Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 3 8 Fist Strength, 3 Viper Eyes

Rewarded with a new piece of gear?

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'Miner's Helmet' (high quality), miner's underground work helmet, wearing it can protect the head, increase defense by 3 points, and obtain a fan-shaped light source within 5 meters in front.

The battery can be used for 30 hours and can be recharged for repeated use.

Although the defense does not increase much, it can protect the vitals of the head, and there is also a miner's lamp, which is also very practical.

Seeing that the sky has already darkened, if you want to continue exploring, you must have a light source, otherwise you can only touch the dark.

There is another problem, the existing electricity can only be used for 30 hours, and there is no charging equipment at present.

However, it is only used when exploring at night, and there should be no problem supporting it for a few days.

The current problem is the broken shovel in his hand, and the number of uses today has reached the upper limit of 3 times.

If you continue exploring, you must acquire new digging tools.

Open the synthesis interface of the "portable camp" and synthesize a "common shovel" with a durability of 30 and daily digging times of 6, which requires wood X15 and iron block X1.

Xiao Ran now has a lot of wood, but only 2 pieces of iron.

But as long as you can continue to explore, you will get a sign-in reward. You must save what you need in this province, and you must spend what you need to spend.

Synthesis of 'common shovel'!
Item 'common shovel', durability 30/30, daily mining times 3/6.

There are only 3 excavations left today. It seems that the replacement of excavation equipment and the number of times used will also be discounted.

Don't waste 3 times, Xiao Ran continued to explore.

In the next two times, I continued to choose the dark green safe entrance, and only got some wood and sand from the search, but the 'sign-in reward' was still impressive.

"Ding dong! Sign in at the new tomb! Get the item 'High Quality Leather Belt', strength +5, defense +3!"

"Ding dong! Sign in at the new tomb! Get the skill 'Bajiquan' (advanced)!"

'Bajiquan', a traditional martial art of the Xia Kingdom, can reach extreme distances in all directions, with simple and concise movements, strong and brittle.

Upgrade 'proficient' conditions: sand X45, fine iron X2, wood element fragments X2, wind element fragments X3, angelica X9, essence X13.

With these two rewards, Xiao Ran's combat power has been strengthened.

"Bajiquan", although there is no attribute bonus specified, it must have been greatly improved in all aspects.

Especially in unarmed combat, even if there is no short knife, there is no problem with the two big bamboo rats just now.

Open the 'Looking Technique' to check the four valid entrances, this time one is orange, one is light yellow, one is light green, and one is dark green.

With the equipment and boxing skills, and there is only one exploration left today, Xiao Ran's blood surged and he planned to fight.

But he calmed down quickly. The difficulty of those tombs was judged according to his own combat power.

The difficulty of the game itself remains the same, because as his combat power increases, the color of the smoke will also change.

In other words, yellow and red are always dangerous to him.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, green is the safest choice.

Finally, rationality defeated impulse, and Xiao Ran still chose to enter the light green entrance.

Still have to be fully armed, put on the 'miner's helmet' and turn on the lights.

Pull out the 'Mad Dog Knife' and hold it in your hand before stepping in.

A blue light flashed in front of his eyes, and he entered the new tomb.

Still quickly leaning against the wall, observing through the light on the helmet.

The area here is basically the same as before, but the layout has changed.

The ground is covered with a layer of turf, which is a bit soft to step on, and mottled moss grows on the walls.

In the opposite corner, there are some green vine-like plants hanging down, and there seem to be a few small red lights on them.

That's not a red light!
Xiao Ran looked intently, those were eyes, snake's eyes.

One, two, three... a total of nine eyes.

So many snakes!

Xiao Ran's heart trembled suddenly.

No... Each snake has three eyes, three in total.

This strange snake is about the thickness of an adult's arm, with khaki markings all over its body.

On top of the pair of snake pupils, there is another red snake eye of normal size. The scarlet snake letter stretches and shrinks, looking weird and terrifying.

The area of ​​the tomb was not very big. It might be because of the conspicuous lights above Xiao Ran's head. Three strange snakes crawled along the wall, making a hissing sound.

Xiao Ran stood still, trying to minimize the area to be attacked, and closely watched the movements of the three strange snakes.

The strange snake obviously didn't take Xiao Ran seriously.

One of them bounced up like a spring, revealing a mouth full of sharp snake teeth, biting his throat fiercely.

This blow was fast and ruthless, if the former Xiao Ran couldn't dodge at all, he would be hit.

But now with the 'Bajiquan' for self-defense, Xiao Ran loosened his hips and twisted his waist, easily dodged sideways, raised his hand and slashed up.

The blade flickered coldly, and the snake's head was cut off and fell to the ground.

One was solved in the blink of an eye, and the other two were in front of him.

Divided into upper and lower, one attacked his knee, and the other went up along the wall, opening its mouth and biting down on his waist.

The speed of the snake was too fast and the angle was tricky, so it was too late to swing the knife, so Xiao Ran simply stretched out his left hand and grabbed the strange snake seven inches above it.

Taking advantage of the momentum, he kicked out and kicked the one below it far away.

The strange snake 'Seven Inches' was restrained, but it was not affected at all, twisting its body and struggling desperately.

This thing is very strong, and it is about to break free.

The dagger in Xiao Ran's right hand also pierced over, stabbing fiercely.

The strange snake flicked its tail and lashed at his wrist, and the short knife flew out of his hand.

Xiao Ran didn't care so much, raised his fist, and slammed the monster snake's abdomen hard.

Beng Jin was used in this punch, which was very severe.


The sound of bones breaking sounded.

The strange snake's body was stiff, and the letter that exposed the snake's mouth kept trembling.

While you are sick, I will kill you!
Then came the second punch!The third punch!
The strange snake finally stopped moving, and it seemed that it was completely dead.

The one that was just kicked away, seeing how fierce Xiao Ran was, was scared out of his wits and had no will to fight, so he wanted to dig the ground and escape.

How can a duck with a full mouth be allowed to fly away?

Xiao Ran picked up the dagger from the ground, caught up with it a few steps, picked up the snake's tail, and swung the knife to chop it into several pieces.

"Congratulations to the player for killing 3 'Three-eyed Vipers' and getting 'Essence' X3!"

"Is the corpse of 'Three-eyed Viper' decomposed?"

"break down!"

"Get 'Three-eyed Viper' meat X3!"

"Get 'Three-eyed Viper' blood x3!"

"Get 'Three-eyed Viper' bone X3!"

The meat of 'Three-eyed Viper' has an average taste and can be eaten to satisfy hunger without any additional attributes.

The blood of 'Three-eyed Viper' is drinkable. It tastes foul and sticky, and it is easy to get angry.

'Three-eyed viper' bone, inedible, can be used as plant fertilizer after decay.

These things taste bad, have no added properties, and may have side effects.

Although you don't intend to use it yourself, you can also sell it or exchange it for useful resources.

Look at the system 'monster' board.

[Three-eyed Viper], a low-level cave-dwelling snake creature, with an intelligence of 25 and a combat power of 40, and its weakness lies in the 'belly'.

Its intelligence is 5 points higher than that of the 'Bamboo Rat', and its combat power is 15 points higher, which is really difficult to deal with.

Moreover, the weakness is not in the 'seven inches' but in the 'belly'. It seems that the situation in this ancient tomb cannot be judged by common sense, otherwise it will suffer a big loss.

After closing the panel, Xiao Ran began to search the tomb.

Sure enough, in the corner with green vines, three 'wooden treasure chests' were found.

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