Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 140 Separated, 1 Jasmine

After he finished speaking, everyone was silent for a moment.

'Rebellious girl' Rose said: "I am a straightforward person, and I don't like to engage in these conspiracies and tricks, intrigues."

"I'm going to be blunt."

She pointed to Mao Tong and said, "I doubt you because of my intuition."

"Pure intuition, so others can ignore my judgment."

"Of course, if you want to vote for me, you can do whatever you want."

What a straight girl.

Xiao Ran knew that what she said was indeed the truth.

Then she said: "I am also the same as ROSE, but it is not convenient to disclose who I choose."

"I choose her! She is the 'killer' and you heard me right!"

Sure enough, Zhou Fengchun was still upset to see the 'careful girl'.

"I said, can you be more rational? Do you have any real evidence?"

"Wai Yi, we were misled by you and voted out the real 'players', wouldn't we all be finished together!"

Rose couldn't help spat.

"Don't you have no evidence?" Zhou Fengchun refused to budge.

"Okay, whatever you want!" Rose didn't bother to mess around with him.

"I have nothing to say. Since this beautiful woman voted for me, I'll vote for him too." Mao Tong remained calm.

"I have nothing to say. I have no doubters. If you doubt me, there is nothing I can do." The 'careful woman' didn't say anything.

"I...I abstain." Liu Liang was very embarrassed, and finally said.

The system immediately prompts: "'Player' abstains, it will be counted as a vote for yourself!"

"What! This doesn't count! I won't abstain! I'll vote again!"

While Liu Liang was yelling, it turned into a white light and disappeared.

What's going on here?

Where did he go?
"'Player' Liu Liang was killed by the 'killer'!"

The system then prompts.

This is... GAME OVER?
The remaining six people present all looked blank.

I didn't see anyone making a move, so why was he killed?
Could it be that the result of this vote is a direct judgment of life and death?

Moreover, this message has another meaning.

That is, Liu Liang is a real 'player', and now the number of both sides has changed from 5:2 to 4:2.

That is to say... Li Liancheng, 'Careful Girl' and Mao Tongzhong, there are two 'killers' and one 'player'.

Although the scope has narrowed, Xiao Ran still has no way to judge.

"Who is the killer! Stand up if you have the guts! What kind of skill is a shady person behind his back!" Zhou Fengchun really panicked.

Liu Liang's sudden death made him feel fear.

And he also realized that as long as two more players were killed, the mission would fail.

"What's the point of your yelling?"

Li Liancheng was also a little annoyed, frowning and said: "I still say that, everyone should be cautious when making choices, this Liu Liang is a lesson."

After a few seconds of delay, he continued: "Although evidence can be searched after 0:[-], we'd better do it during the day."

"Continue to rest and conserve your strength."

After speaking, he summoned the 'camp' again and entered.

Others also dispersed.

After entering the tent, Xiao Ran began to meditate and practice. Apart from increasing 'agility' and 'spirit', the main thing was to restore physical strength and energy as soon as possible.

The situation is grim now, and we must maintain the best condition for evidence collection tomorrow to deal with all emergencies.


"Can't you get up yet? Why are everyone's hearts so big?"

"I don't care about you, I'll go up and have a look first!"

Early the next morning, just after 7 o'clock, I heard Zhou Fengchun shouting loudly outside.

"Screaming shit! Shouting again will blow you into scum!"

"Whoever dares to go up first will be a 'killer' and wants to destroy the evidence in advance!"

'Rebellious Girl' was woken up from her sweet dream and became furious.

There are actually bazookas protruding from the tent.

"Be safe, don't be impatient, be safe and don't be impatient... If you don't go up, you won't go up, why are you in a hurry?" Zhou Fengchun immediately panicked.

"In one day, we can only search for more than two hours, so don't worry so much."

"Everyone goes up together, so we can have someone to take care of us."

"Otherwise, someone has been plotted against, and they don't know what happened." Li Liancheng also came out and said.

After waiting for more than an hour, other people started to come out of the tent, and Xiao Ran followed suit.

Everyone washed up, had some breakfast casually, and was ready to go upstairs after ten o'clock.

Yesterday, the second floor had been turned upside down, and it was no longer worth searching.

No sooner had the door opened than search time came.

In order to save time, everyone went directly to the third floor.

The specifications above are obviously much higher than those on the second floor.

This is Tang Yingshuang's living place, and the second floor should only be occupied by servants.

But why did Young Master Lu hide the letter to Miss Tang Er in the servant's area?
Has Tang Yingshuang personally read this letter?

Or it was simply concealed by the servants, so why hide it?
Xiao Ran began to calculate in his mind.

"Although decentralization can improve efficiency, I still suggest that everyone get together to collect evidence."

Li Liancheng said: "This way we can not only take care of each other, but also prove our innocence."

"I think it's possible to work in groups of three, which can also improve efficiency," said the 'careful woman'.

"A group of three... is indeed better." Li Liancheng also nodded.

Even if it's two 'killers' and one 'player', as long as they dare to do something, their identities can be determined.

The remaining 3:2 situation also has a great chance of winning.

If they don't do it, that 'player' can also supervise the 'killer' to do damage.

"Then I and... this Taoist priest each take a team, how about it?"

"Me?" Seeing Li Liancheng calling him by name, Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment.

"Okay! I'm with the Taoist brother." Rose said immediately.

"Lao Li and I!" Li Fengchun regarded Li Liancheng as his backer.

"Then I'll be in a group with the Taoist too." The 'careful girl' obviously didn't want to get involved with Zhou Fengchun.

"Then Mao Tong is in my group. If there are any important discoveries or emergencies, you must inform everyone immediately."

Li Liancheng ordered the two groups to separate.

"Let's the living room first." Seeing that Li Liancheng and his group had gone to the bedroom first, Xiao Ran took the two women to the living room first.

"What a beautiful jasmine, what a beautiful dripping jasmine..."

Suddenly, a babbling singing voice sounded in the room, the voice was mournful and sobbing, and it was still intermittent.

Even though it's broad daylight now, it still sounds pretty creepy.

"What sound? Who is singing?"

He even heard the voice in the next room, Zhou Fengchun ran over and asked.

"It's just a phonograph! As for being so nervous?"

"Come here, if the remaining two are 'killers', won't all the evidence be destroyed?" the 'careful woman' scolded.

"The two of them are 'killers'?" Zhou Fengchun's heart tightened suddenly, and he didn't want to go back.

"Even if they were, they wouldn't dare to deal with you blatantly."

"Go back, Ma Liuer! Otherwise, you'll be a 'killer'!" Rose also cursed.

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