Hell Live Room

Chapter 12 Illegal Gathering?

"Old Huang!"

"Old Huang, don't do this!"

How could Lu Hai let the older generation of revolutionaries kneel in front of him like this, stood up in panic, and bent over to help.

Huang Daosheng's old face was stubborn, but he refused to get up: "I was wrong, I didn't know Taishan, I am willing to admit defeat. Don't feel guilty, I am always a bit old, but the hard bones are still there , It’s okay to kneel down.”

"Hey, it's not a question of whether the body can bear it or not. You are a respected senior, and you kneel down to my younger generation, isn't it a shame for me!" Lu Hai didn't expect the old man to be so stubborn, and he took a bet like a joke so seriously.

"What's wrong with this? Throughout the ages, apprentices kneel down to their masters. That's justified. You are better than me. In our line of work, I am your junior!" Huang Lao was so persistent that he was about to kowtow down.

Lu Hai was in a hurry, and looked around for help, but whether it was Hong Xing or Director Li who was very bored, they all had helpless expressions on their faces.

It can't go on like this.

In desperation, Lu Hai gritted his teeth and suddenly stood up straight.

When Mr. Huang was about to kowtow to his teacher, Lu Hai said coldly: "Mr. Huang, why are you so ignorant at such an age? Do you think that if you want to worship me as your teacher, I must accept you?" This apprentice?"

The room was quiet again!
Hong Xing, Chief Li, President Chen and the others stared wide-eyed, looking at Lu Hai's calm profile in disbelief.

In Guancheng, I have only heard of people vying to kowtow to Mr. Huang, but I have never heard of Mr. Huang going to kowtow to learn from others in reverse!
This is not over yet, the key point is that Mr. Huang won't let you knock him down, and what he said is disgusting...

What the hell, is the world line changed? !

Huang Lao also stopped kowtowing, bent his body and lowered his head, no one could see his expression clearly.

Such a magical scene made everyone very nervous.

They all thought to themselves, Mr. Huang...couldn't he be angry because Lu Hai has done so much?
That's right, in Guancheng, from the secretary of the mayor to the prominent people on the road, didn't everyone enshrine Mr. Huang as a senior?
When did Mr. Huang receive such neglect?

Not to mention kowtowing to worship a teacher, but also being disgusted by others!
Lu Hai's heart was also pounding, and he noticed Huang Lao's figure from the corner of his eye, thinking, is this guy pretending too much?If the old man turns his face, this matter will not end well.

He also has no choice but to find a reason to refuse, let the old man kowtow to him, no matter what the reason is, he can't bear it.

At this time, Huang Lao finally moved.

The old man, who had always been energetic, looked a little tired at this moment, as if he was ten years older.

Mr. Huang stood up slowly, and sighed: "That's right, I'm an old man, and I won't be able to learn anything. If it were me, I wouldn't accept such an apprentice..."

"But!" Huang Lao pulled back a sentence and looked at Lu Hai, "Whether you recognize me as an apprentice or not, I will regard you as my master. Not only are you willing to gamble and admit defeat, but you can use the spell of traveling in the dark body , and I can afford to call me a master."

Huang Lao didn't get angry, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

After talking to this level, if Lu Hai refuses again, then he is really pretending to be aggressive.

"Old Huang... Forget it, as long as you are happy." Lu Hai said helplessly.

"Master, this way, let's leave a contact information. This is my business card. When the master is free, I hope you can allow me to visit." Huang Daosheng handed over a white business card with both hands.

"Chairman of Xintong Technology Co., Ltd." Lu Hai took the business card, looked at Huang Lao in surprise, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Huang Lao to follow the trend of the times, technology company? Bull!"

Because it is a professional industry, Lu Hai has long heard of the reputation of ICT.In the year he came to Guancheng, ICT was raised and listed, and now it has become a top [-] company in the country. Although it is not as good as Huawei and other big companies, it is faintly a first-tier information company in the country.

"Hey, it's not worth mentioning. It's all run by the younger generation in the family. I have to put a name on it. It's a false job, it's just a false job!" Huang Lao waved his hands modestly, but there was pride in the corners of his eyes.

Seeing the scene of the two exchanging contact information, the active Hongxing eyes lit up, and she quietly pushed Director Li beside her.

