Singapore, House of Starcraft

Daisy Fu called Eleanor in a panic and asked her to come over quickly.But when Eleanor stepped into Carol Day's mansion, commonly known as the "StarCraft House", she still couldn't believe what she saw:
Sister Grace, a Taiwanese-born Pentecostal missionary living in Houston, had just flown into Singapore because of Carol’s request, and walked around in a special space of the mansion as if in a trance, bringing all Chinese Antique furniture and china were all smashed; Carol and her husband sat on a spun sofa in between, receiving prayers from two of Sister Grace's disciples and staring blankly at the devastation before them.Behind the grey-haired preacher came a swarm of servants, some helping to break what she was pointing at with her rosewood walking stick, and others frantically clearing out all the rubbish and throwing it into large black trash bags.

"False idols! Satanic demons! Get out of this peaceful house," Sister Grace screamed, her voice echoing through the empty house.Priceless Ming dynasty vases were shattered, Qing scrolls were torn, and golden Buddha statues were also toppled as Sister Grace considered anything depicting animals or faces to be possessed by Satan.The owl is Satan, the frog is Satan, and the grasshopper is Satan.Although the lotus is not an animal and has no face, it is also positioned as Satan because it is regarded as something related to Buddha statues.However, nothing is as vicious as a demon dragon.

"Do you know why bad luck befalls this house? Do you know why your eldest son Bernard, against your wishes, went to Las Vegas to marry a pregnant soap opera actress pretending to be from Taiwan Is it all because of these idolatries! Look at this finely carved lapis lazuli dragon statue on a royal screen! Those evil ruby ​​eyes have locked your son. You made his life surrounded by the symbols of evil every day, What else can he do but commit crimes?"

"What the hell is she talking about? Bernard hasn't lived here for many years." Lorena Lin whispered.But the sight of Carol looking into Sister Grace's eyes, as if receiving a message from Jesus Christ, and acquiescing to her continuing to destroy antiquities would make any museum curator cry.

"This has been going on for several hours, starting from Dato's study." Daisy whispered.Eleanor was taken aback when Sister Grace pushed down the Qianlong burial urn beside her. "Those snakes on the urn! They are descendants of the Serpent of Eden," screamed Sister Grace.

"God, Elle, Lorena, come to Carol's bedroom and help me save something, Sister Grace will be here in a minute. If she sees the ivory statue of the Great Mercy Goddess of Mercy, she'll twitch again Yes! That Guanyin statue has existed since the twelfth century, but I'm afraid it will hardly survive this disaster." Daisy whispered.The three slowly exited the living room and rushed to Carol's bedroom.

They hurriedly wrapped any potentially dangerous decorations in towels and pillowcases, stuffed them into their handbags and a few random shopping bags.

"Jade parrots! Take those jade parrots!" Daisy instructed.

"Is the buffalo considered Satan?" Lorena was a little puzzled, clutching the exquisitely carved horns.

"Oh, don't just stand there looking! Take it all! Put it all in the handbag! We'll give it back to Carol when she comes to her senses," said Daisy sternly.

"I wish I was carrying my Birkin today instead of a Kelly," exclaimed Lorena, trying to stuff a buffalo horn into a stiff leather handbag.

"Okay, my driver's car is parked outside the kitchen, give me some bags first, and I'll take them out one by one." Eleanor said, taking two shopping bags from Daisy, a maid Suddenly entered Carol's bedroom.

Eleanor knew she would have to pass the maid with suspicious-looking, overstuffed shopping bags. "Girl, pour me a glass of iced lemon tea," she said in the most commanding tone.

"Oh, Elle, it's me—Natine!" Eleanor was so frightened that she almost threw the bag on the ground.Nadine was barely recognizable in her yoga attire, without the heavy makeup, exaggerated hairstyle and lavish jewelry.

"My God, Nadine, what happened? I thought you were some maid!" Eleanor exclaimed.

"Natine, I love your new look! Oops, now I can see that Francesca used to look a lot like you, before she had cheek augmentation." Daisy blurted out.

