Looking at the empty private airport, Zhang Yun couldn't help being curious.

Seeing Zhang Yun's appearance, Murong Xiao smiled intriguingly and said, "What are you looking for, are you looking for my bodyguard team?"

Zhang Yun nodded, making Murong Xiao laugh arrogantly.

"What a fool, this is not a movie, where did I get the bodyguard team?"

"I thought you kids from rich families were like those shown on TV, and you were protected by bodyguards wherever you went." Zhang Yun scratched his head and smiled foolishly.

Hearing this, Murong Xiao thought for a while and then said mysteriously: "Actually... it's not that there is nothing."

As he said that, Murong Xiao looked at Uncle Qin who came down from the captain's position.

Zhang Yun couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Don't underestimate Uncle Qin, he was once a famous soldier king in the six states in the south of the Yangtze River."

Zhang Yun nodded, thinking about it is right, if Uncle Qin was really a famous military king in the six states in the south of the Yangtze River, then it is not unreasonable for Murong Xiao's father to ask Uncle Qin to come out to pick up Murong Xiao home.

"Miss, you and Mr. Zhang wait for a while, and I'll drive over here." At this time, Uncle Qin also came over and said.

Murong Xiao nodded and said, "Then we'll wait for you here."

After Uncle Qin left, Zhang Yun was still a little curious and asked: "Uncle Qin is the King of Soldiers, can he fight ten with one?"

To be honest, Zhang Yun was still a little curious about Uncle Qin's skills.

After all, which teenager doesn't have a soldier king dream.

Murong Xiao thought about it and said, "Of course it's possible. Although I haven't asked Uncle Qin, when I was in high school, I saw Uncle Qin teach more than 20 gangsters with knives with his bare hands."

Hearing this, Zhang Yun couldn't help but gasp.

In this way, Uncle Qin really has two tricks.

There are more than 20 gangsters with bare hands, and the opponent is holding a weapon. This is a record that any ordinary person can be proud of.

Except for him, of course.

No one else, because Zhang Yun has taken medicine, and his strength and reaction speed are far superior to ordinary people, so in terms of physical fitness, Zhang Yun is confident that even if he is not Uncle Qin's opponent, he is probably not far behind.

Of course, since he hasn't seen Uncle Qin make a move yet, Zhang Yun is still a little confident in his victory over the King of Soldiers.

After all, boxing is afraid of young people, and Uncle Qin looks over 40, so it is impossible for him to be able to fight like he was when he was young.

Zhang Yun's chest squirmed, and a small white-haired head poked out from inside the zipper.

After Zhang Yun's warning, Xiao Ou did not refuse Murong Xiao's licking it now.

So when he saw Xiao Ou, Murong Xiao immediately wanted to reach out and hug him.

However, the cat's paws were tightly gripping Zhang Yun's clothes, so Murong Xiao had no choice but to rub Xiao Ou's head.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, why did you think of bringing the cat to Jiangnan?" Murong Xiao asked.

Zhang Yun opened a zoo, so it was expected that there would be cats in the park, so Murong Xiao didn't have any surprises.

It's just that she was curious, why did Zhang Yun take the cat with him when he travels, remembering that Zhang Yun didn't have this habit before.

"It's still a little lonely to come to Jiangnan alone, so I have a companion with it."

Zhang Yun had already made up the reason in his mind.

He can't say it, and he doesn't want to, but he has to accept it when the system distributes it halfway.

That's why he blurted out such a crude reason, but luckily Murong Xiao didn't doubt it.

Since this is a private plane, it is also going to a private airport.

So before boarding the plane, no one would check what the two of them brought.

And Zhang Yun's reason is not too outrageous, after all, there are indeed many boys in this world who keep cats because they are lonely.

As for Zhang Yun raising a cat, although Murong Xiao was a little surprised, it was still reasonable.

"By the way, I haven't asked your cat's name yet."

Zhang Yun looked at the little white head on his chest with a faint smile and said, "Xiaoou."

"Xiao Ou?!" After muttering for a while, Murong Xiao asked a little puzzled, "Why such a name?"

Murong Xiao didn't realize that Xiaoou's name was unpleasant or convoluted, but she always had a strange feeling that she couldn't explain clearly, so she asked.

Hearing this, Zhang Yun was slightly taken aback, because he didn't know why he named the cat such a name.

After the system issued rewards, when he saw the cat for the first time, he felt that the cat should be called by this name.

It's like, after the cat is born, only this name can call it.

When Zhang Yun was silent, Murong Xiao said with a look of sudden realization: "Could it be that you named the cat after the goddess of light?"

Goddess of Light?

The three words 'Aurora' immediately popped into Zhang Yun's mind.

Then I saw him nodding his head and saying, "Well, really smart."

Murong Xiao felt complacent for a while, and then directly stretched his hand to Xiao Ou Xuebai's head.

"Aurora, Xiaoou, isn't that a bad name."

In fact, Murong Xiao had a strange feeling for Xiaoou after seeing Du Xiaoou for the first time.

It's like facing the light yourself.

This snow-white hair is warm to the touch, just like touching the sun.

After Uncle Qin drove the car over, the two got into the car directly.

Seeing Xiao Ou on Zhang Yun's chest, Uncle Qin was a little surprised.

"Young Master Zhang also likes keeping cats."

"Why does Uncle Qin also like cats?"

Murong Xiao looked at Uncle Qin in surprise, because she had never heard that Uncle Qin liked to keep cats since she was a child.

Uncle Qin chuckled and said, "I'm old. It's okay to keep a dog, but I don't care about keeping a cat. It's just that I have a friend's son who likes to keep cats, so I was a little surprised to see the cat on Mr. Zhang's chest."

"Uncle Qin, if you want to keep dogs in the future, you can visit my zoo. I have a lot of dogs there."

Hearing this, Uncle Qin smiled slightly, and just said: "Definitely, definitely."


The car left the airport and drove slowly towards the Murong family's manor.

Uncle Qin always glanced at Xiao Ou on Zhang Yun's chest through the rearview mirror along the way.

However, every time he took a second look, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It's just that the two people in the back seat of the car had no time to look at him, so no one except the cat knew that Uncle Qin was peeking behind him.

After arriving at Murong's house, Murong Xiao took Zhang Yun in and greeted Murong Tuo, and then directly said that he would take Zhang Yun around.

Murong Tuo was naturally happy to see the results.

So he smiled and bid farewell to the two of them.

Looking at Zhang Yun's back when he left, Murongtuo's eyes revealed a smoldering fire that was difficult to detect.

This feeling is like a greedy robber facing the treasure.

It's just that there are monsters staring at the treasure, so the robbers can only watch but can't do anything.

Of course, the robber also understands a truth, is there any white pie in the sky.

In many cases, treasures that are exposed outside are likely to be disguised by dragons.

Therefore, if a robber wants to get treasure, it is not like being injured by a dragon.

There is only one way.

That is to let the giant dragon trust him and become his family, so the treasures on the giant dragon are not at their own discretion.

After watching the two leave, Murong Tuo also turned around and returned to the house.

At this moment, Uncle Qin has come out of the garage, waiting for Murongtuo in the living room.


At this moment, Murong Tuo had returned to his former heroic temperament, and asked, "Didn't you find anything along the way?"

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