"Where are you going later?"

"Go back to the hotel to put cat food...how about you be my guide?"

"Alright, do you want to go to Lingyin Temple? I heard it's very spiritual."

Zhang Yun thought for a while and then nodded, "Okay, the New Year will be a week away, so it's not bad to just go to pray."

When you come to Jiangnan, it is not bad to see this ancient temple that cannot be missed.

After all, Lingyin Temple has a good reputation. It is said that in ancient times, there was an eminent monk who was an Arhat who came to the world, and a golden body was left there.

Although Zhang Yun himself does not believe in such things as immortals and Buddhas, but sometimes people are like this, and it is not bad to burn incense and pray for psychological comfort.

It just so happened that he had never been to a Taoist temple in his life, and he had been to a temple, so he thought it was a novelty when he went there, and he would have the capital to brag when he saw people in the future.

The two chatted and walked all the way, and when they reached the gate of Dongmu Town, Zhang Yun suddenly stopped.

I saw four strong men walking towards me holding iron bars.

Immediately, Murong Xiao felt a little panicked, but when he looked at Zhang Yun again, his brows were only lightly wrinkled, and he looked extraordinarily heavy.

The two looked back, and saw four more people walking behind them, also holding iron bars.

Zhang Yun guarded Murong Xiao behind him, looked at the eight people who came before and after, and asked Murong Xiao in a low voice, "Is the security in Jiangnan so bad?"

"This is also the first time I have encountered such a thing..." Murong Xiao whispered.


Su Ping stood not far away, looking at the eight people surrounding Zhang Yun.

There was a smile on his face.

Although the family said that the imperial court is now sending people to Jiangnan, they may have to do something to the aristocratic families in the circle.

But the occurrence of such a thing as a spiritual pet today is a good opportunity not to be missed.

The family doesn't allow him to make trouble, so it's fine if he doesn't do anything?

Find a few ordinary people to come forward to do things, even if something happens, it has nothing to do with him.

He didn't believe that the imperial court would hold on to this matter. After all, if the imperial court accused his Su family of this matter, it would be too deceitful.

He believes that the court will really fight against the court, and the court will not dare to cause too much ripples in the family circle during this process.

It is a well-known fact that the families in the family circle have always been at odds. If the imperial court makes the families in the Jiangnan circle become united in the same hatred because of a trivial incident, it will really be worth the candle.

Su Ping looked at Xiao Ou on his chest at this moment, with an expectant smile on his face.

It seemed that the next second this extraordinary-looking spiritual pet was in his pocket.

"This is a free opportunity, you can't blame me."


"Who are you?" Zhang Yun didn't recognize these people. These people looked very strange, and all of them looked fierce. One could tell if they were good people at a glance.

Especially the man in the lead with a full face and bumpy skin, who looked like he didn't need dipping sauce to eat children, he knew it was not easy to mess with.

Zhang Yun admitted that although he is indeed a big anchor with nearly [-] million fans, and sometimes his words are quite annoying.

But it hasn't reached the level of being hunted down by fans.

The most important thing is that this is his first time in Jiangnan, so he shouldn't offend anyone.

Could it be that they came to find Murong Xiao?
"Young man, don't be afraid, we're here to do business with you." The boss with a sinister face came over with a smile on his face.

This made Zhang Yun swallow his saliva, how does this seem to be for business?

"Brother, I'm not a businessman, and I don't run anything. If you're looking for me to do business, you're probably looking for the wrong person."

At this moment, Zhang Yun did not show any panic, on the contrary, he was very calm.

Because as far as he is concerned, he is not afraid of these people. After all, he has taken medicine, and he can subdue tigers with his bare hands. Naturally, he is not afraid of a few hooligans.

It's just because of this that he was afraid of what he would do if he couldn't control himself and hurt the other party.

After all, Huzi has said that he was hurt by his own blows, let alone an ordinary person with such a fist.

"Boy, you are very lucky." The leading man looked at Zhang Yun.

Wearing cheap clothes, he is indeed good-looking, and the little girl next to him is indeed very beautiful, but this kind of person can tell that his identity is very ordinary, a commoner.

Although he is not an insider, he also knows that there is such a thing in the circle, and it is the young master of the Su family who is looking for him this time.

So, he feels very lucky, with a cat and a woman, he can get in touch with the young master of the Su family. How can this business be done?

"I've fallen in love with your cat, let's make a price, of course, don't open your mouth like a lion, otherwise my brothers are not vegetarians." Said the leading man and the people around Zhang Yun and Murong Xiao holding hands. The iron rod was knocked upside down.

Zhang Yun couldn't help being taken aback, he glanced at the man in the lead, and then at Xiao Ou on his chest.

The cat was terrified, and hid in his clothes, whining and whining.

"Xiao Ou, don't be afraid..." Zhang Yun touched Xiao Ou's small head.

Although this little guy is a reward from the system, there is no doubt that it is indeed a living body with flesh and blood.

If you were someone else, you might have succumbed in this situation.

But as the director of Xishan Forest Zoo, how could he allow this kind of thing to happen.

"Sorry, this little guy is my family."

"As for the family, don't sell it to the outside world!"

"If nothing happens..."

"One hundred thousand!" The leading man directly offered the price without any hesitation.

In his opinion, the best way to deal with this young man is to throw money at him.

Of course, if he let go of his previous temper and started directly, but since he came into contact with the circle, he knew that there are still existences similar to the dragon group in the novel in this world.

