
The cheetah was the first to kill, and it was behind the centipede in an instant.

Launch the 'whirlwind crack claw'!
A pair of sharp claws turned into a shadow of wind blade claws, grabbing at Tuhong's abdomen.

The centipede's attack strength on Lu Li remained the same, and its hind limbs were separated to meet the cheetah's claws.

The first few strokes were life-to-life collisions.

But the combat power of the cheetah is still far from it.

Accidentally, unable to dodge in time, a hole was cut on the front leg.

The emerald green poisonous gas spread upwards, and soon the entire leg turned green.

When it froze, it was about to be killed by the poisonous hook that followed.

Iron Egg's support has arrived!
I saw that it had turned on both 'Rage' and 'Rage'.

The arms are spread out, and the body is spinning like a spinning top.

Swing away all the poisonous hooks that stabbed the cheetah.

The vines shot out from the body, wrapped around a centipede's limbs and feet, and punctured wildly towards the centipede's abdomen.

Tie Dan in the state of 'rage' cannot be underestimated, and Tuhong had to be distracted to deal with it.

The pressure on Lu Li weakened a little, giving him time to breathe.

The cheetah still wanted to continue desperately, but it lost feeling in its front legs, couldn't even stand firmly, and its consciousness was a little fuzzy, which seemed to be very painful.

"Meng Meng withdraw! Eat this! Don't come here yet!"

Xiao Ran had already reached him with a knife, and threw two 'clearing poison pills' over.

The cheetah opened its mouth to swallow, and the situation finally eased, but it was impossible to participate in the battle immediately.

The iron egg became more and more courageous as it fought, with a pair of iron thorns piercing wildly.

Tuhong wanted to shake it off, but those vines tied it tightly to his limbs and feet, and it was difficult to get rid of it no matter how hard he tried.

The location of the zombies, other limbs and feet are not easy to reach, so the 'demon king' is quite troubled.

Puff!Puff puff!

Tie Dan's unremitting efforts finally paid off. The iron spikes pushed aside the torn limbs and pierced a few holes in the centipede's abdomen, and blue blood flowed down.


Tuhong suffered from abdominal pain, temporarily gave up attacking Lu Li and the female ghost, turned his head to open his mouthparts, and spat out a green ball.

The poisonous ball exploded on Tie Dan's body, and the emerald green venom covered its entire body.

The venom corrodes quickly, green air rises from the zombie's body, and the carrion is slowly melting away.

Although zombies don't feel pain, they have their own way of suffering.

Immediately let go of the vines, put his head in his hands, and rolled back on the ground, looking very embarrassed.

The little female ghost hurried to relieve it.

"Xiao Cui! It's fine for now, just leave it alone! Detoxify me!"

While shouting, Xiao Ran put on his embalming mask again and charged into the poisonous gas.

With the 'Rage Thunder Knife' in his hand, the majestic thunder and lightning gathered rapidly, shining dazzling light, illuminating the surroundings like daylight.

The poison ball just exploded.

The poisonous gas was still very strong, constantly eroding Xiao Ran's skin and clothes.

Xiaocui immediately relieved him.

[Thunder Tyrant Knife] The third form!

Thunder is in full bloom!

The blade brought thunder light and hit the centipede.

A huge thunderball exploded, blasting Tuhong out, hit the wall behind, and fell to the ground again.

The middle part of the body was scorched, and there were still thin electric lights around the body.

has it ended?

Looking at the centipede demon, several people present did not dare to move a little.

Xiao Ran's hands were still holding the handle of the knife tightly, and his eyes were fixed on Tuhong on the ground. He knew that this 'demon king' would not be so easy to deal with.

Zhang Chuanyong was even more frightened and shrank in the corner, not even daring to breathe.

The battle just now was too fierce. If a weak chicken like him was picked up by the centipede's limbs, he would probably be turned into blood.

"Haha! Hahahaha!"

Sure enough, the centipede let out a high-pitched laugh.

He rolled on the ground with a grunt, raised his upper body, opened and closed his mouthparts.

"Interesting! Very interesting!"

"You two kids are really interesting!"

"I have been in Tuhong for many years, and I have never fought so heartily."

Xiao Ran and Lu Li didn't reply, they were hurrying to recover their exhausted mental strength.

Xiaocui also started to alleviate the poisonous water attack on Tie Dan.

I feel that the little female ghost's figure is much weaker, and she really worked hard.

"In this case, the old man will have fun with you today!"


It shouted sharply, and saw the body disintegrate.

Every link has two limbs.

There are tens of hundreds of them, spinning rapidly, attacking all targets in the field.

Of course, the focus was on taking care of Xiao Ran and Lu Li.

This is the 'Hundred Ring Kill'!
The 'Demon King' must kill is really sharp!
The sky-filled 'flying ring' quickly enveloped Xiao Ran, the center was red, and the outer ring was green, which was the toxin on the hook.

There is also a shiny silver edge, which should be the silver cuffs that Tuhong is wearing.

Xiao Ran brandished the long knife and knocked the 'flying ring' into the air, but there were too many things and the speed was so fast that he could only retreat while fighting.

Jingle Bell!
Lu Li rang the bell to slow down the speed of 'Flying Ring' by [-]%, and finally he was able to relieve some pressure.

Taking advantage of this time, Xiao Ran put away his knife and changed his gun, with the MP5 in his hand spitting out flames.

da da da da...

The bullets were like migratory locusts, shooting towards the sky full of 'flying rings'.

There is no need to deliberately aim at all, almost every bullet can hit.

This micro-charged bullet has been fired, and it has a restraint effect on evil things, and its own attack power is not weak.

The 'flying ring' that was shot emitted a faint golden light, and its speed continued to slow down.

Seeing that it was effective, Xiao Ran kept changing his position and continued to fire.

Some 'flying rings' that were shot continuously fell to the ground, stopped spinning, and couldn't fly.

This is similar to playing a flying saucer game, Xiao Ran's playing it is really enjoyable.

The number of 'flying rings' in the sky continues to decrease.


Perhaps seeing that this trick had no effect on Xiao Ran, Tuhong had no choice but to take back all the 'flying rings'.

It turned into a whole centipede again.

"Poison Hook Slash!"

Hundreds of feet moved together, and in the blink of an eye, they crawled in front of Xiao Ran, raised the front limbs, the hook became more than five times larger, green light flowed on it, poisonous gas rose, and it was about to cut down on Xiao Ran.

"Xiao Ran! It's the Poison Hook Slash! Get out of the way!"

The 300% attack of the 'Demon King' is not something ordinary people can withstand.

Although he knew that Xiao Ran was not an ordinary person, seeing the power of the poisonous hook, Lu Li couldn't help shouting to warn him.

At the same time, people also rushed out, the 'copper coin sword' shone with dazzling golden light, and it was about to be killed at the bottom of the box.


Xiao Ran started to back away quickly.

He'd just secured the Featherclaw to the back wall, and now tightened the cable to pull him backwards.

At this point, the cooling time of 'Parkour' has also arrived.

With the help of two forces, he retreated extremely fast.

Instantly opened the distance with Tuhong.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

The centipede moved with all its feet and chased after it.

There was a loud bang, and the ground exploded, flipping it all over.


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