Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 27 One Knife Instant Kill, Encountering a Hunk

Dazzling lightning, winding and jumping on the blade.

The majestic lightning energy cut down together with the blade.

The 'Mutated Zombie' was screaming and running, while turning on 'Rage', his eyes became blood red and coquettish.

Feeling the domineering power, he immediately braked sharply.

Turning around and driving the 'Yuejin' to the maximum, Sa Yazi ran away desperately.

But obviously it was too late, the machete slashed at its back, and the 'Red-Eyed Zombie' was instantly overwhelmed by the electric light.

There was a crackling sound, and the 'Red-Eyed Zombie' burst open with a bang.

The performance was not over yet, two slightly thinner electric chains were sent out from the blade, passed in mid-air, and accurately found the two 'ordinary white stiffs' next to them.


Before they could react, they were all struck by lightning.

"Congratulations player! Kill 'Red-Eyed White' X1, kill 'White' X2! Get 'Essence' X4!"

One knife... all seconds?
This is so fucking cool!

Since entering the game, Xiao Ran has never resolved a battle so happily.

I remember when I caught 'Xiaohong' last time, I was almost exhausted.

Encountered this kind of lineup again, and sent it away with one knife?

The leopard howled excitedly.

'Little Red' took three steps back again. Although it couldn't see its expression, it must be frightened.

If this saber hits its body, it will also be wiped out in ashes while talking and laughing.

Xiao Ran's body also shook slightly.

The overbearing sword technique of this 'Da Mo Yu Zong' is overbearing, both in terms of appearance and power, it is quite impressive.

But God!

It is said that too many skills do not overwhelm one's body.

I didn't think it was a big deal before, but now I have to activate the 'Looking Qi Technique' and 'Fenjin Jue' frequently.

In the online standby state of 'Beast Control Art' and 'Corpse Control Technique', using such a powerful 'Thunder Overlord Knife', the consumption of mental power is somewhat overdrawn.

It seems that in the case of limited spirit, it is still necessary to use these skills in a scientific and coordinated manner.

Looking at the tomb, there are two 'bronze treasure chests' in the opposite corner.

However, it was shown that there was 'quick sand' before, so it cannot be acted rashly.

The effectiveness of the 'Fenjin Jue' has not disappeared, and he can see a red area around the treasure chest.

'Quicksand' should be in that direction.

But the size of the area is not small, and the range of 'quick sand' is definitely not that big.

There is no other way but to let 'Little Red' perform the task of exploring the path again.

'Little Red' was luckier than 'Little White', Xiao Ran made it go around the edge of the area as much as possible, and did not suffer from the 'catastrophe of extinction'.

After finding out the path, Xiao Ran followed its path and opened the treasure chest.

Among them, in addition to those common rewards, there are also 'Wooden Chair' X1, 'Fog Attribute Element Fragments' X1 and a 'General Skill Book'.

It turns out that opening the box can really reveal 'skills'.

[Normal Skill Book (Basic Parkour)], a one-time consumable, you can learn 'Parkour' (Basic Parkour) after use.

Xiao Ran has seen this kind of 'parkour' skill on TV, it's the kind of cool movement while running fast, crossing obstacles.

This skill is quite useful in the current environment.

Moreover, 'ordinary skills' can't consume much mental power.

If it is a duplicate 'common skill book', 'bajiquan' or 'shooting' skill book, he will put it on the trading platform and sell it at a high price.

This skill still needs to be kept by oneself.

"Use the 'Normal Skill Book (Primary Parkour)' to obtain parkour (primary) skills!"

'Parkour' (primary), speed increased by 100%, effectively dodges common obstacles, lasts for 3 seconds, and cools down for 5 minutes.

Upgrade 'intermediate' conditions: wood X15, water attribute element fragments X2, iron block X5, essence X1.

The upgrade conditions are so simple?
Xiao Ran immediately figured it out, the 'Bajiquan' and 'Shooting' rewarded to him by the 'sign-in system' were in themselves 'advanced'.

