Mojin Xiaowei's skill 'Fenjin Jue' (primary level), based on the terrain trend or the structure of the tomb, combined with yin and yang, five elements and eight trigrams, infers the type of natural danger.

Upgrade 'intermediate' conditions: iron block X6, gold element fragment X5, earth element fragment X4, peony X10, essence X6.

Looking at the description, it should be a skill that can guess the 'natural danger'.

'Mojin Xiaowei' is good at dividing gold and fixing acupoints, searching for dragons and treasures.

Sometimes through soil analysis, we can understand the structure of the tomb and the general natural environment in the tomb.

The 'quick sand' last time was very dangerous. With this skill, you can prepare in advance.

However, the area of ​​the tomb is getting bigger and bigger, and the structure will definitely become more and more complicated.

It is not safe to only judge the type.

There are basically everything needed to upgrade the 'intermediate'.

Only the amount of 'peony' is not enough.

Xiao Ran yelled on the 'local channel' and immediately exchanged it for 'drinking water'.

Upgrade now!

"Consume iron block X6, gold element fragment X5, earth element fragment X4, peony X10, essence X6!"

"Mojin Xiaowei's skill 'Dividing Gold Jue', upgrade to 'Intermediate'!"

Mojin Xiaowei's skill 'Fenjinjue' (intermediate level), according to the terrain trend or the structure of the tomb, combined with Yin and Yang, five elements and eight trigrams, infers the types of natural dangers and the approximate range of azimuths.

Upgrade 'Advanced' conditions: Refined Iron X13, Cooked Copper X3, Wind Attribute Element Fragments X7, Ice Attribute Element Fragments X7, Qingming Dan X8, Essence X36! "

The front is basically the same as "Elementary", except that there are more to measure the direction and range.

Although it is only roughly, but I know the specific form of the 'natural danger', and I know the approximate range.

As long as you are careful, you shouldn't get caught easily.

Turn on the 'Air Hope Technique' and check the 'entrances' on the four walls.

Good guy!
All four are yellow difficulty.

And all of them have the cross mark of 'earth yellow', indicating that there is a danger of 'natural disaster'.

...the difficulty has really increased a lot.

Moreover, the system prompts that 2 excavation points are required to enter the tomb.

This is what the overall price increase means.

There is no way, even though we know it is the 'Overlord Clause', we have to enter it.

Open 'Fenjin Jue' to view.

Two of the entrances are of type 'Catastrophe' of 'Quicksand' and the other two are of 'Lava'.

On the surface, 'lava' is more dangerous than 'quick sand'.

But Xiao Ran felt that the 'lava' would definitely dissipate heat, and there might be an open flame, making it easier to be discovered.

I have seen 'quick sand' last time, but I don't really know where it is unless I actually step on it.

Otherwise, that poor 'Xiaobai' would not have died in the line of duty with honor.

The current 'Fenjin Jue' can only guess the approximate location of the 'natural disaster', and if there is an error of two or three meters, the consequences can be fatal.

Still can't take that risk.

After weighing the pros and cons, Xiao Ran decided to challenge 'Lava'.

Before entering, turn on the 'Detector'.

"There is 'Stone Flame Monster' X3 in the tomb!"

"[Stone Flame Monster], a low-level fire monster, likes to live near underground magma, IQ 55, combat power 190, the whole body is as hard as a stone, strong defense, skills: inflammation, rolling ball."

Inflammation: When the health value is lower than 50%, you can use the power of magma to ignite your whole body, causing 200% fire damage. After 3 minutes, you will enter a state of weakness for 2 hours, and your defense will drop by 50%. The skill cooldown time is 12 Hour.

Rolling Ball: Within 10 seconds, increase the traveling speed by 10 times, and the skill cooldown time is 10 minutes.

Restraint: 'Inflammation' state, water, ice, soil can be resolved.

It turned out to be a spirit-like monster, this was really the first time I encountered it.

It seems that there are really all sorts of weird things in this ancient tomb.

It is estimated that it is the category of 'monster' among the demons and ghosts.

The combat strength of this 'Stone Flame Monster' is between that of 'White Rigid' and 'Red Eye', and its IQ is not bad.

What's the 'rolling ball' skill, it doesn't look like a threat.

The key is the 'inflammation', which is really tricky.

Adding 200% fire damage, whether it is yourself, or 'Red Eye' and 'Cheetah' can't handle it?

Water, ice and soil solvable?

There is water, which is fine for drinking, but it is definitely not enough to put out the fire.

Ice... there is no such thing at present.

Soil doesn't know how to use it.

Do you want to change to another tomb?
The situation is even more unclear.

Men are made to last!
Can't hold on for 3 minutes?
"There must be a way before the car reaches the cave! Done!"

Xiao Ran summoned 'Red Eye' and 'Cheetah' and ate an 'Energy Bar'.

Equipped with a machete and shield, he entered the tomb.

So hot……

A blue light flashed in front of my eyes, and I felt a wave of heat rushing towards my face.


This lava is really obvious.

Seeing the situation in front of him clearly, Xiao Ran frowned slightly.

The area of ​​this tomb is almost the same as the previous one.

But it is surrounded by dense rocks, like a large natural cave.

In the center of the cave is a roughly square lava pit, in which red lava is rolling and shining brightly.

Occasionally, white smoke will be emitted in the lava.

This kind of high-temperature magma, if a person falls into it, will definitely be burnt instantly so that there is no slag left.

However, this kind of terrain that resembles the shape of "Hui" is very clear and clear, and it is not dangerous.

Xiao Ran felt that his decision-making was still very wise.


The cheetah growled in the direction of the side hand.

Xiao Ran looked over intently, only to find three things, lying among the rocks over there, they should be the three 'Stone Flame Monsters'.

Because they are all made of stone, which is almost the same as the background of the cave, so it is difficult to be found.

These three brothers probably wanted to ambush them just like the previous 'Swamp Lizard Alligator'.

"Hey! I say! Don't hide! The ass is showing!"

Xiao Ran roared.

The three 'Stone Flame Monsters' were unmoved.

Pretend to be sleeping with me, right?
Then let me hear it for you!

Xiao Ran took out the 'fire blunderbuss', pointed in that direction, raised his hand and shot three times.

Bang bang bang!
The gunshots echoed in the cave, shaking the gravel to rustle.

The three 'Stone Flame Monsters' were finally startled, and rushed towards this side with strange screams.

It may be because the body is too stiff, the movements are very weird, and the speed is very slow.

When they first lay there, they looked like big dogs.

Standing upright now, it is a human figure with a height of 1.5 meters [-], and it also has a torso, head and limbs.

The position of the face, except for two dark things that look like eyes, the other parts are bare and nothing.

One of them also had a clump of weeds growing on top of his head, much like his hair.

If you want to live a decent life, you have to have a little green on your head.

You are not angry, so go desperately to find the old Wang next door?

What are you trying to do to me?

I didn't accompany your wife to perm her hair.

"Go! One for each! Let's see who will solve it first!"

"Don't use skills yet!"

Xiao Ran warned, 'Cheetah' and 'Red Eye' immediately stepped forward to meet the enemy.

He himself brandished the machete and charged forward.

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