Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 9 Xiao Shen Mighty, Beautiful Player

Move mountains?

Seeing this word, Xiao Ran was taken aback.

This seems to be a school, and one of its skills is the ability to manipulate animals.

The 'Looking Qi Technique' obtained before is the skill of 'Feng Shui Master'.

This time it's 'moving the mountains' again, it seems that there will be more martial art skills in the future.

With these skills for self-defense, I can finally give this cold tomb, and that cold heart, a trace of warmth...

Learn now, check out the skill description.

'Moving Mountain' skill 'Beast Mastery' (primary level), can establish an emotional connection with a 'spiritual pet', gain communication skills, greatly increase its loyalty, reduce the consumption of 'loyalty', and heal minor injuries.

Upgrade 'intermediate' conditions: Wood X55, Refined Iron X3, Fire Element Fragment X3, Wood Element Fragment X4, Goji Berry X12, Essence X5.

The primary level can only control one 'spiritual pet', it seems that the number of pets controlled is also related to the skill level.

Using the "Beast Master" on the "Geek Cheetah", the "loyalty" directly rose to 100.

This 'Beast Mastery' is really useful.

After releasing the cheetah again, Xiao Ran immediately felt as if he really had a 'telepathic connection' with it.

It seems that it is clear about what it is thinking, and it can understand everything it says.


Xiao Ran tried to call out.

The cheetah came close, tilted its head and gently rubbed against his legs twice, appearing very close.

Xiao Ran also reached out his hand, and lightly stroked its furry head twice.

The cheetah squinted comfortably, as if enjoying it.

The problem of 'spiritual pet' is solved in this way.

Xiao Ran went to the spring water again.

"'Ordinary spring', the spring water is clear and can be used as domestic water, but it cannot be drunk or traded."

The prompt displayed by the system was similar to what he had guessed.

With so many water sources, he will not easily let him control it casually.

Although not drinkable, it's nice to wash it off.

In the past two days, Xiao Ran had been exercising so much and had to fight monsters, his clothes were stained with blood and sweat, already dirty and smelly.

Today, the 6 excavation chances of the 'ordinary shovel' are also used up, so I must camp in this tomb.

Using a little wood and sand, he replaced a simple tub in the system, took off his clothes, and took a quick shower.

I washed the clothes again, and it was almost dark.

Xiao Ran took out some dry wood, built a small bonfire, and lit it with a lighter.

Before, he discovered that although these burial chambers had no vents, the air circulation was also very good, and they were definitely not closed spaces, so there was no need to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning.

Hanging the wet clothes by the fire to bake, Xiao Ran found another branch, peeled off the outer skin with a knife, sharpened the top, and made it into a simple 'barbeque grill'.

Another portion of 'Bamboo Rat Meat' was taken out, cut into thin slices, washed with clean water, and put on the branches to start grilling.

Soon, the aroma of barbecue spread, making the leopard stick out its tongue and drool.

It was roasted quickly, Xiao Ran tore off a bit and tasted it, the meat was really delicious and it melted in the mouth.

But there is no taste, it is still not interesting.

Thinking that I still had a pack of cumin powder, I took it out, but it still didn't work without the salty taste.

Thinking in his heart, Xiao Ran turned on the 'local channel' and found that there were only 4723 people left alive.

It's only been two days, and it's not even half of it.

I really don't know how many will be left after 5 days, it's really tragic.

Looking at the "Trading Channel" again, the 0.2L of water and rat blood that I hung out were all successfully traded.

Snake Blood was also traded out.

In exchange for 'metallic element fragments' X1, 'water attribute element fragments' X2, 'earth element fragments' X1.

0.2L of water can be exchanged for 5L, which is a very lucrative ratio.

Xiao Ran was overjoyed and felt that this method was feasible.

Not only can you ensure that your own water source is sufficient, but you can also make a lot of money.

It seems that in the early stage of the game, the first thing players have to solve is the problem of survival. Although elemental fragments are rarer, they are more useful.

The first thing everyone should consider is to survive.

But as time goes by and the scope of exploration increases, the value of basic materials will depreciate, so we must take advantage of the present to make a fortune.

Xiao Ran first exchanged the system for a simple water tank, and poured out the remaining water in the 'condenser'.

Spend another 'Water Attribute Element Fragment' to activate it.

After 5 hours like this, it can be filled with 5L of clear water again.

Then he directly hung out 3L of clear water, each 0.2L, in exchange for fragments of any attribute element.

Then hang out the three copies of rat blood obtained in the previous tomb, also in exchange for 'element fragments'.

He actually wanted to exchange for some 'Essence', but the system showed that this kind of thing could not be traded, and could only be obtained by killing monsters by himself.

Sure enough, as soon as the transaction information was sent out, it had an explosive effect.

"Water! Who hung out so much water!"

"It's Xiao Ran from yesterday! How could he have so much water!"

"Didn't you see other things he hung? They are all the flesh and blood of monsters! It means that he has killed a lot of monsters!"

"Xiao Shen is mighty! Can you take me with you! Give me a sip of water... I'm really dying!"

"I really don't have an 'Element Fragment'. I have a 'Normal Helmet' with strength +3, is that okay? It's okay to change it to 0.1L!"

"If this goes on like this, many people will die of thirst. Even though there is so much water, they are still dying!"


Without 'Element Fragments', there's nothing to talk about.

In this environment, it must be self-centered.

Xiao Ran was even more dismissive of those whores who tried to kidnap morally.

Send another one directly.

"Anyone who has seasoning in hand, you can window me, remember to put the item introduction."

Players who set 'Private Chat' to have 'Spice' pass.

After a while, the message flashed.

After opening it, the profile picture was a rough-looking bearded man named Li Da.

"Hi Boss Xiao! I have a small bottle of salt, how much water can I change? 0.5L?"

The "item introduction" on the back is indeed a bottle of salt, with system notarization, this cannot be faked.

"Why don't you go grab it?"

Xiao Ran was quite speechless towards this kind of brazen person.

"Haha! Boss Xiao is really quick to speak, and he acts resolutely!"

Li Da complimented, and began to approach: "I exchanged your rat blood and snake blood. Since you are acquaintances, then take care of them. 0.3L is also fine!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ran looked at the transaction records, and it was true that both 'rat blood' and 'snake blood' were exchanged by him.

Can't help but look up at this guy.

Being able to obtain 3 'element fragments' in such a short period of time shows that this guy's initial strength is very strong.

Moreover, luck is also relatively good.

"Exchange 0.1L of clean water for your salty salt, it's okay, if it's not, forget it."

"0.1L, how many mouthfuls is that?" The bearded man immediately quit.

"Drinking water is definitely a scarce resource at present, but salty salt is not a necessity, and your family may not be the only one supplying it." Xiao Ran said.

"Okay, okay! I'm really convinced! Let's do it! If you have any good things in the future, take care of me!"

Li Da clicked Agree, and the deal was concluded.

He wanted to chat a few more words, but Xiao Ran mercilessly closed the chat window.

With the savory salt, it's time to move on to grilling.

But there were still a few private chat messages, so Xiao Ran browsed through them again.

What kind of pepper, monosodium glutamate, aniseed, Chinese prickly ash...there are quite a lot, Xiao Ran doesn't need these for the time being and ignores them.

Got chili?
Seeing the information about chili powder, he paid attention to it.

So beautiful!

Seeing the player's head portrait, he couldn't help admiring.

The other party turned out to be a big beauty!

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