For some reason, Zhang Yun felt that something was missing in today's zoo.

But exactly what was missing, he really couldn't tell.

After putting aside complicated thoughts, Zhang Yun took a taxi directly to Xie Yunge.

After all, Murong Tuo is his elder, so it's impolite to ask the elder to wait for the younger.


In the capital, the Yamen of the Headquarters of the Sixteenth Department of National Security.

Since the Commander came back, he has been in retreat.

Even if the emperor wanted to summon him, he forcibly held back.

Although today's son is young, he still has the posture of a sage.

There is no need to be weak when it comes to major issues, which makes the officials in the court very pleased.

But today the prime minister, Wang Dongchu, came, which surprised the officials of the Sixteenth Department of National Security.

Today's world is different from the past, although Prime Minister Wang Dongchu and Commander Zhou Boxian, who are the head of a hundred officials, are not as incompatible as they were in ancient times or the head of civil and military officials in the previous dynasty.

But in fact, although the two of them have cherished each other for a long time in private, they have never really met alone several times.

So this time the prime minister came to meet each other without saying hello and without bringing His Highness the eldest princess or the emperor with him, it was really unthinkable.

It can be said to be unprecedented.

"My lord, please wait here for a moment, the Commander will come later." A civilian secretary of the head office said respectfully to Wang Dongchu.

Hearing this, Wang Dongchu nodded and did not speak again.

Although everyone in the General Department of the Sixteenth Department of National Security was very curious about the reason for the prime minister's visit, they were also surprised that the prime minister dared to come here alone without saying hello to others.

But they never dared to speak out.

First, since the prime minister dared to come here in such a hurry, it must be because of something important.

Second, although the prime minister was an ordinary person who did not practice spiritual law, he had been handling state affairs for many years with one heart and one mind for the public. In addition, he came from a family of saints and had a great righteousness in his body. If they dared to talk about it, it would surely reach their ears in an instant.

That is courting death!
It should be noted that scholars, especially those with official positions and official luck, are definitely not weaker than any monks.

It is rumored that the great Confucian scholars of the ancient dynasty could suppress a country with a piece of paper and kill evil spirits with a single blow, these are not groundless rumors.

Therefore, the current prime minister, Wang Dongchu, is definitely not a scholar with no power to restrain a chicken.

If I saw that day, the prime minister leaped into the nine heavens, grasping the moon in his arms and capturing the dragon, I am afraid it would not be a strange thing.

"Master Prime Minister, why did you come to the yamen of the sixteenth Ministry of Security in our country?"

Commander Zhou Boxian quickly came out from the back hall.

It could be seen that his face was cold, and he obviously didn't like to meet with the Prime Minister Wang Dongchu in private, even though the meeting place was the office of the head office of the Sixteenth Ministry of National Security and the palace was just separated by a wall.

But he is well aware of what his power and the royal family are afraid of.

Unlike Wang Dongchu, the other party is a civil servant. Although he holds power and power, he cannot directly threaten the imperial power and touch the rights and interests of the emperor.

And as a military officer, he not only controls the army, but also holds the murderous sword of the Security Bureau of the Sixteenth Department of National Security.

This is something that directly touches the bottom line of the royal family and the rights and interests of the emperor.

Although the emperor and the royal family may not care, after all, times have changed and dynasties have changed, and everyone's ideas and insights are naturally different as they advance with the times.

But as a courtier, there are some things you just have to avoid or do.

Otherwise, when something happens one day, how can a person in an important position face the world.

At that time, those in power must be sinners.

Besides, Zhou Boxian himself is a sword in the hands of the emperor,

It is a sword, it must be double-edged, and there is a possibility of hurting the owner.

So he must ensure that he minimizes the possibility of injuring the owner.

At this moment, Wang Dongchu also knew what Zhou Boxian was jealous of, so he smiled and said:
"Master Commander was too worried. Before I came, I had already called Her Royal Highness, and with Her Royal Highness's approval, I came to the Sixteenth Department of National Security to pay a visit to Commander."