Director Li immediately comprehended, hurriedly took out the business card from his pocket, held it in both hands, and handed it over more respectfully than Mr. Huang: "Master Lu, we are destined to meet thousands of miles away, and we have admired your name for a long time."

Lu Hai's eyelids twitched, this rich and powerful person is different, he seems so sincere even when he speaks nonsense with his eyes open.

Chen Hua, the boss of Kanghua Company, looked good, came over with a warm smile, and gave Lu Hai a business card.

Lu Hai did not refuse anyone who came, and accepted them one by one, and informed the other party of his phone number by the way.

A spirit summoning meeting, now it has become a social meeting, and the protagonist is still a young man who was looked down upon by everyone before.

So ironic, so unrealistic.

Lu Hai also knew in his heart that among these people, except for Mr. Huang, few of them could communicate sincerely.


Lu Hai was held as the center, while Zhou Yihai, who used to be in the past, scolded her in his heart.I was extremely upset in my heart, but I still had a smile on my face.

No way, the old seniors are so happy, you just put on a bad face?

Of course Lu Hai didn't forget Zhou Yihai, after all, he was waiting for him to send mission rewards!

"Master Zhou, I misunderstood you before. I didn't expect that after classmate Zhang Jialing's accident, you would be the first to stand up, and you could offer such a generous reward to find Zhang Jialing's soul and the truth of the matter. Now I I can tell you exactly, yes, classmate Zhang Jialing personally admitted that she died of homicide."

Lu Hai stretched out his left hand: "So, what about the reward?"

Zhou Yihai's smile froze, his body shook slightly, and then returned to normal.He took out a bank card from his pocket, and a purple sandalwood box:
"Everything is here, one hundred thousand, and the Thunder Summoning Talisman drawn by Master Yu Zhen himself."

Lu Hai took it: "Thank you."

At the same time, Lu Hai felt no less than three gazes, persistently watching the sandalwood box being put into his pocket.

This talisman, as he expected, is not simple, but also very attractive!

Zhou Yihai obviously also noticed the emotions of Huang Lao and others, smiled, and took out three similar boxes again, but the material was changed to ordinary pear wood.

"Seniors have also worked hard, so I can't come here in vain. This junior specially prepared three handwritten copies of the Summoning Thunder Talisman. Although they are not as valuable as the real ones, they still have some reference value. I hope all seniors will not refuse."

Huang Lao and the others naturally wouldn't refuse. The purpose of their coming here is not to be a model of Summoning Thunder Talisman.

Although copying will lose a lot of the charm of the original work, and the reference value is far less than that, it is still better than nothing.The three of them were not polite, and each accepted it.

Zhou Yihai watched anxiously, making sure that the three of them put away the talismans.

With a careful heart, Hong Xing glanced at Zhou Yihai's slightly trembling hands, and said with a playful smile: "I saw that Xiao Zhou was still a very aggressive person before, why is he so nervous today, his hands are sweating, and he has met with us?"

Zhou Yihai's expression tightened, and he quickly wiped the sweat from his palms behind his back: "I don't dare to look outside. It's really..." As he spoke, he nervously glanced at the corpse on the other side of the ward.

Hong Xing understood: "Oh, so I was afraid of this, but sister, I didn't think carefully."

Zhou Yihai nodded again and again.

Lu Hai on the side noticed that when Zhou Yihai bowed his head, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

He frowned, looked at the thick cold sweat on Zhou Yihai's forehead, and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say why.

The spirit summoning conference was a complete success, and everyone had no intention of staying any longer.

Hongxing carefully covered Zhang Jialing's body with a white cloth and covered it up again.

Lu Hai was pestered by Mr. Huang to chat.

Qu Chong and Chen Hua stood calmly in a corner, waiting for the end of the matter.

It's time to leave, but at this time, the door was kicked open from the outside!
The door opened, and a team of uniformed police officers filed in and blocked the door.

Everyone froze in place.

……what happened?police?
Just when Lu Hai and the others were puzzled, a tall policewoman walked in calmly and showed her police ID in a businesslike manner.

"Police. We received a report that someone was holding an illegal feudal superstition party at the hospital."

Saying that, this unbelievably beautiful policewoman waved her white-gloved fingers backwards, and said bluntly:

"Take it all away!"

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