Sydney and Singapore, Australia
A plank road stretches straight out from the seaside lawn in front of Philip's house.

He sat on an alloy folding chair on the boardwalk, staring carefully at the fishing line plummeting into Watsons Bay, while reading the latest issue of Popular Mechanics.The cell phone in the pocket of the overalls vibrated suddenly, breaking the tranquility of the morning—he knew it must be from his wife, because in fact, only she could call his cell phone.Eleanor insisted that Philip keep his mobile phone with him at all times, in case she needed to contact her in an emergency, although he doubted whether he, who had been in Sydney for many years, would be able to help him travel in Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Shanghai and other places. busy wife.

As soon as the phone was connected, Eleanor's hysterical bombardment came immediately.

"Calm down and speak slowly... I don't understand what you're saying. Now, tell me why you want to jump off the building?" Philip asked succinctly as usual.

"I just got Rachel Zhu's investigation report from the private investigator in Beverly Hills (Los Angeles, USA) that Mapel Guo recommended to me. Do you want to know what is written in the report?" , which sounds more like a threat.

"Uh... who's Rachel Chu?" Philip asked.

"Don't be so forgetful! Did you forget what I told you last week? Your son has been dating a girl privately for more than a year, and he still has the face to do it a few days before he is going to bring her back to Singapore Just confess to us!"

"Have you hired a private detective to investigate this girl?"

"Never mind. We don't know anything about this girl, and everyone's talking about Nikki going with her—"

Philip noticed that his rod began to wobble slightly.He knew where their conversation was headed, and he didn't want to be in this muddy water at all. "I'm afraid I don't have time to talk to you right now, honey, I'm in a hurry."

"Shut up! This matter is urgent! The content of the report is even worse than my nightmare! Your idiot relative Cassandra is completely wrong-this woman is not from the Taipei Plastic family at all!"

"I've always told you not to trust Cassandra, but what's wrong with that?"

"What's the problem? This woman is a liar—she's been pretending to be from the Zhu family!"

"Well, if her surname happens to be Zhu, why do you blame her for 'pretending' to be from the Zhu family?" Philip said, laughing.

"Hey, don't argue with me! I'll tell you how she lied. First, the detective told me she was an ABC, but on closer inspection it turns out that this person is not Chinese American at all. She was born in China, six I came to live in the United States when I was a month old."

"so what?"

"Did you hear me? She's Chinese!"

Philip was puzzled: "The ancestral home of each of us is China. Where do you want her to come from? Iceland?"

"Don't be kidding me! Their family is from some Wulu Wulu village in China - a place that almost no one has ever heard of. The detective thinks that their family is probably working class, that is to say, they are sharecroppers! "

"I feel like if you go back far enough back in our ancestry, all families are tenant farmers. And don't you know that tenant farmers were actually respected in ancient China? They were the foundation of the country's economy, and—"

"Don't talk nonsense! You don't know the worst - this woman went to America with her mother when she was a baby, but where is her father? There is no record of her father's existence at all. They must be divorced Can you believe it? My God, a child from a single-parent family in an unknown village! I'm going to jump off a building!"

"What's the problem? A lot of people who grew up in broken homes are happily married now, just look at the divorce rate in Australia." Philip tried to reason with his wife.

Eleanor sighed deeply: "Those Australians are descendants of criminals, what can you expect?"

"That's why you're so welcome here, dear," said Philip jokingly.

"You don't see enough, this woman is obviously a cunning, hypocritical gold digger! You know as well as I do that our son must never marry such a girl! Can you imagine when he brought this gold digger home After that, how will your family react?"

"I don't really care how they react."

"But can't you see what it's doing to Nicky? Of course your mother's going to blame me for it! Every time it happens it's my fault. Geez, you sure know it's going to happen .”

Philip sighed heavily.That's why he wants to spend as much time as possible away from Singapore.

"I have asked Lorena Lin to use all her resources in Beijing to investigate this woman's family in China. We must have all the information and we must be prepared for all possible scenarios," Eleanor said.

"Don't you think you're a little too much?"

"Of course not! We have to get everything done before it gets any worse. Do you want to know what Daisy Fu thinks?"


"Daisy thinks Nicky will propose to this girl while they're in Singapore!"

"It's about time, too," said Philip jokingly.

"My God! Is there anything you know that I don't? Did Nicky tell you anything?"

"No, no, don't be nervous. Honey, those friends of yours are asking you to do something in vain again. You just need to trust our son's judgment, and this girl will be fine."

Now, he could really feel the fish pulling at the line, perhaps the perch—so he could have his chef grill the perch for lunch.

Philip wanted to hang up the phone at once.

At Carol's gospel reading that Thursday, Eleanor made up her mind: It was time to recruit.

When other people are sitting around, eating and chatting
, while helping Carol classify Tahitian black pearls by color grade, Eleanor lamented while sipping the cold coconut milk sago.

"Nicky didn't know how hurtful he was. He told me he wouldn't be staying in our new apartment this time around and was going to be staying with that girl at the Kingsford Hotel! Like he didn't want us to see her! Gosh, What's going on?" Eleanor sighed exaggeratedly.

"What a shame! Unmarried men and women live in the same room! You know, some people may think that they are elopement couples coming here for their honeymoon!" Nadine Shao echoed.But when she thought that this potential scandal could dampen the pride of the Yang family, she felt very happy.Even though it was unnecessary at this time, she continued to incite Eleanor: "How dare this woman go straight to Singapore to participate in this annual event with Nicky's arm without your permission? Obviously she has no idea what's going on here. rules."

