The gate of Murong's manor.

A black military vehicle was parked at the gate of the manor, and Aragaki and the old leader were sitting in the vehicle.

"Old leader, Murong Tuo has come out."

"Let's go down."

Only the two of them came this time, and Aragaki was acting as the driver.

When Murong Tuo saw the person coming, he didn't change his face and his heart skipped a beat, he stepped forward and smiled politely.

"Happy New Year, both of you. I don't know what you are doing here?"

Seeing Murongtuo's calm appearance, Aragakihe felt annoyed for a while.

Knowingly ask!

"Happy New Year." The old leader said with a smile, obviously he was doing Murong Tuo face very much.

After all, it is bound to be strong now, and he probably already has a relationship with that person, so he can only suffer from being dumb.

"Mr. Murong, you're really in good spirits. It's really beyond my expectation that this year's [-]th year invites someone to our house as a guest."

Hearing this, Murong Tuo's heart trembled, he looked at the old leader, feeling a little strange in his heart.

How did he know that he invited someone to visit his house?
Are you being watched?

As soon as he had this idea, Murong Tuo vetoed it.

How rampant the Daxia Security Bureau is, but we still have to follow the law in everything.

Moreover, the security system around his manor is very complete, and it is still top-notch technology.

So Murong Tuo was certain in his heart that the Security Bureau absolutely did not monitor him, and there was no need for it.

Since it's not monitoring him, is it monitoring Zhang Yun?

Now there is only this explanation.

Murong Tuo was startled at the moment, he realized that he might have underestimated Zhang Yun's identity.

It can make the old leader travel thousands of miles from Tianhai to Jiangnan to monitor him.

I'm afraid Zhang Yun's identity is not as simple as he thought.

But the more so, the more it shows that his choice is right.

The imperial court's attitude towards Zhang Yun was obviously respectful, and they even sent someone with the identity of the old leader to monitor him.

It can only show that Zhang Yun's status is very noble, and the court is afraid that something will happen to Zhang Yun in Daxia.

At that moment, Murong Tuo sneered while secretly rejoicing in his heart. As expected, the information obtained through investigation cannot be easily believed.

"Old leader, you are joking, you two sit in the room, the room is warm." Murong Tuo said generously with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Aragaki still treated him with a cold face and did not speak to him.

But the old leader laughed and said, "Since Mr. Murong invited you, it's disrespectful."

The living room of Murong's house is very large, and Zhang Yun and Murong Xiao's place to eat is relatively north, so they seldom take outsiders there.

That's why Murong Xiao eats New Year's Eve dinner here every year.

And Murong Tuo planned to go to the south parlor with the old leader and Aragaki He.

As soon as he stepped into the door of Murong's house, the old leader couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Murong is indeed the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. The decoration of the house is so particular."

The old leader's words did not mean irony.

But sincere praise.

Who in the Jiangnan business community knows that Murong Tuokuai made Daxia traditional style furniture.

So as soon as you enter the door, whether it is the wall furnishings or the eaves decoration, it is full of primitive simplicity.

"My lord." At this time, Aigakihe walked up to the old leader and called softly.

The old leader looked sideways and saw Zhang Yun's voice coming from behind a wall.

At that moment, the old leader couldn't help but look terrified.

Sure enough, this one is here, and his guess is correct, it seems that Murong Tuo has really caught this thread.

For a while, the old leader felt a little complicated.

I knew that I shouldn't stop the group of stingy people from the Ministry of Finance who got into the eyes of money.

You see, if the construction project of Xishan was handed over to Murongtuo, an old fox, something must have happened.

What's he...

To be honest, at this moment the old leader really wanted to swear, but he still held back.

According to ancient records, the player who played in the world was sometimes awake and sometimes asleep.

Always doing amazing moves between 'half-awake'.

The omniscient is also ignorant.

So sometimes, you simply can't figure out what that person means by what he says and does.

Is it meaningful or not.

And now that he appeared at Murong Tuo's house, what exactly is that guy's plan.

Make it clear that you want to protect Murong Tuo?He also said that he was simply having a meal as an ordinary person.

The reaction of the old leader and Aragaki was naturally noticed by Aragaki.

After thinking about it for a while, he said politely with a smile on his face: "Boss Zhang from Xishan is eating at my house, let's sit over there."

The two nodded, and then did not speak much.

After the three sat down, Uncle Qin came over with tea.

Murong Tuo poured tea for the two of them and said with a smile, "You two have a taste, this is this year's Dragon Well Tea before Yu."

The old leader took a sip and praised: "Good tea."

Aragaki also nodded inwardly. It has to be said that Murongtuo, an old fox, is his mother's favorite.

This Yuqian Longjing is rare, although there are so many Yuqian Longjings on the market.

But in fact, most of them are almost selling dog meat with sheep's tricks.

And this cup of tea, he knew it was real as soon as he drank it, don't ask him if he drank it before, it just feels like it is.

"Xiao Qin, thank you for your hard work." The old leader didn't talk to Murong Tuo at the moment, but looked at Uncle Qin strangely.

Uncle Qin couldn't help being taken aback, then smiled wryly: "The old leader didn't expect you to remember me."

"Why are Lao Qin and you still old acquaintances?" Murong Tuo looked at the old leader with some surprise.

The old leader smiled and said: "When I was in the Haizhou Military Region, when I was selecting candidates for the national security, Xiao Qin used to be my bodyguard, so I knew him."

Hearing this, Murong Tuo suddenly realized.

Uncle Qin once said that he once served a great man in the army.

Ben had the opportunity to step into the court, but later because of an exception, he had to be forced to leave the army.

Now it seems that the big man that Uncle Qin mentioned is the old leader.

"It's a pity, if it wasn't for that accident back then, Xiao Qin, you probably would have been in Guoan." Speaking of which, the old leader was still sobbing.

Uncle Qin smiled calmly and said, "Each has his own destiny, sir, don't worry about it."

It's hard to hear what the old leader is talking about.

Murong Tuo's expression was dull at the moment, as if he didn't think much about it, he just sipped his tea carefully.

After a long time, he asked: "By the way, you two, I don't know what the two big men like you are talking about this time. If you need to use my Murong family's place, please tell me. My Murong family will serve the country with all my heart." Do your best."

The old leader narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak.

Aragaki He said coldly: "Ask knowingly."

Uncle Qin behind Murongtuo could only shake his head and smile wryly.

He naturally knew that the Patriarch was completely teasing the tiger's beard this time, but he also understood that the Patriarch's urgency was entirely due to the general trend and being forced to helplessness.

If the Murong family wants to continue to exist and survive, they must enter the circle.

In addition, nearly [-]% of the aristocratic families in the Jiangnan world circle this time.

Even if it is known that it was done by the court, it is indeed an opportunity.

Because the imperial court really needs a partner in the Jiangnan circle.

And now if the Murong family takes this opportunity to step into the circle, then who else is more suitable than the Murong family.

"Hahaha, Director Aragaki was joking. I, Murongtuo, am a businessman who knows nothing about national politics." Murongtuo laughed.

Hearing this, Aragaki let out a cold snort.

But the old leader smiled and said: "This time I'm not talking nonsense, I'm just saying this, but I ask Mr. Murong not to be around the corner."

"Please speak."

"Aren't you..." Just as the old leader was talking with his eyes narrowed, a voice suddenly interrupted his words.

"Hey, old leader, it turned out to be you."


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