This man's calculations are calculations, but his combat power is really strong and his brain is smart enough.

Moreover, the two of them are half familiar and have a little friendship.

Being able to form a team with him not only guarantees personal safety, but also saves worry and effort.

There is also a great chance to get rich rewards.


"How can you be like this?"

"The big girl is from every family, and she doesn't know how to be reserved at all."

"In public, blatantly taking the initiative to hook up with men."

Jiang Qilian came up from nowhere, rolled her beautiful eyes, and said a few teasing words.

It seems that on the side of the wounded, she has finished her work.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I just asked him to form a team to do the mission!" Luo Yuling was ashamed and annoyed.

"I know, it's just to do the task, I didn't say anything else."

"At that time, lonely men and widows, together day and night, don't they just do what they should do, what they shouldn't do, what they like to do and what they don't like to do, will they all do it together?"

Jiang Qilian raised her eyebrows.

"What do you like to do? What you don't like to!"

Luo Yuling couldn't understand at first, but when she saw the playful expressions of the 'players' next to her, she realized what she meant.

Immediately she was so angry that her pretty face flushed red again, she pointed at Jiang Qilian and was speechless.

In terms of strength, even ten Jiang Qilians could not compare to one Luo Yuling.

But in terms of lip service, there are a hundred beauties with strange powers, and they are not his opponents.

"Sister Lian, shall we form a team?"

"I need you to give me energy."

Xiao Ran extended an invitation to Jiang Qilian with a smirk on his face.

"Sister, I also want to complement you."

"It's a pity that I still have a partner. Although it's not very reliable, I can't abandon him, right?"

Jiang Qilian sighed, and said, "Someone over there seems to be vomiting blood again, I have to go and have a look, you guys are chatting!"

After speaking, she continued to rescue the wounded.

"This dead woman!"

"It's just to find fault with me on purpose!"

"However, as long as she doesn't rob Xiao Ran from me."

Luo Yuling's hanging heart finally let go.

"How is it? Will you team up with me? Give me a message!"

Luo Yuling asked Xiao Ran again.

"That's fine."

Xiao Ran finally nodded in agreement.

In fact, he just wants to act alone.

But the system requires a team to complete, so you have to find a relatively reliable one.

This girl can fight, but the most important thing is her smart mind.

It's easier to deal with smart people.

And being able to be with beautiful women can also relieve loneliness, can't it?

"Boss! I'm ready!"

Just as he was talking, he saw the bearded man rushing towards him with loud strides.

"I just got a 'Shaman' skill of 'Shen Da', which can attract the black whirlwind 'Li Kui'."

"Also changed to a 'common skill' of 'blasting', prepared some 'explosives', and a few 'grenades'!"

"And I bought a lot of food and drink just now, so I don't need to tighten my belt anymore, and eat grass roots and bark!"

Xiao Ran looked over, and saw that he really was carrying a string of 'detonators' in his hand.

This idiot is still shirtless, wearing a scarf, and pulling 'flip flops', but on his head is wearing a helmet that looks like an ancient general, making him look even more nondescript.

"You're late, Xiao Ran has agreed to form a team with me." Luo Yuling said hastily.

"What? Boss, is what she said true?" The bearded man was stunned when he heard it, and looked at Xiao Ran.

"Yes, we have formed a team." Xiao Ran nodded.

"Boss! You can't do this!"

"You can't value sex over friends!"

"When it comes to killing monsters and exploring tombs, the two of us are the best partners. She's a little girl, what can she do? It will only affect the speed of your shooting!"

In fact, when Big Beard saw that the mission required a two-person team, he thought that Xiao Ran would definitely choose to go with him.

Now that someone actually cut off his beard, he panicked immediately.

"What are you talking about!"

"We are teaming up to do the task!"

"Dare to underestimate your aunt, it's a mule or a horse! Let's pull it out!"

Luo Yuling also had a hot temper.

Being so slandered and despised by others, he came up in a fit of anger.

Bring out the sledgehammer, and it's time to start.

"Just yo! I'll show you how many eyes you Da Ye have!"

A fiery red broadsword appeared in the hands of the bearded man, and the flames ignited on it.

It should be the new equipment that he just purchased, with fire attribute attack added.

"Okay, don't make trouble."

Xiao Ran said to Li Da: "Everything is said first come first, since others said it first, I also agreed, so we have to be trustworthy."

"You better hurry up and find a teammate, otherwise the team will be formed in a while, and there will be no one."

"Then... alright." The bearded man could only leave resentfully, and went to find someone else.

At this time, the system time is more than one o'clock in the morning, and there are less than 5 hours before the start of the new task.

The players have almost finished exchanging things and have identified their teammates.

After eating and drinking enough, they began to set up camp and prepare to rest and prepare for war.

Most of them are LV3 stone houses.

Around the tomb, there were densely packed ones.

Because the "portable camp" does not take up space, it can be arranged completely.

In the middle, there are twenty or thirty small brick and tile houses.

The few LV5 tile-roofed houses further inside are Lu Li, He Feng, Jiang Qilian, Luo Yuling, these top-ranked players.

Chen Yusheng is also fully capable and can be upgraded to LV5, but he still chooses to stay with his teammates from the beginning.

Moreover, the rewards he received were all distributed within that group according to needs.

It is worth mentioning that the "professional skills" he chose are all "Shiling Warriors" plus group attribute buffs and formations to enhance the combat power of the entire group.

In the center of the 'Main Tomb', which is directly below the '64 Hexagram' Suppressing Evil Formation, a small two-story building is particularly conspicuous.

It was Xiao Ran's 'camp', he had just been promoted to LV6.

In fact, Xiao Ran didn't want to be so high-profile and occupy this C position, but no one else dared to occupy it.

Even the big roof tile house of that 'annoying spirit' Lu Li is still some distance away from him.

It seemed crowded all around, but there was still an open space around Xiao Ran's small building to show everyone's respect for the strong.

Looking at the shining door lights of the small building, the "iron-arm black stiff" standing guard at the door, and the "gale cheetah" lying on the roof.

The 'player' secretly made up his mind that he must work harder to become a boss like Xiao Shen as soon as possible!

At this time, Xiao Ran was sitting cross-legged on the big bed in his room, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

In the consciousness, a big fish and a big bird phantom, cruising and wandering in the void.

A wave of true energy flowed through the meridians of his body, like a stream flowing slowly.

After circulating his zhenqi for a week, Xiao Ran opened his eyes in a hurry, his eyes were as bright as stars.

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