"Oh, kids don't know how to be polite these days!" Daisy Fu whispered, shaking her head, "My son is the same, it's good enough that Nicky told you he's going to bring someone home. I don't I don’t expect my sons to report to me, I have to read the newspaper to find out what they have done! What can I do? This happens when children are sent abroad to study. Their thinking is becoming more and more westernized. It would just be out of place. Can you imagine? - My daughter-in-law Danielle made an appointment with her two weeks before she asked me to see my grandson! She thought she was an Amherst graduate than Do I know how to teach children?!"

"Better than you know? Everyone knows that these ABCs are descendants of sharecroppers!" Nadine said sharply.

"Hey, Nadine, don't underestimate them, these ABC girls are Jin Lihe (really amazing)."

Lorena Lin warned her, "Now that the U.S. economy is down, these ABC girls want to come to Asia and extend their claws to the boys in our country. They are even worse than those Taiwanese girls who passed through the tornado because they are educated in the West. , smart and capable, and all of them are college graduates. Do you remember Mrs. Xu Cenda's son? His ex-wife with an Ivy degree deliberately introduced a girl to him, and later became his mistress, and then used this Dang Reason asked him for a large amount of divorce alimony. The Xu family sold many properties in order to pay the money. It's too wasteful!"

"My Danielle was good at the beginning, both filial and polite." Daisy recalled, "Ouch - as soon as the thirty-carat diamond ring was put on her finger, she immediately became cruel. Queen of Sheba

!Now she uses nothing but Prada or Prada and you know how she made my son waste money hiring a whole security team?Those security guards followed her wherever she went, like she was some big shot.Who will kidnap her?My son and grandson are the ones who need bodyguards, not this snub-nosed woman!It's so bad! "

"If my son brings a girl like this home, I don't know what I will do." Eleanor complained, with a sad expression on her face.

"Here, Lily, have some more Mocha." Carol tried to reassure her friend, scooping more of the sweet dessert into Eleanor's bowl, "Nicky is good, you should thank God, He's nothing like my Bernard - I gave up getting Bernard to listen to me a long time ago. He has his daddy to help him with everything. What can he do? His daddy just keeps losing money , and then I just kept praying. The Bible says we should accept what we cannot change."

Lorena turned to Eleanor, wondering if now was the right time to tell her the shocking news.After thinking about it, she decided to speak: "Eleanor, you asked me to investigate this girl surnamed Zhu's family in China. I hope you don't expect too much, but the results I found are quite intriguing."

"So fast? What did you find?" Eleanor cheered up immediately.

"Well, someone said he had a 'valuable' tip about Rachel," Lorena said.

"Oh my god, what, what is it?!" Eleanor's heart rang out.

"I don't know what it is, but the source of the news is in Shenzhen." Lorena said.

"Shenzhen? Did they say what kind of news it is?"

"They just say 'it's worth it' and they don't want to talk about it on the phone. They just want to tell you the news and ask for money."

"Where did you find these people?" Eleanor asked excitedly.

"Secret," Lorena said mysteriously, "I think you should go to Shenzhen next week."

"No, Nicky and that girl will be in Singapore." Eleanor replied.

"Ell, I think you're going to come when Nikki and that girl come to Singapore." Daisy suggested, "If you think about it, they didn't want to live in your house, so you have a very good reason to go abroad. And if you are not in the country, you have all the advantages. Your behavior is telling everyone that you don't want this girl, and if she is really a nightmare, you will not lose face."

"At the same time, you can also get new and important news," Nadine added, "Maybe she is married and has a child, or she is plotting a huge fraud plan—"

"Oops, I need some Xanax

. cried Eleanor, reaching for her bag.

"Lorena, don't scare Lily!" interjected Carol. "We don't know this girl at all, and maybe there is nothing. Maybe God will give Eleanor a dutiful and godly daughter-in-law." The first verse of Chapter 7 of "The Gospel of Too Much" says: 'Judge not, lest you be judged.'”

Eleanor thought carefully about what her friend had told her, and said, "Daisy, you are so smart. Lorena, can I borrow your luxury apartment in Shenzhen?"

"Of course, I want to go with you too. I've always wanted to go shopping in Shenzhen again."

"Who else wants to go to Shenzhen with us this weekend? Carol, do you want to join?" Eleanor asked.She hoped that Carol would join their plan, so that she could take her family's plane by the way.

Carol leaned over and said, "I want to see the itinerary. But I think as long as we don't leave before the weekend, we can take my family's plane there. I know my husband will fly to Beijing earlier this week. Taking over an internet company, Bernard is also on a plane to attend Colin Kew's farewell bachelor party on Saturday."

"Then all of us will go to Shenzhen for a SPA this weekend!" Nadine said, "I want to go to the place where customers' feet are soaked in wooden barrels and massaged for an hour."

Eleanor also seemed elated: "It's a great idea. Let's go all the way to Shenzhen first, let Nikki and this woman figure out their own way, and then I can come back with valuable news."

"It's 'valuable' firepower." Lorena corrected her.

"Haha, that's right." Nadine said happily, while flipping through her handbag, she secretly sent a text message to her stockbroker, "Carol, what is the name of the Internet company that Dato is going to take over? "

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