Therefore, obeying the law and obeying the law has become the essence of his heart.

After all, it was written in the novel that if the rampant little boss doesn't obey the law, he is often the first existence to die in front of such a person.

Although he is bad, he is not stupid. He just abides by the law, which is not a bad thing.

Besides, it is true that he is a member of the underworld, but his business has never been pornography, gambling, drugs or arms. After all, he has ten lives and he can't touch that kind of stuff.

So there is no need to get stuck on such small things. It is best to use money if you can use money. After all, things that can be solved with money are never problems.

"Sorry, I said my cat is not for sale!"

"50 million!"

"It's useless any more."

"100 million!"

Zhang Yun was a little stunned.


Xiao Ou is so valuable?

Zhang Yun couldn't help but look down at Xiao Ou, he was really good-looking, but he couldn't tell what kind of species Xiao Ou belonged to and why it was worth 100 million.

To be honest, Zhang Yun's heart would have been moved if it had been placed in the past.

But unfortunately, he is not very interested in money now.

It can even be said that he has no idea about the 100 million now.

After all, since the opening of the zoo, the capital flow that time was not over [-] million, but calculated in tens of millions.

Just want to buy Xiao Ou for 100 million?
Just kidding, he can earn back 100 million in a month or two at most.

"If there is nothing else, we will leave." After speaking, Zhang Yun was about to take Murong Xiao's hand and leave.

Xiao Ou on the chest looked at the humans in front of him.

Now she is full of anger, if the master is not around.

She had revealed her true body a long time ago, how could mortals defile the Goddess of Dawn.

"Stupid ants."

"Disgusting insect."

"Damn you all!"

At this moment, the flesh-faced man obviously didn't know that he was disgusted by the great dawn goddess Aurora.

But at the moment he didn't pay attention to the cat.

When Zhang Yun was about to leave, the leading man directly stretched out his arm to block Zhang Yun's way.

At this moment, he was very angry. For the first time, he felt that he was ignored and underestimated.

Although he has become a good man, no one in the eight villages in the south of the Yangtze River knows his reputation.

Anyone who sees him must not say "Grandpa".

But now this young man doesn't give him face like this, it's intolerable!


Xiao Ou in his chest seemed to be frightened, and a cat meow rang in Zhang Yun's ears.

Zhang Yun glanced at the surveillance camera overhead.

Although he didn't want to do anything at this moment, he was also not afraid.

"What are you going to do, violence?" He asked directly and loudly with a righteous heart.

Murong Xiao on the side was a little stunned, but couldn't help being proud in his heart, as expected of the man she had set her eyes on.

To be honest, Murong Xiao was not worried about these people, because he knew that his father had sent someone to protect her secretly.

So if these few want to do something, then the bodyguards of her Murong family are not vegetarians.

Looking at these people, Zhang Yun felt extremely firm in his heart.

He has confidence in the imperial court, confidence in the country, and even more confidence in the legal system.

As the country with the best law and order and the clearest politics in the world, he does not believe that these people dare to do whatever they want under the open sky.

You must know that Dazhou's Chasi Police Department has always been in the fastest situation, and has the most tolerant eyes.

Especially Dongmu Town, a well-known tourist in the south of the Yangtze River, is patrolled by the police station almost every day. If he calls for help, it is estimated that someone will come over within a minute.

As for this 1 minute, with his influence, it is definitely not a problem for him to protect himself and Murong Xiao.

So this is his greatest confidence, the court government and the law are his greatest backing!

Not far away, Su Ping was seeing all this.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, "After this matter is over, it is not impossible to promote Gao Hui later."

In his opinion, it is more than enough for that man with a face full of flesh to take down Zhang Yun, and it has nothing to do with him even if the court knows about it.

As for the spiritual pet, he was naturally the one who picked it up.

When several people around heard Su Ping say this, they all laughed.

They are all Gao Hui's younger brothers.

Although they didn't know the circle, they knew Su Ping's identity.

As a son of a family, being able to comment on a commoner like this is already a high praise.

The word promotion, no one knows what it means better than them.

This means that in the future, their boss, that flesh-faced man Gao Hui, will be like a fish in water in the whole of Jiangnan in the future, and he will flourish in the sky.

As for their younger brothers.

Needless to say, there will naturally be dividends because of "one person wins the Tao and ascends to heaven".

At this moment, they are very happy in their hearts, and this is the result of being more humane.

Su Ping was still observing Zhang Yun's place at the moment, and he saw that Zhang Yun wanted to leave.

Gao Hui, who was full of flesh, stopped Zhang Yun, and the rest of the people surrounded Murong Xiao one after another, intending to directly take down the spiritual pet and Murong Xiao.

To be honest, Murong Xiao is at most a bonus in his heart, and the most important thing is a spiritual pet.

"Good baby, it's a waste of money for such a baby to fall into the hands of mortals!"

At this moment, Su Ping's eyes were all on Zhang Yun. He stood with his hands behind his back, looking extremely confident.

In this matter, he is [-]% sure that the court will have nothing to do with him.

After all, he didn't do anything about it.

What can the court do?

You want us family members to obey the law.

it is good!
We do!

If the court insists on pursuing the matter afterwards, it will at most pay some money, and no one will be killed anyway.

If 100 is not enough, then 100 million, if 1000 million is not enough, then [-] million.

In his opinion, even if Zhang Yun and Murong Xiao knew each other, it was impossible for the Murong family to fight against his Su family for a stranger and take the entire Murong family together.

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