The 'Normal Skill Book' in this game starts from 'Low Level'.

You have to continue to upgrade to be reliable.

Upgrade first to 'Intermediate' and then to 'Advanced'.

'Parkour' (advanced), speed increased by 300%, effectively dodging common obstacles, duration 10 seconds, cooldown time 5 minutes.

Upgrade 'proficient' conditions: sand X40, refined iron X4, wind attribute element fragments X3, thunder attribute element fragments X3, honeysuckle X6, essence X14.

When encountering mobs, you can use "ordinary skills" to deal with them, and then cooperate with cheetahs and zombies to get them done together.

The 'Thunder Knife' is used when encountering difficult bosses or sudden dangers.

Xiao Ran formulated a strategy for himself in the near future.

Sign in!

"Ding dong! Sign in at the new tomb! Get the equipment 'Luoyang shovel' (common) from Mojin Xiaowei!"

Luoyang shovel?
It should be a digging tool, right?

I just got a 'Yin-Exploring Claw' from 'Mojin Xiaowei', and I got another one so soon.

'Luoyang shovel' (ordinary), Mojin Xiaowei's digging tool, the shovel clip is only 2 inches wide, in the shape of a U-shaped semicircle, the shovel shaft is 30CM long, the durability is 100, and the number of digging times per day is 12.

The durability has been greatly improved, and the number of daily excavations has also doubled, which is indeed a good thing.

In this case, 3 more digging opportunities will be added today.

Xiao Ran checked it out, and this time the 4 'entrances' were all dark green, and there was no other additional danger.

I randomly chose one to check, and there was an 'Iron Armored Lizard' and three 'Three-eyed Vipers' inside.

These two kinds of monsters can still pose some threats when they first start exploring.

Encountering it now is basically free.

It seems that the higher the level, the more difficult it is, and there are easy tombs.

After entering, there was no need for Xiao Ran to do it himself, Cheetah and 'Little Red' could easily handle it.

"Congratulations, player! Kill 'Iron Armored Lizard' X1, 'Three-eyed Viper' X3! Get 'Essence' X4!"

The difficulty is lowered, the rewards are not high, and there are only two 'iron treasure chests'.

In addition to the basic rewards, X2 boxes of pure milk and a pair of trashy 'cloth shoes' (agility +1, defense +2) were also offered.

The milk is kept, and the shoes are directly hung up and sold at a low price.

The sign-in reward is another 'common skill', swimming (advanced).

Swimming (advanced), proficient in water, all swimming styles, reaching the level of provincial professional athletes.

Xiao Ran used to know some breaststroke and freestyle, but it was purely amateur, now he can learn all of them at once.

If you encounter a water environment in the future, you can better deal with it, and you will not be helpless.

It is already noon, and this morning has been exhausted, especially the mental power needs to be restored.

The environment here is not bad, so Xiao Ran took a rest.

Roasted a small amount of rat meat and ate some with milk.

Feeling almost done, continue to explore.

This time I chose a light green tomb, there are no other dangers attached, so you can rest assured.

The so-called... It's easy to hide from open spears, but hard to guard against hidden arrows.

Most of the monsters are on the bright side, and it's over.

But those so-called "natural dangers" and "organs" are very hidden, and if you are not careful, you will capsize in the gutter and be completely finished.

Check it out, there is only one 'Black Zombie' in the tomb.

I haven't encountered this kind of monster before, so I can pass the trick.

With a flash of blue light, entering the tomb, I saw two figures shaking not far away.

Not one?

Did another one just come in?
It's getting a little tricky.

Xiao Ran was thinking in his heart, when he heard a shout from over there: "I said! Don't watch the excitement! Help!"

Is it a player?
Xiao Ran looked again, there were two figures, one of them was a zombie covered in black hair.

The other one is really a player, and looks familiar?

It's that bearded man... Li Da!

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