new York
When Rachel wasn't staying overnight at Nick's, she always had a habit of talking to her mom on the phone before bed.

"Guess who sold the mansion on Laurel Gap Road?" Kari Zhu excitedly showed off in Chinese as soon as he picked up the phone—at this time, the local dinner time in Cupertino had just passed.

"Wow, mom, congratulations! Is this the third house you've sold this month?" Rachel asked.

"That's right! I broke the company's sales record last year! You see, I knew it was right to join Mimi Shen's company in Los Altos." Cary said happily.

"I'm sure you'll definitely be voted 'Realtor of the Year' again this year," Rachel replied, fluffing up the pillows under her head again, "Well, I have some good news for you too... Nick asked Do I want to go back to Asia with him for vacation this summer?"

"He asked you?" Kari's voice dropped an octave.

"Mom, don't think about those weird things." Rachel warned, she knew the meaning of her mother's tone too well.

"Ouch! What's weird? When you brought Nick home last Thanksgiving, everyone saw you as a couple and said you were a match made in heaven. Now he's introduced you to his family—what do you think?" Will he propose to you?" Kari couldn't help but blurt out.

"Mom, we never discussed getting married," Rachel said casually.While she's kind of looking forward to what the trip might mean, she doesn't want to encourage her mother to think in that direction until the time comes.Her mother was so blissful now that she didn't want her to have too much... hope.

But Kari still looked forward to it: "Daughter, I know people like Nick. He can pretend to be a bohemian scholar, but I know that he actually yearns to get married in his heart. He wants to settle down and have many children, so now there is no Time wasted."

"Mom, stop talking!"

"What's more, how many days a week do you live in his house now? I'm surprised you two haven't lived together yet."

"You're the only Chinese mother I know who would want her daughter to live with a man." Rachel laughed.

"I'm the only Chinese mother whose daughter is almost thirty and hasn't married yet! Do you know that people talk to me almost every day? I don't want to talk to you anymore. Yesterday I met Min Chun at Pizzeria Cafe, Even she said to me: 'I know you want your daughter to hit the ground running, but now is the time for her to get married?' Yeah, you know her daughter Jessica is the #[-] on Facebook Is it about the boy's engagement?"

"Well, I know. Instead of giving her a ring, he started a fellowship at Stanford in her name," Rachel replied impatiently.

"She's not as pretty as you at all." Kari said dissatisfied, "Your uncles and aunts have long since stopped expecting you, but I know you've been waiting for the right person to show up. Of course you have to Choose someone who is a college professor like you, and at least your kids get tuition waivers—that's the only way you and your wife can afford to send them to college."

"Speaking of uncle and aunt, promise me not to tell this matter now?" Rachel begged.

"Ouch! Well, well, I know you've been careful what you do, and you don't want to be disappointed, but I know what it's going to be," said her mother cheerfully.

"But until the results happen, there's really no need to make a fuss about it," Rachel insisted.

"Then where do you live in Singapore?"

"I think he might live at his parents' house?"

"Is their house a detached house or an apartment?" Kari asked.

"do not know."

"You have to ask clearly!"

"Why? Are you going to sell them a house in Singapore?"

"I'll tell you why—do you know how they arrange their sleeping quarters?"

"How to arrange what? Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Ouch, I'm asking if you know you're sleeping in the guest room, or are you in the same room as him?"

"I didn't think about it—"

"Daughter, this question is very important. You can't expect Nick's parents to be as open-minded as I am. You are going to Singapore, where people are the most conservative in the Chinese world, and I don't want his parents to think that I have not raised their daughter well. .”

Rachel sighed, knowing her mother was doing it for her own good, but she always ended up adding to the pressure with things she hadn't even thought about.

"Now let's discuss what to bring as a gift to Nick's parents." Carrie said eagerly, "Go and find out what kind of wine Nick's father likes to drink. Scotch? Vodka? Or some other kind of whiskey? I'm here There are still plenty of bottles of Johnnie Walker Red Label blended Scotch whiskey left over from last year's company Christmas party, and I can send you a bottle."

"Mom, I don't want to drive a bottle of wine that they can buy over there. I want to bring gifts that are made in the United States and suitable for them."

"Oh, I know what's perfect for Nick's mother! Macy's is on sale right now, and you can get her a golden face powder from Estée Lauder, plus giveaways - expensive-looking leather pouches, lip balms , perfume and eye cream samples. Trust me, Asian women love giveaways...”

"Don't worry, Mom, I know what to do."

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