell Live Room

185 Shen Youxiang

An hour has passed since entering the ghost tomb.

Lu Hai circled the residential building for half an hour, trying to catch up with the tail behind him, but every time he came two steps late.

The number of corpses stitched behind them is getting smaller and bigger, five or six, almost 50 meters high.The six-story residential building stood in front of them, and it was almost like a toy, not reaching the chest.

"I can't keep hiding here."

Lu Hai became anxious.

Too much time was wasted here, and the guy hidden behind the stitching corpse made him even more anxious.The stitched corpse is getting stronger and stronger as it fights, and it is immortal. If the status quo is not changed, it may be dragged to death.

"Unfortunately, this is not Guancheng... The place is too unfamiliar."

What Lu Hai wants to do most is to find a wide space that can accommodate all the big monsters behind him.As long as the corpses are all piled up together, if the other party wants to make a fuss, they will definitely be exposed to his sight.

The mobile phone is also unavailable on the demiplane, and it is impossible to check the map.

Lu Hai jumped between the buildings one after another, his eyes wandering around, trying to find the ideal battlefield.

At this moment, a shadow gradually enveloped him on the ground.

Lu Hai looked up, and above his head, there was a "giant palm" consisting of hundreds of arms and feet, covering him in the air, like covering the sky and the sun.


Lu Hai stepped on the thunder, and the thunder of the earth thunder provided a huge explosive power in an instant, and suddenly jumped more than 20 meters.


The strength of the giant hand was beyond common sense, and it slapped the office building under Lu Hai's feet in half!
A blow from the stitched corpse set off a hurricane and rubble. Although Lu Hai narrowly avoided a slap, he was blown away quickly and hit the center of the opposite business building, smashing the glass and rolling into the luxurious hall.

Gravels followed one after another, like a hail of bullets, and the entire hall was devastated.

A red mask stood in front of Lu Hai.

Because his body couldn't help himself, Lu Hai's Zimao Talisman was slow for a moment at the beginning, and the gravel grazed his body, drawing scars and scars, and he was in a panic.

"Damn it, I'm shooting Ultraman!"

Through the open window, Lu Hai saw the office building where he was standing before slowly collapse, and couldn't help but feel depressed.

The body of the suture corpse is too large, which completely makes up for the shortcoming of the lack of strength of the single body.

More importantly, there are more than one or two such guys!
After the rubble was gone, Lu Hai put away the Zimao Talisman, turned his head and smashed it through the glass at the other end of the commercial building, jumped off the [-]th floor in the air, summoned the soul-destroying sickle in mid-air, and walked on the sickle.

"That is?"

Lu Hai looked forward and found a neon sign hanging on "Lujiayuan Square" on a 200-meter-high building less than 30 meters behind the commercial building.

He quickly lifted off again and looked along the road. Sure enough, there was a square the size of a football field under the building.

Follow the road under your feet to the square, and there is a series of empty continents in the middle, with shopping malls on both sides.

Lu Hai's eyes lit up, and he thought this is a good place.

Looking back at the big tall one, he was still rampaging like Godzilla. It seemed that his movements were slow, but in fact his huge body moved not much slower than him.

"Hurry up."

Lu Hai pulled out an arc of lightning with both hands, the head of the sickle under his feet sank, he lowered his figure, and shuttled through the shopping malls on both sides, leaving thunder lines across the street.

Lu Hai flew past the last traffic light on the street at low altitude, hovered in the center of the square, and turned around to look.

Seeing that he was no longer fleeing, the stitched corpse was so excited, he waved his disgusting arms and rushed forward.It's a pity that the big guy has no IQ at all, and he can't see the thunder line under his feet.

The huge inertia met Lei Xian's excellent cutting ability, and directly cut off the legs of the sutured corpse, and the whole body fell down with a crash, just in front of Lu Hai.

Looking at the ugly monster under his feet, Lu Hai raised his hands high, and the fire and thunder entangled above his palms, gradually forming an energy ball the size of a basketball.

Before the corpse on the ground was stitched up again, Lu Hai threw Huo Lei down.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

Fire and Thunder Burst Hand!
Remnants of limbs and broken arms were flying around at such a high speed that the corpse quickly escaped from the black mist and could no longer be reassembled.

