Hell Live Room

Chapter 100 Arrogant Elementary School Student

Welcome hotel, room 705.

The tense atmosphere did not ease a little because of Lu Hai's arrival.

Lin Susu looked at them questioningly, and didn't think this young man could bring them any help.Lu Hai?Is there such a person in Guancheng?She has never heard of the name, and the ghost knows whether the people in Guancheng are perfunctory and sent a young man over to dismiss them.

Reminiscent of the precipitous decline in the reputation of the Shenxiao School in the past 20 years, it has suddenly become a small school with few people.Those who used to look up to her Shenxiao faction became successful villains one by one, and they were obsessed with the Shenxiao faction, secretly how many people laughed at Shenxiao's defeat at the hands of Lin Dongliu.Now even the people of Guancheng treat them with such a perfunctory attitude, it really has to make people angry.

Thinking of this, Lin Susu looked at Lu Hai more and more unkindly, and even put the hatred that was ridiculed by others in the past 20 years on Lu Hai.

Lu Hai was confused by Lin Susu's fire-breathing eyes. He didn't know that in just a short moment, this woman who looked a little bit added so much drama to his heart.

Forget it, it's better not to guess what a woman thinks.

Lu Hai looked at the square-faced man who seemed to be the calmest here, and asked, "What's wrong with your faction?"

Senior brother Xiao Xiao is over thirty years old after all, so he still understands the basic principles.Since Guancheng sent someone over, what matters is not the strength of the person coming, but that there is a certain force in Guancheng standing behind this person.

Listening to Lu Hai's initiative to ask questions, Xiao Xiao briefly summarized the things on the way, and asked tentatively: "Brother Lu, can you do me a favor, find some people to help and see if I can find my master?"

Lu Hai is naturally willing to help, but he is actually from the Yin Division, and he doesn't understand the reception of Mingmian.Seeing him in person, the people from the Shenxiao faction obviously misunderstood that he was a local force in Guancheng.

To find someone, relying on the police will definitely not work, after all, the other party may be more powerful than Li Gui.Ordinary people in the past, basically die.

Looking for Guan Xiao to try?

"Hmph, I knew it, you guys are a bunch of snobbish eyes! If back then, you dared to neglect my Shenxiao sect like this?!" Seeing Lu Hai's silence, Lin Susu was extremely disgusted, and turned around to leave, "Don't ask for these things You're so snobbish, the big deal is to use the money in the temple to manage it, and I don't believe that no one will help!"

"Susu! Don't go too far!" Xiao Xiao slapped the table hard.

"Brother? You, you actually yelled at me???" Lin Susu stared at Xiao Xiao in disbelief, her teardrops spinning brightly.

"Senior brother, it's over." The second senior brother Yue Qun also interjected, complaining, "This matter itself is the responsibility of the senior brother, so what's the point of scolding the junior sister?"

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder in the room was getting stronger and stronger, Lu Hai coughed, reminding that there were outsiders.

Xiao Xiao glanced at Lu Hai gratefully, and sighed slightly: "Okay, there's no point in arguing now. You guys go out first, and Brother Lu and I will talk first."

Although the few people were angry in their hearts, the senior brother still wanted to show face in front of outsiders.

When there were only two people left in the room, Xiao Xiao asked Lu Hai if he could find someone to help.

Lu Hai nodded. After all, human life is at stake, so he can try to find it.

After being silent for a while, Xiao Xiao mysteriously took out his mobile phone, fiddled with it for a while, and handed it to Lu Hai: "This is the distress voice sent by the master this morning, but I don't know what it is, brother Lu, help me take a look? "

Lu Hai clicked on it, and there was a loud electric sound, and then someone hurriedly said "Zao Guicai" with a Northwestern dialect accent.

Early ghosts, early ghosts... looking for ghosts?

Lu Hai repeated it several times, and he knew it in his mind.

Seeing Elder Brother Xiao's bewildered face, he thought about it for a while and came to an understanding - only people at the sect's level should understand that Yin Division intervenes in the daily order of various sects.If not, Xiao Xiao and the others wouldn't understand this.

Since the underworld and the sect secretly reached an agreement, Lu Hai didn't take the initiative to reveal that he was a ghost messenger.

"Also, there is one thing that I have to say in advance, so that Brother Lu won't say that I'm not kind."

"Oh? What else?" Lu Hai asked.

"The guy who made the ghost shouldn't be human. I was close at the time, and I seemed to see a blue light on his body..." Xiao Xiaoshao's eyebrows trembled, his face anxious, "I feel that the ghost is probably Photo green ghost!"

