Tomb Survival: God Level Sign-In System

Chapter 112 Skill Cap?Pine snow spell

All players camp in this area.

Although the task time is tight, it is only early morning and there is still time.

According to information from different groups of players, it can basically be judged that there are about 10 players in these 4000 groups.

After a big battle, the 'Hui Gang' was completely wiped out, and many 'players' were still running around like chickens without their heads in other 'areas'.

Some of the 'digging points' in their hands could not support the real location of the 'ancient building' at all.

So for a thousand teams, the quota of two thousand people is completely enough.

Moreover, everyone's physical strength and spirit still need to be restored, and some wounded still need treatment.

But the more important thing is to exchange needs with each other.

At the beginning of this mission, the online trading system was blocked. Although there were some face-to-face transactions, the scope was too small to meet the needs at all.

Now that there are so many players gathered together, and they just got a lot of 'combat items', the desire to trade is very urgent.

After a while, the yelling sounded one after another.

There are also some who simply write the good things and needs at hand on the sheets and hang them at the gate of the 'camp'.

Or simply set up a street stall, where everything is displayed at a glance.

It can be seen that most of the 'player' camps are brick houses. The main reason is that the storage bar cannot fit more and more supplies.

Looking at the mess in his storage rack, Xiao Ran also felt dizzy.

I just killed Peng Hui and several leaders of the 'Hui Gang', and all their supplies have come to me. If the 'camp' hadn't been promoted to LV6 early, it would definitely not be able to hold them.

Even so, it was almost full and there was not much space.

Fortunately, the system has a one-click automatic sorting function, which can classify daily necessities, skill books, general materials, elemental materials, equipment, etc. into categories.

There are also sub-categories inside, otherwise it will take a while to organize.

Xiao Ran checked it, and found that there were not many skill books, there were only seven or eight 'professional skill books', and only a dozen 'general skill books'.

Moreover, most of them are life and auxiliary skills.

It's normal to think about it. Now that the game is progressing, 'skills' and 'equipment' are the most scarce materials.

If they got fighting skills, they would definitely use them immediately, or give rewards to their younger brothers to increase their overall strength.

It's a pity that the 'skills' that have been learned cannot be dropped out as a 'skill book'.

Peng Hui's "Blood Drop" is still very good, if there is no "Zombie Ancestor Bloodline" that can be ignored, it will be very difficult.

If you keep it, you keep it. Skills are good for self-defense.

Xiao Ran will learn all the 'professional skills'.

As a result... the system doesn't seem to agree.

"'Player' can only learn 12 'professional skills' before changing jobs, so 'professional skills' can only go to 'advanced'!"


Seeing this reminder, Xiao Ran was quite depressed.

He had expected that the game would have a 'job transfer' setting, but he didn't expect that there would be restrictions on 'skills'?
Not only is there a limit to the number, but there is also a level?

I haven't been prompted with this information before, probably because I haven't exceeded the upper limit.

"Professional Skills" are limited, but are there also "General Skills"?


"Every 10 basic spirit points, you can learn a 'common skill', there is no limit to the level."

10 basic spirit points, one can be learned, but I still have a few spare ones.

'Normal Skill' has no upper limit, but the effect is very limited.

If he wasn't particularly arrogant, he wouldn't have piled up a lot of resources on this, at least Xiao Ran wouldn't now.

Can the skills that have been learned be erased?
This is another question.

"Skills that have been learned cannot be erased at will. They can be erased with designated props or NPCs with this ability."

It really can't be erased casually, and fortunately I didn't study indiscriminately before, and these current skills are very practical.

After weighing the skills at hand, Xiao Ran finally chose the 'Pine Snow Curse' of 'Jing Fan' and directly upgraded to the advanced level.

[Song Xue Curse (Advanced)], full of energy like a green pine, can restore a target's "spiritual power" at a relatively fast speed, and can act on oneself, the action time is 30 minutes, and the skill cooldown time is 60 minutes.

It is a skill that can increase the recovery of 'spirit', and it can restore itself.

Xiao Ran's current skills are fully learned, and his level has reached the upper limit. The biggest problem is that his 'spiritual power' is consumed too much.

If you need to fight continuously for a long time, if you don't have a 'doctor' by your side, you may not be able to replenish it, and you will be exhausted.

With this skill, I can relieve myself a little.

As for the few 'common skills', they are all 'bonsai cultivation', 'pig breeding', 'belly dancing' and so on.

There is nothing particularly practical, so let's reserve the position first.

After learning 'skills', look at 'equipment'.

Peng Hui and several equipments that lead the whole body, except for the 'Assassin' are all here, basically the whole set of equipment is 'effect' equipment.

The best ones must be the rewards of the last level of the "Challenge of Life and Death".

Others are exploited from other 'players'.

Among them, Peng Hui's small leather shoulder guard is good, which can increase the fire attribute attack and defense by 150%.

But it wasn't suitable for Xiao Ran, but it was very suitable for a bearded man.

His big ax is also a good 'fire attribute' equipment.

Daringly, this guy's main attack is flames, but he has been using "blood drop" on Yinren. He was seriously injured, but he used an axe, but the power was much weaker.

Before he had time to really show it, he was directly hammered to death by himself.

The rest of the equipment is not as good as the ones on him.

It's just a knee pad that increases agility and a ring that increases spiritual defense, which can be used.

Among other supplies, there are some 'Night Walking Pills', which just happen to upgrade the 'Seven Star Step' to 'Advanced'.

After checking the items, Xiao Ran upgraded the camp to LV7.

This time the shape and area did not change much, the walls were thicker, and the anti-theft doors and windows obtained before were installed, and the defense was greatly improved.

Can this 'camp' be summoned for defense during battle?
As soon as Xiao Ran had this thought, the system immediately explained it.

"'Camp' can only be summoned in specific battle scenes, otherwise if it is damaged, it cannot be repaired."

Will cause permanent damage?
Then don't take the risk.

Otherwise, having no place to rest is a small matter, but without a storage bar, it will be a big trouble.

After that, Xiao Ran began to meditate.

He usually does it at night, but he wants to improve his 'basic spirit' and upgrade his 'Zombie Ancestor Bloodline' as soon as possible.

It is also necessary to restore all physical strength and energy to the best state before entering the ancient building.

The exercise is over, and the spirit has reached 97, which is still 3 points away.

After taking a shower, the sky brightened outside.

After going out, he saw Luo Yuling waiting at the door.

"What are you doing? You've been nesting in it for so long."

"Let's go! Walk with me?"

Vigorous Beauty sent an invitation.

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