Nadine's face was pale, she smiled, and sat down on Carol's huanghuali bed: "You all know about my father-in-law waking up from a coma. We were all very happy. When they agreed to release him from the hospital, we Drove him home and helped him throw a surprise party. The Shaws were all there. But we forgot that the old man had never been to his new home - the one we bought on Leedton Road after he passed out. The old man went into a rage when he realized it was our new house. He said, 'Wow, who do you think you are, with a big house, a bunch of cars, and a bunch of servants?' Then he went in and saw Francesca Dressed up, he choked with rage. He started yelling that she looked like a whore in Geylang. Oops, she welcomed her grandpa home in haute couture! It was her fault that the skirts were so short this season huh? The next day he got his lawyers to repossess Shaw Foods, kicked my poor Ronnie off the board, and froze everyone's bank accounts. Now he's threatening to give us back every penny we've spent the past six years Nothing, otherwise he will take back everyone's inheritance rights and donate the money to the Shaw Foundation!"

"Oh my God, Nadine, what do you do then?" Lorenz asked, her tone revealing strong concern.Nadin is a big customer of Dongfang Jewelry. She suddenly lost her property, which will definitely have an impact on the company's quarterly performance.

"You saw my new look too, and now we're all trying to be nice. I mean, how many years does the old man live? He's going to have another stroke soon. I'm fine—I'm with him Lived in that crowded shophouse for many years, remember? But the problem is Francesca, she doesn't want to go back to living in the small house. It's a shame for her. She really suffers. Francesca has always been Grandpa's My precious granddaughter, and now he has taken back her monthly allowance. How is she going to live on that little salary of a lawyer? Wendy Megahedo and Pacol Yao have abandoned her, and she has to resign from her monthly salary. A charity board position and can't afford to buy clothes anymore. She blames it all on me and Ronnie, comes into the bedroom every night and yells at us, she thinks we should do it when we get the chance End the old man's life. Can you imagine? I never thought my own daughter would say something like that!"

"I'm sorry to say that, Nadine, but that's what happens when you give your children everything they want," said Daisy, seemingly wisely. "Look at what happened to Bernard, who was young I knew he was going to make a mess one day. Datuk spoiled him and never knew how to say no to his requests. He thought he was smart and gave him a big trust fund when he was there. Look what happened now They're about to have a Katie Pom as a daughter-in-law. Even smashing antiques won't change that fact."

Lorena giggled. "Poor Carol—she's been a very good Christian, and now she's got a Satanic Katie in her life!" Everyone laughed.

"At least we managed to prevent that Rachel Zhu from approaching Nick." Nadine said seriously.

Eleanor shook her head sadly: "What's the use? My Nicky won't talk to me anymore. I don't even know where he is now - and he's cut off his grandma. I try Called Astrid and asked her to help find him, but she was gone. Heartbroken, even if you love your children and do everything to protect them, they still don't appreciate it at all."

"Even if he doesn't want to see you now, at least you managed to rescue him from that woman's hands." Lorena said with great satisfaction.

"Yeah, but Nick didn't know how bad the rift he had created in his relationship with Granny. I was raised to never disobey Granny, but he hurt her deeply in Cameron Highlands. You guys should see The way the old lady was - she didn't say a word on the way back to Singapore. I can't be wrong, the old lady will never forgive him. All my sacrifices were in vain." Eleanor said sadly, The voice is hoarse.

"What do you mean?" Nadine asked. "What did you sacrifice for Nicky?"

Eleanor sighed, "Gee, Nadine, I've spent my whole life protecting him from my husband's family and making him his grandma's favorite grandson. I know my mother-in-law never approved of me, I even left for it. I moved out of Tethyr Manor and left the house with only one Mrs. Yang. I kept making her the most important person in Nicky's life so that he would have a better relationship with her than I did. Closer. But I'm willing to take it because it's for his own good. He's supposed to inherit her estate and be the owner of the Tethyr estate, but he doesn't seem to care and would rather be a damn history professor. Gee, I always knew It was a mistake to send him to study in England. Why don't we Chinese learn our lesson? Whenever we mix with the West, everything falls apart."

At that moment, Sister Grace walked across the lawn towards the pavilion bedroom, followed by Carol and her husband.She cried out, "Where is the devil hiding here now?" Exodus Chapter 20, verses [-] to [-] says, "You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not carve an image for yourself, nor do What images are like those that go up to heaven, and that go down to earth, and everything that is under the earth and in the water. You shall not bow down to those images, nor serve them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God.'”

Daisy looked at the others and said quickly, "Take a shopping bag each and run to the door. Don't look at them, just go straight!"

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