Hearing this question, Lin Feng was not angry, he could understand Captain Hu's eagerness to solve the case.

"Captain Hu, don't worry about this."

After the words fell, a burst of golden light flashed.

When everyone looked up, they saw a tracer in the shape of a paper crane appearing in front of them.

I saw that the paper cranes stopped at the wounds of the two corpses respectively.

Seeing this scene, Captain Hu, Captain Ding, and the other police officers who came in together were all stunned.

Of course, many police officers have also seen Master Tianyan perform his magical powers in the live video.

However, seeing this miraculous scene with their own eyes, even though they were policemen with extraordinary determination, they couldn't help being shocked.

It is obviously a paper crane made of a piece of paper, but it seems to have intelligence, which is really amazing.

"Master Tianyan is a bull, and the police are stunned!"

"Of course, Master Tianyan is a true god!"

"Yes, Master Tianyan is an existence that everyone admires!"

"Long live Master Sky Eye!"

"Master Sky Eye is mighty!"


The viewers in the live broadcast room saw the stunned policemen in the video, and the rhythm of swiping the screen couldn't help but started again.

After regaining consciousness, all the police officers in the Ministry of Security saw this message:
"This is a tracer. It has acquired the breath of the murderer. As long as you follow it, you can find the murderer."

This time, without the slightest hesitation, Captain Hu directly handed the talisman in his hand to Captain Ding, and said neatly:

"Captain Ding, I will leave the matter of destroying the corpse to you!"

"There are all of them, follow up!"

After the words fell, a group of police forces drove behind the tracker.

After following for about half an hour, the tracker stopped at the door of a luxurious villa.

The villa is an ancient building, and the gate outside is quite spectacular. On the plaque is written the Chen family's ancient residence. The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, and it looks very imposing.

There are also two unicorn beasts made of stone at the door. When combined as a whole, it looks like the momentum and charm of an ancient big family.

"Master Tianyan, what should we do next?"

They originally thought they would track down a person, but they didn't expect that the tracking talisman stopped in front of a gate.

"Go straight in!" The short and domineering words appeared on the screen.

As soon as these words fell, everyone was slightly taken aback.

"Master Tianyan is domineering!" Similar comments kept appearing at the top of the screen.

After hearing the instructions, Captain Hu thought for a while, and then he had a countermeasure.

When he received the report, he asked people to investigate all the information about the deceased Hu Haoran.

He remembered very clearly that the place where the deceased lived was just not far from this ancient villa.

Right now, they just sneaked in to investigate under the pretext of asking about the case.

With a plan, Captain Hu brought two policemen to the door.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

Soon, the door was opened, and a woman with coiled hair, delicate face, and elegant clothes appeared in front of their eyes.

Her every move reveals a kind of nobility and elegance, like a lady from a wealthy family.

Through the half door opened, you can see a man about her age in a gazebo in the villa.

However, the man seemed very withdrawn. Even though there were so many people standing at the door of his house, did he seem to pay any attention to him, but his attention was always on his mobile phone.

Noticing everyone's gaze, the woman smiled slightly and explained, "Comrade police, what's the matter?"

"That's my husband, he's not good at talking, you'll laugh at me!"

According to the general situation, if so many people came to the door, especially if the police appeared at the door, the male owner of the house should come out to say hello.

But this is not the case. All signs reveal that the relationship between their husband and wife is not right.

Moreover, when this woman appeared, Lin Feng felt very uncomfortable.

Although she looked very noble and elegant, without losing everyone's demeanor, when she saw the policeman, there was still a bit of concern in her eyes.

Even though she hid it well, she was still caught by Lin Feng.

The eyes of the sky opened, and sure enough, there was a strong ghostly aura surrounding her.

At this moment, Lin Feng was sure that she was possessed by a ghost, and the control of this body fell directly into her hands.

"The murderer is her!"

Just after sending the message, his cell phone rang. Seeing that it was his mother's call, he pressed the answer button.

