At night, after the live broadcast, Chen Yun sat in the panda house.

Looking at the 67 reputation displayed on the system panel, I feel satisfied.

A few days have passed since New Year's Day, and now his fever is still there. These days, the daily income, whether it is money or watching income, is quite high.

[The mall is being upgraded...]

But the fly in the ointment is that the system mall has actually started to upgrade.

But that's fine, but any upgrade will inevitably bring surprises, but I don't know what his surprises are.

Since that day, the relationship between him and Murong Xiao has become very delicate.

How should I put it, I can't tell what his feelings for Murong Xiao are.

Maybe it's love, maybe it's not love.

Anyway, there is a good impression, and he will not refuse to let him get married on the spot.

But if it's like in the novel and on TV, Feiqing doesn't marry...

Then why didn't he feel this feeling?

There is also Chen Kexin.

Now that he and Murong Xiao have such a delicate relationship, he has to re-examine Chen Kexin.

Soon he found that he felt the same way about Chen Kexin, but not so many things happened between them.

Of course, as the five good young people in the modern society.

Zhang Yun himself thinks that it is better to gradually distance himself from Chen Kexin, after all, for a man, having one partner is enough.

But somehow the phone got through and he just didn't know how to speak.

Perhaps this is what the Western Bible says about 'God so loved the world'.

In a way, he does feel that way.

Hearing the surprised voice on the other end of the phone, Zhang Yun smiled faintly.

It seems that Chen Kexin's uncle is really strong, and he should have told her father after returning home, so Chen Kexin's family agreed that Chen Kexin could go back to work at the zoo.

"Boss, what method did you use? After my father came back, he went to my mother directly, and my mother agreed. You know that at my house..."

"Thanks to your uncle."

"My uncle?"

Chen Kexin was taken aback for a moment. She thought of her uncle whom she had no memory of, Qiu Huansheng, the old leader of the Animal Security Bureau.

She couldn't help but feel warm at the moment, she didn't expect this uncle to take such good care of her, if she knew it earlier, she wouldn't pretend to be a stranger.

No, this time I will go down the mountain to steal some tea from grandpa to visit my uncle.

"Well, he must have contributed a lot in it."

Zhang Yun nodded: "Yes..."

Seeing Zhang Yun on the phone, Erha couldn't help whispering carefully to Fat Master: "Fat Master, see if the master has regained consciousness."

The fat man turned his head to look at Zhang Yun who was chatting with Chen Kexin on the phone, and was a little dazed for a while.

After a long time, he nodded stiffly: "The human aura on Master's body is getting weaker and weaker."

"Human breath?" Huzi was a little confused at this moment.

He looked at Zhang Yun, a little confused, Zhang Yun obviously looked like a human being.

Then he sniffed the air again with his nose, and found that Zhang Yun was still full of human questioning.

At this time, the little brother said with a serious face: "The fat man is not talking about the human breath of the master's body, but the soul."


Huzi looked at Zhang Yun, and his tiger eyes were full of fear after a long time.

This feeling, this feeling imprinted in the blood.

That's right, it must be him, a part of the master is about to wake up.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yun couldn't help but curl up a smile while sitting on the chair and muttered to himself: "Come back to work next Monday? Well, sometimes I really want to give me a holiday."

The most real in the world!

Sometimes Zhang Yun felt very tired.

As a boss, I have endless worries every day.

The girl Chen Kexin gave her half a month's leave this time.

He also seems to want to live in this kind of life...

After putting down the phone, Zhang Yun glanced at the time.

08: 30.

The time of his live broadcast has never been fixed, although today, like yesterday, the broadcast will start at [-] pm.

But today it was broadcast early at 08:30.

For some reason he feels so tired today and always wants to sleep.

Fortunately, he has enough self-control.

Young people, going to bed at 08:30 is really not a good idea.

"Brother Ha." Zhang Yun rubbed and shouted directly at Erha.

Erha immediately stood up in a jerk: "Director, what's wrong?"

"Help me get the book out of the bag."

Hearing this, Erha tilted his head and looked at the table less than two meters away from him.

If it were in normal times, Erha would definitely pretend to be dead and would not help Zhang Yunna.

But for some reason, he felt that Zhang Yun was very different today.

It was too similar to the former 'master', and the verbal commands made it difficult for him to resist.

Seeing Erha running over with a book in his bag, Zhang Yun took the book and licked the dog's head.

Today he always felt that the animals in the zoo were extraordinarily quiet and well-behaved.

Whether it's the Erha or the fat man or the elephant, they are all very obedient.

In normal times, he probably wouldn't ask Erha to help him get the book, and he was afraid that Erha would take the initiative to challenge his book to a showdown.

Zhang Yun sighed slightly while looking at this "Strange Tales of the Ancient Spirits".

Recently, for some reason, he especially likes to read books about this kind of spiritual ghost talk.

Even though I know that these are false, I know that this world is just as ordinary as my previous life.

But this did not affect his interest in the slightest.

Sometimes people are like this. They know that it may not exist, but they are curious and willing to spend time understanding or even researching.

Perhaps this is the main reason why human beings can stand at the top of all things to evolve.

While stroking the dog's head, he read a book.

It would be nice to have another cup of hot tea.

[Ding, the mall has been upgraded and new products are on the shelves. The host can use the reputation point to go to the mall to redeem. 】

Hearing the system prompt, Zhang Yun couldn't help but look happy.

He thought it would take a long time for the system to be updated successfully, but he didn't expect that the update was successful in only 24 hours from yesterday to now.

【Monkey Mountain】【Elephant Hall】【Wetland Hall】【Bird Hall】…

Looking at the dazzling array of commodities in the past, Zhang Yun couldn't arouse the slightest interest.

These have already been exchanged, so he naturally doesn't need them now, so he doesn't care.

But the next product caught his eye.

[Ancient Dao Ling Tea] The price is 5000 reputation points.

Gudao Spiritual Tea: A kind of spiritual tea cultivated by ancient alchemists, drinking it can strengthen the body and prolong life!
Seeing Gu Dao Lingcha's explanation, Zhang Yun felt a little nauseous in his heart.

Really want what to come.

I just said that I was short of a cup of spiritual tea, but now it is on the shelves in the mall.

The most important thing is that this spiritual tea actually has the effect of strengthening the body and prolonging life.

If this remark came from other people, Zhang Yun would definitely laugh it off, but the system is different.

The so-called system products must be high-quality products.

So this is a complete surprise, the system is really awesome.

Five thousand prestige points are only a drop in the bucket for a wealthy tycoon who currently has more than 60 and nearly 70 prestige points.

So it doesn't hurt him to exchange for a cup of spiritual tea.

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