Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 35 Archaeological Captain?Cutscene

With a flash of blue light, Xiao Ran raised his eyes and saw that the area of ​​this tomb was not much different from the one just now, and it also had a square structure.

On every corner, there is a copper lamp stand, and the blue candles on it are shining brightly.

I don't know what kind of lamp oil is used, and it can last all year round.

There seemed to be some patterns painted on the surrounding walls, but the walls were mottled and peeled off, and it was hard to tell what the specific paintings were.

There are stone gates "entrance" on three of the walls, and two big characters "Dongren" are written in the middle of the top of the head.

Is this 'game' not 'original'?
Xiao Ran shook his head, he really didn't understand.

There is a sarcophagus in the middle, and some ceramic fragments are scattered on the ground.

The lid of the sarcophagus was half opened, and it could be seen that it was empty and there was nothing there.

In the corner of the tomb was squatting a hideous human-shaped thing covered in colorful cloth strips.

"That must be 'Jumping Dead'! It crawled out of the coffin, I'll go and have a look!"

"Kill it to clear the level."

The bearded man pulled out the 'Tang Dao' and was about to rush over to do it.

"Don't be so impulsive, okay?"

Xiao Ran really has a headache for this reckless man.

"Mengmeng, go over and have a look, be careful."

At this time, the 'Flying Cheetah' has been upgraded to LV4.

The body shape is more vigorous, the blue light on the body is also more obvious, and there is a faint surge of air when walking.

[Wind Cheetah] LV4, wind-attributed beast, strong agility, aptitude A, combat power 470, loyalty 100, skills: Gale Sprint, Whirlwind Claw, Iron Tail Steel Whip.

Upgrade LV5 condition: Essence X48.

'Iron Tail Steel Whip', the tail sweeps like a steel whip, instantly causing group physical attacks with a fan-shaped area of ​​3 meters, the attack power is increased by 300%, and the cooling time is 150 seconds.

Added a group physical attack skill.

Connected with its owner, the cheetah also knows that there is an extremely dangerous existence here, so it cautiously approaches the 'monster' in the corner.

Seeing that it was still six or seven meters away, the thing was still motionless, so the cheetah stopped.

Crouching on the ground, ready to launch a sprint attack at any time.

Xiao Ran also took out the gun and aimed at the 'weird'.

Suddenly, the 'Weird' robe was lifted, and four paparazzi-sized gray-skinned 'red-eyed mice' ran out, baring their teeth at the cheetah.

When the incident happened suddenly, the cheetah was also startled, and subconsciously jumped back three meters.

"NN's dog zombie! I will blow you up!"

The bearded man stretched out his hand, took out the detonator again, and ignited the torch.

"Don't be impulsive! That's not a zombie, it's a human!"

Xiao Ran saw the clue and hurriedly stopped him.

"Human?" The bearded man was also stunned.

Seeing that 'strange man', Huo Di stood up and walked a few steps towards this side.

It was only then that Xiao Ran and the two saw clearly that this was indeed one person.

It was only because he was wearing a ghost mask, a flowered cloth cloak, and in this tense atmosphere, that he was recognized as a 'zombie'.

Although it is not a 'zombie', both its appearance and behavior are very strange and make people feel uncomfortable.

Beard still keeps the detonator in his hand, ready to ignite it and throw it out at any time.

"Are you a player too?" Xiao Ran tried to ask.

The 'ghost-faced man' didn't speak, just nodded, waved his hand, and took the mouse back.

Only then did the two of Xiao Ran feel relieved. According to the 'task prompt', as long as they are players, they are comrades in arms.

"Are you alone here?" Xiao Ran continued to ask.

'Ghost Face' nodded again.

"These bastards! As for being frightened like this by a 'jumping'?"

Hearing what he said, the bearded man suddenly became furious.

Originally, I hoped that I could have some more helpers, but I didn't expect that this one is still not like a person or a ghost.

He himself forgot who was the one who was so scared to call his mother when he heard that Xiao Ran didn't accept the task just now.

"Since everyone has the same goal and there is no competition, let's work together to fight the enemy!"

The bearded man introduced: "My name is Li Da, this is my boss Xiao Ran, what's your name?"

The 'ghost-masked man' didn't even look him in the eye, and turned his head aside.

"You bastard! How dare you despise me!"

The bearded man wanted to come forward and make a theory.

"Okay! Stop making trouble." Xiao Ran stopped him.

There were only three people in the first place, if there was another internal strife, it would be death.

Just as he was speaking, a blue light flashed on the stone gate on the left, and a man in field uniform of a foreign army entered the tomb.

"Great, here comes another one! Welcome!"

Seeing someone coming again, the bearded man was very excited.

"It doesn't seem like a player..."

Seeing that the style of his clothes was a little old, Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes and said something.

"Not a player?" The bearded man was taken aback.

The man looked around and said urgently, "Are you the comrades sent by the superiors to support?"

"I am Liu Jun, the captain of the sixth team of the Donghua Archaeological Team."

"Our team encountered a zombie attack while exploring this Han Dynasty tomb!"

"My team members suffered heavy casualties, and a few were trapped. Come and rescue me!"

"It's too late, it's too late!"

After the little captain finished speaking, he turned around and entered another 'entrance' without waiting for their answer.

"This is... an NPC?" Xiao Ran immediately understood.

The "Life and Death Challenge" task of emotion still has cutscenes.

"He is a system character, he said let the past save people, let's follow!"

The bearded man is impatient, so he is about to catch up.

The 'ghost-faced man' is also ready to move.

"Hold on!"

Everywhere in this 'ancient tomb' is deadly, every step is frightening, Xiao Ran is still very cautious.

Open the 'Looking Qi Technique' and 'Fenjin Jue' to view.

The tomb is orange difficulty, but fortunately there are no other subsidiary dangers.

Just 'orange difficulty', the situation is slightly better than previously expected.

Thinking in my heart, I turned on the 'detector' again.

"The target tomb has 'Jump Zombie' X1!"

[Jumping Zombie], 'Black Zombie' has sucked blood for decades, lost its black hair, has greater strength, stronger mobility, IQ 67, combat power 3900, skills of rage, poison spray, and anger.

IQ reached 67, slightly worse than normal humans.

It is estimated that this zombie has been in this dark tomb all year round, and his brain is a little rusty.

The combat power is almost three times that of 'Black Zombie'!
The first two skills are the same as 'Black Rigid'.

The last 'rage' is acceleration.

'Enraged', the agility increased by 200%, the duration is 5 minutes, and the cooldown time is 5 minutes.

Regardless of the fact that the agility only increased by 200%, you must know that the speed of this monster itself is very fast.

And being able to persist for 5 minutes is indeed a bit tricky.

"The 'Jumping Zombie' is inside, and there is only one of it at present. After entering, follow the third set of plans!"

While talking, Xiao Ran tried to 'sign in'.

Shows no success.

It seems that this 'Life and Death Challenge' is a dungeon, which limits the 'sign in' function.

Only then did he summon 'Little Red', equipped with a machete and shield, and walked into the 'entrance'.

The bearded man held the 'Tang Dao' and followed from behind.

The 'ghost-masked man' thought for a while, released five 'red-eyed mice' before stepping in.

With a flash of blue light, the tomb here is obviously larger than the one just now, and there is no coffin, so it is relatively empty.

The team leader was waiting here just now, but he didn't see any 'jumping'?

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