Lu Hai was shocked!
Photo green ghost?
This is a whole level higher than the red-clothed ghost. It can switch back and forth between the real and the virtual, and possesses the wisdom of a human being. The only difference is that the green ghost is bloody and brutal. It has almost no concept of good and evil, and only acts according to likes and dislikes.

Generally speaking, when a green ghost appears in the world, human tragedies will inevitably occur, such as serial killings, massacres of villages, and so on.

Sheqing ghost has a clear consciousness and can touch the threshold of ghost cultivation. Ordinary ghosts are not opponents at all.Even parades with average strength may not be opponents of Sheqinggui!

This matter seems to be getting trickier.

"Brother Lu, as long as you can help find my master, the whole Shenxiao faction will pray for you day and night..." Xiao Xiao really couldn't come up with a good reward.

"It's okay, since we've come to Guancheng, we are naturally responsible for your safety." Lu Hai is half of Wang Wenqing's descendant, even if Xiao Xiao doesn't ask, he will try his best to help.

"Thank you, thank you... Please don't worry about the junior sister's matter just now. As a daughter, she is more anxious than anyone else. I hope Brother Lu will not care about it." Xiao Xiao stood up and bowed to Lu Hai.

"Don't worry, I didn't worry about it." Lu Hai quickly helped him up.

The matter may involve the height of Sheqing Gui, so Lu Hai gave up the idea of ​​looking for Guan Xiao.It would be better for the Yin Division to do this matter. Anyway, Qin Wenzhong has this responsibility as a parade.

He didn't have Qin Wenzhong's contact information, so he greeted Xiao Er.

Soon, Xiao Er called back: "It's strange, Qin Xun has gone somewhere, and can't be contacted. How about this, you go to the place where the incident happened first, and I will find someone to take over my class. When the time comes I'll go and have a look."


Guancheng, Shi County.

The place where the head of the Shenxiao faction disappeared was in the outskirts of Shi County, near Qingyuan Street.

Shi County has a population of less than 30. It does not rely on mountains or water, and its agriculture is not developed. It only relies on a few large chemical plants built more than ten years ago to maintain its finances.

Qingyuan Street is close to the suburbs, and there is a large paper mill next door, so the air quality can be imagined.

Thick smog, even the hot June sun can't penetrate it.The nearby residents have moved away early in the past few years, leaving only old and small families who are not easy to move.

After the four brothers and sisters from the Shenxiao Sect came to Qingyuan Street, they exchanged phone numbers and then split up.

Just set foot on Qingyuan Street, the faceless female ghost who was about to be purified in the ring suddenly became agitated.

This made Lu Hai's heart move, and he silently counted the time...

It was nearly eight days ago that the Shenxiao faction encountered the evil ghost, and after a lot of investigation, it was not until three days ago that the leader Lin Dongliu lost the news.And the time when the faceless female ghost appeared happened to be around eight days.

Is the faceless female ghost the victim?
If you think about it again, the Huang family who sent the faceless female ghost here, could it be the instigator?
Now that most of the female ghost's grievances have been lost, her mind is still not fully clear, but Xu is approaching the scene of the incident, remembered something, and urged Lu Hai to walk in the direction of the paper mill.

The road is getting more and more deviated, the roadside trees on both sides of the cement road are covered with a layer of gray, and the smoggy sky makes this place look like a gray world.

After passing by a dilapidated elementary school, the movement of the female ghost became more and more loud, until when Lu Hai passed by an eight-year-old child, the female ghost's resentment suddenly intensified!
Lu Hai hurriedly grabbed the child.

"Mom crazy?" The child was holding a branch as a sword in his hand, cutting back and forth on the road, when he was suddenly pulled back, he cursed immediately.

Lu Hai frowned, are children so rude nowadays?

However, considering that most of Shixian County is home to widowed and lonely old people with their children, it may be unrealistic to expect too much upbringing. After all, they all grew up as princes.

Although Lu Hai didn't like it, he knew how to deal with each other.

He took out ten yuan from his pocket and waved it in front of the elementary school student. Sure enough, the other party's eyes lit up.

"Ask you something, I'll give you the answer, how about it?" Lu Hai tempted.

"Then give it to me!" The elementary school student snatched the ticket, smirked, cursed the idiot in a low voice, turned and ran away.

Lu Hai endured his temper, and took out another 20 yuan from his pocket, "There are still more here, do you want to?"

The elementary school student turned around and tried to grab it again, but Lu Hai stood up straight and held the money high.The elementary school student couldn't reach him, so he cursed a few times, and finally had to give in, and said impatiently: "It's okay, I'm in a good mood. But let's talk about it first, I'm busy, so fart!"

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