Hearing this, Uncle Zhou's complexion improved a bit, but that's all, he said coldly:
"It's not an example."

Prime Minister Wang Dongchu smiled and didn't seem to care about this sentence. He was used to Zhou Boxian's temper, so even if Zhou Boxian suddenly became violent at this moment, he would not be surprised.

"Okay, let me tell you the purpose of my visit this time. Commander, do you know that Heavenly Master Zhang from Longhu Mountain has gone down the mountain?"

"I know." Zhou Boxian said two words coldly.

Wang Dongchu was a little surprised and continued: "He went to Xishan."

"I know too."

"He's going to get the Nine Heavens God Pill."

"Yeah, he naturally has only one purpose in going down the mountain."

"Then why didn't you stop him!"

The more Wang Dongchu spoke, the more excited he became. After the commander said the last sentence, Wang Dongchu almost didn't jump up.

Uncle Zhou asked back: "Why should I stop him? It's about his Longhu Mountain and Xishan, and it has nothing to do with my dynasty."

Hearing this, Wang Dongchu became anxious immediately: "But..."

Before he finished speaking, the commander interrupted directly: "I know what the prime minister is worried about. Don't worry, the matter of Zhang Tianshi will not affect the court's plan. Besides, if there is no approval from that person, do you think Zhang Tianshi is qualified to take the title?" That Nine Heavens Divine Pill?"

"You mean who agreed?" Wang Dongchu was a little surprised.

The commander nodded: "Of course, if that person doesn't agree, I'm afraid he won't even have the qualifications to step in, let alone take away the magic pill, and don't forget, Mr. Prime Minister, there are actually many things that are not about you and me." It’s not up to the imperial court to control it, if that person wants Zhang Tianshi to go, I’m afraid none of us can stop it.”

After the words fell, the prime minister's face was very ugly.

But he did not refute.

Because what Zhou Boxian said is undeniable.

"However, regarding this matter, what does Commander-sama think?"

I have to say that Wang Dongchu deserves to be the prime minister of the current dynasty. He combined Zhou Boxian's previous attitude and the meaning expressed between the lines in the conversation with him, and he quickly realized that Zhou Boxian definitely had thoughts in his heart.

Otherwise, this matter would not have been turned over so lightly.

Zhou Boxian didn't play tricks at the moment, but just nodded: "I do have some thoughts and guesses about this matter in my heart. If the records in the ancient books are correct, it means that there should be some changes in that person's personality this time."

"Change?" Wang Dongchu was a little puzzled.

Zhou Boxian couldn't deny it: "Yes, there should be a little more humanity in him, otherwise Zhang Tianshi would not easily let Zhang Tianshi go to Xishan to get the Nine Heavens Divine Pill."

Hearing this, Wang Dongchu was horrified and shocked.

For a moment he doubted life.

If these words were uttered from other people, Wang Dongchu would definitely find them absurd, and even make a big joke in the world.

But these words came from the mouth of the commander Zhou Boxian, which made Wang Dongchu have to think about the meaning.


Tianhai Animal Security Administration.

The old leader sat in the office with a sad expression on his face.

To be honest, he really didn't know what to do about Chen Kexin.

To be honest, ever since he saw this girl in Xishan, he had a faint premonition in his heart.

I didn't expect this premonition to come true, what should I do...

"Do you really want to tell the adults?" The old leader hesitated at the moment.

To be honest, the old leader is not very troublesome in matters involving personal factors.

He is well aware that adults have heavy official duties and are under a lot of pressure.

If this kind of thing is causing adults troubles, then he is ashamed and raised by adults.

At this moment, the secretary suddenly ran in again.

"The old leader is not good, then Chen Yuntu is here again, and this time he is coming aggressively, I'm afraid the person who came is not good."

Hearing this, the old leader lost his temper in an instant.

"Damn, is Madman Chen really crazy? He knows how to make trouble in a day."

The old leader ran out cursing, this time he planned to give this ignorant lunatic Chen a good lesson.

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