Ten minutes later, the corpses piled up into a mountain, covering the entire square, the black mist was scattered, and there was a lot of commotion.However, the scope of coverage is not as good as before, and the reorganization is nothing more than ineffective people who have stitched up corpses, which cannot cause trouble.

Lu Hai stood on the mountain of corpses, looking around.

The crisis is not over.

Even after killing these stupid big men, the sense of crisis became stronger.

Those who are watching in the dark are nearby.

"Hide your head and hide your tail, you are a generation of snakes and rats."

Lu Hai was not polite, but he did not let down his vigilance at all.

Suddenly there was a movement under his feet, and a hand suddenly stretched out from the mountain of corpses, grabbing Lu Hai's ankle.

Finally showed up?
Lu Hai was caught off guard, half of his body was pulled into the mountain of corpses.

Lei Chong!

Lu Hai didn't focus on his feet, so he had to turn his feet and use the power of thunder to crush that hand into powder.

But one hand disappeared, and the other hand grabbed it, and countless corpses under the mountain of corpses revived.

Lu Hai didn't dare to wait any longer, and immediately covered his whole body with Lei Chong, soaring into the air, bringing out more than a dozen arms along the way.His eyes fell on the hollow under the mountain of corpses, trying to find out who was lurking in the dark.

However, what appeared in his eyes was only the severed hand hanging on his body, and there was nothing under the mountain of corpses...


Sound East and West!

Just as Lu Hai thought about it, there was a sudden chill behind his back.

A hand pierced from behind his back, revealing dirty fingers under the ribs in front of him!


Lu Hai involuntarily spat out blood, and turned his head stiffly.

A dirty and skinny monk was sticking behind him, with zero distance from him. The monk looked indifferently, and his arms turned violently in his abdomen, crushing his internal organs.

On the monk's waist, there is a black gourd, from which the strange fragrance of black mist comes from, and black mist spews out from time to time, permeating the surroundings.

There is no doubt that this person is the one who has been lurking in the dark and targeting him.


Lu Hai wanted to speak, but his mouth was full of blood. As soon as he spoke halfway, the blood gurgled out of his mouth.

"You don't know me." The monk said indifferently, "However, you should know my two incompetent apprentices. Qingshi, Changmei, do you remember?"

Lu Hai naturally remembered.

The Qingmei two, a Taoist priest and a monk, were the first two people who threatened him.

The two of them are at the bottom of the Sanqinghui, Lu Hai never expected that the person in front of him is actually the master of those two people.So, this is a vendetta?No wonder it keeps targeting.

Lu Hai was seriously injured in his abdomen, but there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Mu Lei, who had comprehended not long ago, can heal physical wounds, as long as he is given time, as long as he is not fatally injured, he can recover quickly.

What he lacks now is time.

The dirty monk didn't seem to notice the mulei slowly flowing in Lu Hai's body, and said to himself: "Qingshi was raised by me since childhood. Although he is not capable enough, he obeys my words and is very filial. But, this world always It's strength that speaks, he died, I don't hate you, similarly, you died because you were weak, so you can't blame me either."

"To be honest, you can achieve such an achievement in a short period of time, which is much better than those two idiots. The above has always said that they want to recruit you into the club. To be honest, if you are willing, I will not account for the past. Compare."

"But, since you are the enemy, you should lie down."

Lu Hai struggled and did not speak. The wooden thunder in his body circulated slowly, maintaining his vitality. As long as the dirty monk pulled out his hand, he could heal his body in the shortest time.

But the dirty monk didn't give him this chance.

"You still have fantasies?"

"Do you think I don't know about your little tricks?"

"Hehe, you want to heal yourself? I can help you."

"Have you seen the black mist all over the ground? It's called Shen Youxiang. It comes from the bottom of the Styx River. It is made of millennium silt. It has a strong healing effect on corpses. Do you want to try it?"

The dirty monk laughed loudly as he spoke, and pulled out his arm suddenly.

Before Lu Hai Mulei could recover, puffs of black mist frantically rushed towards the wound on Lu Hai's abdomen from all around, from the dirty monk's black gourd, and penetrated into his body.

Soon, Lu Hai's figure was completely shrouded in black mist.

Chen Youxiang, which has suture effect on corpses, is a holy medicine to corpses, but to living people, it is one of the most poisonous gases in the world!

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