And a bullet screen flew by in the live broadcast room, which immediately attracted everyone's discussion.

"No way, the murderer was found so quickly?"

"Master Tianyan is a cow!"

"However, this woman is so dignified, she doesn't look like a murderer at all!"

"Upstairs, are you stupid? There must be a ghost manipulating her!"

"That's right, maybe it's another ghost!"


"Hello, comrade policeman, what's the matter?" the noble woman asked generously.

"Don't pretend, you are the murderer who dug out Hu Haoran's heart last night!"

Hu Dui is also courageous, directly pointing out the opponent's identity.

"Comrade policeman, don't talk nonsense, and what evidence do you have?" The woman said calmly.

"Master Tianyan, give her evidence!"

"That's right, dare to challenge Master Tianyan, I'm really impatient!"

"Hit her with the Ghost Suppressing Talisman! Let her know the heights of heaven and earth!"

I don't know when, Master Tianyan has formed a firm belief in the hearts of the masses, that is, what Master Tianyan said is absolutely infallible.

Therefore, when they heard the woman's defense, they immediately became angry.

For the existence of such a god, they absolutely do not allow any doubts to exist.

At this moment, Taoist Baiyun directly took out the compass for detecting ghosts, and the pointer rotated rapidly, and finally landed in the direction where the woman was standing.

"Female ghost, show up soon!" With a stern voice, Daoist Baiyun threw the Five Thunder Suppressing Ghost Talisman directly on his body.

I saw that the talisman fell on the female ghost's body, "Ah—" the woman yelled sternly, but then regained her composure.

Although this move failed to make the female ghost reveal her real body, the obviously different voice proved that the woman in front of her was indeed possessed by a ghost.

"Hehe, is this all you can do? So..."

The female ghost manipulated the woman to speak, but before she finished speaking, she saw a lot of spells thrown at her as if she didn't want money.

Seeing this, the woman's face turned pale with shock.

Although, she resides in the human body, the Wulei Town Ghost Talisman cannot directly harm her.

But if dozens of Wulei Town Ghost Talismans attack her at the same time, even if she hides in this body, it will be useless.

Therefore, she immediately turned into a black mist and fled.

Lin Feng just hung up his mother's phone, and when he continued to watch the live broadcast on his mobile phone, he saw a lot of discussion on the screen.

"What should I do now, the female ghost has also run away!"

"Don't worry, there is Master Tianyan!"

"However, the way Master Baiyun continued to cast spells just now is quite imposing!"

"That's right, those spells scared the female ghost to death!"

"Of course, it is said that once the Taoist library was established, Daoist Baiyun went to study as soon as he had time!"

"I didn't realize that our Daoist Baiyun is also a big fan of Master Tianyan!"

"Of course, a fairy-like person like Master Tianyan, who doesn't want to fan him!"


After the female ghost fled, everyone talked about it, except for the initial worry, the topic completely went off the rails.

In their view, with Master Tianyan around, even if this female ghost can escape, she will eventually fall into the hands of Master Tianyan.

"Master Tianyan, the female ghost has escaped, what should I do next?" Captain Hu asked in the video.

At this moment, an extremely frightening voice caught everyone's attention.

"Jiahui, what to do, what to do, she will definitely come back again."

After waking up, the bodied woman boarded by the female ghost screamed in panic, her eyes filled with fear.

"Ningxin, don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

At this moment, the male master who is not good at talking is hugging the woman intimately, comforting with distressed expression.

The relationship between them seems to be what a normal couple should have, as if the female ghost deliberately broke them up.

However, Lin Feng knew that the situation must not be what it seemed on the surface.

For most ghosts, although they are evil, even fierce ghosts will not harm people casually.

Since this female ghost can possess this woman, it means that there must be some kind of hatred or resentment between them.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng said directly in the barrage.

"Ask this couple, and investigate all their information."

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