Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 20 The camp is upgraded again, and the players are seen again

He has never set foot in the entrance above the tomb.

Every time I use the 'Looking Qi Technique' to check it, I just ignore it.

Not for anything else, just because... I can't climb up at all.

The size of the tomb is not small, and most of the walls and top are smooth stone walls.

Some greenery is better, but there are moss and some vines growing.

But the vines generally grow in the corners, and it is useless even if they climb up.

There may also be other ways to get up there using the materials you have at hand.

But Xiao Ran has been busy exploring, and there is no need to do it, so he didn't bother to try it.

Walking to the bottom of the entrance, looking for the right direction, Xiao Ran pressed the wrist button.

There was a metallic slamming sound.

The machine spring starts and the 'flying claw' is ejected.

It flew straight up, and after touching the wall above, the steel fingers quickly closed, and with a click, the four fingers were actually buckled on the stone wall.

Now it's dusk, the light is average.

Through the searchlight on the 'special warfare helmet', Xiao Ran saw that the first two joints of the steel finger had been inserted into the stone slab.

Pull it hard, it feels very strong.

Pressing the wrist strap again, the steel cable immediately contracted, pulling him up.

If it was Xiao Ran from before, it would definitely be uncomfortable to be dragged like this.

But with his current strength, he is a bit higher than normal people. As long as he doesn't do any difficult movements, he can still control it if he goes straight up and down.

Simple air movement can also be done.

If you had this thing before, you wouldn't need to ride a cheetah to open the treasure chest.

But Xiao Ran always feels that this thing has more uses than that, and it hasn't been developed yet.

'Mojin Xiaowei' is not a high-skilled, flying over the wall, it is estimated that there will still be skills to match this 'Flying Claw'.

It quickly rose to the side of the entrance, and looked no different from those below.

Turn on the 'Looking Qi Technique' to check, it turned out to be a dark green color.

This is quite unexpected, Xiao Ran originally thought that the tomb above should be more difficult.

Condescending, I took a look at the following entrances by the way.

One yellow, two light green, two dark green.

One of the yellow entrances also has a 'Natural Toxin' logo.

However, the overall difficulty has been reduced a lot.

It should be because he subdued the 'Red-Eyed Zombie', and his combat power has increased a lot.

Now the daily digging times of the 'ordinary shovel' have reached, and we can't continue to explore. It seems that we can only wait until tomorrow morning.

Press the button and put yourself down.

Xiao Ran was about to start camping tonight.

After looking around, I realized that spending the night here is really scary.

An empty tomb, three coffins.

But there is no other way, the number of excavations is exhausted, and I can't change the place if I want to.

The advantage here is that the space is spacious and clear at a glance.

If you entered a tomb with poisonous miasma, it would be worse than here.

Don't be too picky if the conditions are limited.

However, the conditions for upgrading LV4 in the 'carry camp' should be enough.

The environment is not good, and the campsite is good.

"Consume sand X200, wood X160, iron block X10, fine iron X3, essence X8, earth element fragments X2, metal element fragments X2, wood element fragments X1, water element fragments X1, fire attribute Element Fragment X1 piece!"

"'Pocket camp' upgrade LV4!"

"Conditions for upgrading to L5: fine sand X200, log X160, refined iron X10, copper block X5, fine element X18, any attribute 'element fragments' X20 pieces!"

The original stone house has been turned into a brick house.

Although it is still very simple, and the area is not much larger, but it is also white walls and red tiles, and there is a small kitchen and bathroom separated, with some fireworks.

The things to upgrade LV5, fine sand and logs, can be synthesized with sand and wood at a ratio of 1:10. There is currently only one piece of 'copper block', and there are also a lot of 'element fragments'.

You need to continue collecting to upgrade again.

Xiao Ran first activated the 'condenser', then prepared the 'diesel generator', poured half a barrel of diesel into it, connected all the devices that needed to be charged, and pressed the start button.

Boom boom boom!
There was a burst of noise, but Xiao Ran could still bear it for a short time.

Call out the 'Red-Eyed Zombie' and put it on guard at the door.

Xiao Ran brought the cheetah into the house.

When a newcomer joins the job, Mengmeng, an old employee, can also relax.

Turn on the charging desk lamp first, and both helmets are also charged.

Hang the cotton curtains and put the pillows and blankets on the bed, which is quite warm.

This wooden bed comes with a thin mattress. Although there are no sheets for the time being, it must be much more comfortable than sleeping on a camp bed.

After setting up the room, we started to light the fire and cook.

The kitchen has a stove, but there is no need to regenerate the campfire.

Xiao Ran sometimes goes camping, but he still has basic picnic skills.

Wash the rice and vegetables first, take out two eggs, and stir them in a bowl.

Then began to light the fire with dry wood.

After a while, the fire was burning.

First, he stuffed the rice in the pot, and then he started busy cooking.

It happened to have oil and seasoning.

I'm going to fry a cabbage and make a scrambled egg.

I've been eating meat for the past two days, especially the 'lizard crocodile meat', I can't stand it, so I'm going to eat something light to clear my mouth.

By the way, I took a look at the 'sweet potato', which was ripe and had a lot of knots.

Wash out two and put them in the pot to steam together with the rice.

The cheetah was watching him busy, and suddenly his ears moved, and he whined twice to warn his master.


With a thought in his heart, Xiao Ran put on his helmet, took out the firecracker, and hurried out.

On the other side of the tomb, I could vaguely see a few figures shaking. They looked like men and women.

This is... I met a player again?
So much at once?
The 'Red-Eyed Zombie' is a dead thing after all, and they were ordered to guard the door of the room, and no one else could enter.

But in any case, it will not report.

As long as those players don't come close, it doesn't care.

"Another 'zombie' came out!"

"And a leopard!"

"It's over! It's over! It's all over!"

"Woooooo... I don't want to die!"

"The zombie is big! Don't kill me!"


It seems that this group of players also took advantage of today's last excavation to enter this tomb.

First of all, I was attracted by the roar of the 'generator', saw the brick house, and wondered, how could there be such a house in this tomb?

Could it be the 'supply station' provided by the system?
I just want to get closer and investigate carefully.

Seeing the 'Red-Eyed Zombie' standing at the door, I was so frightened that I retreated to the farthest position and combined the strength of the group to fight the zombie to the death.

Just when they were about to rush up to attack, how could they want to come out of the house again.

Followed by a leopard!
What the hell is going on!

The spirits of the crowd have completely collapsed!

Looks like I'm going to die here today!

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