Compared to their excitement, Ye Chen was very calm.

"[-] megapascals, I thought it could reach [-] megapascals. The equipment is still too crude, and the alloy produced is not so perfect, but it is barely usable."

Ye Chen looked at Alloy in front of him with a disappointed face, and shook his head.

"Look, is this what people say? The strength of [-] MPa is still unsatisfactory."

"Versailles, this kind of person should be beaten to death."

"There is no end to learning. This is where you are inferior to Ye Chen. If you can produce an alloy with a strength of [-] MPa, you will want [-] MPa."

"But this kid is really annoying, barely enough? This alloy, I can't think of anything on earth that can destroy him."

"No, the biggest problem for mankind at present is the high temperature of [-] million degrees after nuclear fusion. Now it depends on how high the temperature the superalloy created by Ye Chen can withstand."

The strength alone is not enough, the temperature he has to withstand has to be tested.

Ye Chen naturally knows this, of course he also has confidence in the alloy he made, the temperature of [-] million is not too high.

"Temperature test."

Ye Chen acted lightly, but the audience in the live broadcast room were watching intently.

"One hundred thousand degrees Celsius, the alloy has not changed."

"100 million, no change, very stable."

"1000 million, no change, very stable."

"3000 million, very stable."

"5000 million... exploded..."

Ye Chen was startled by a bang explosion.

"Fuck, scare me to death, this device is really not durable."

It's not that Ye Chen's alloy is bad, it's just that the equipment of this company is bad, it can only withstand the temperature of 5000 million, if it is higher, it can't bear it, and it explodes and destroys it.

"It can withstand a temperature of 5000 million, which has exceeded most alloy materials, and can be called a super alloy."

"I believe that the superalloy invented by Ye Chen can withstand even a high temperature of [-] million degrees, but for the sake of scientific rigor, we should take some of Ye Chen's superalloy for further experiments."

"That's right, for the sake of scientific rigor, it is indeed necessary to experiment with some superalloys."


"It's not called stealing, it's called for science. How can you use such an imprecise word as stealing?"

"Peiyuan is right. We are called making contributions to the cause of science. We cannot be described as stealing."


Ye Chen didn't expect that when his super alloy came out, he would be missed by others, and he was also an insider.

"Director, turn off the live broadcast tonight, the country has tasks, please cooperate."

"At most half an hour, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the consortium."

"Half an hour is enough."

After a brief negotiation, the Huaguo special forces were ready to act, just for Ye Chen's super alloy.

At this moment, Hua Guo is not the only one who is staring at the super alloy. Big M, Xiao Dao, and Bangzi Guo are all eyeing Ye Chen's super alloy.

"No matter the cost, take down the super alloy, even if it destroys the real man plan, it will not hesitate."

"Your lives can be kept, but the alloy must be obtained. This is a death order."

"Superalloy belongs to my small island country. If you get it, you will be worthy of my emperor."


All countries have issued a death order against Ye Chen's super alloy.

Of course, Ye Chen didn't know it at all, so many days of research had already made him very tired, and now he just wanted to lie on the bed and have a good sleep.

If he knew that a piece of alloy could cause such a big sensation, he would definitely make more alloys and send one piece to a country for them to study.

After all, peace makes money.

Anyway, if you give it to them, they won't be able to research it. Only Ye Chen knows his formula for this thing.

"Brother Ye Chen, you..."

"Ah, don't disturb me, I want to sleep, I'm going to die of sleepiness, let me sleep for a day first."

Ye Chen, who was unshaven and tired, fell asleep after returning to the villa. This sleep lasted for a day and a night.

"Superalloy, Ye Chen, I'm sorry, you should study again."

"The super alloy is ours."

"Take the super alloy, don't waste time."


At night, just as everyone was falling asleep, the Huaguo live broadcast room flashed and turned into pitch blackness.

Fortunately, no one paid attention at night, and it was no big deal to temporarily close the live broadcast room.

"Live broadcast failure, under maintenance, please wait a moment."

The attention of the live broadcast room set off a bloody battle.

"Do it, the live broadcast is off."

"Do it."

"Do it."


At the same time, someone hiding in the dark made a move.

A small alloy company gathered dozens of people, and a group of people stood at the door of the company, staring at each other.

"Stop them desperately, I'll get something."

"Kill, steal the alloy."

A big melee started like this, everyone showed their magical powers, and in the blink of an eye, many people fell into a pool of blood.

"Brother, there are so many people, what should we do?"

"War, Huaguo territory, how can you allow others to intervene."

"Let them come and go today."

If these foreigners are allowed to steal alloys on Huaguo territory today, it would be their incompetence.

Today, even if you are desperately trying to save the alloy.

"Brother, you go first, and leave the rest to the brothers. We will guard the gate."

"it is good."

One left, and the rest stood guard at the gate.

"The boss is not here, so I am the leader, and my strength is also the weakest. Today I will set an example for everyone."

"One, two, three, four, five... Just these people, I'll help you get rid of them."

"Second brother..."

"This is our mission, you bastards, come to the territory of China to play wild, you are too young, go to death."

The second child rushed towards the foreign killer, and before the others even reacted, the second child directly exploded.

The shock wave generated by the explosion directly blinded them. In such an instant, seven or eight people were killed, and others were more or less injured.

"Fuck, are all Chinese people idiots, they even made body bombs?"

"Kill them, idiot, even playing a sneak attack."

The foreign killers share the same hatred and set their sights on Huaguo.

"The second child is gone, but he hasn't gone far. How about we go for a walk with him together?"

"It's not a loss, I took these little brats with me and made a profit."

They didn't intend to go back alive this time, and each of them had a bomb strapped to their body.

Just wait for the critical moment to die with them.

"Fuck, these guys, are you dying?"

"Are the people of Huaguo crazy? For a small piece of alloy, they even gave up their lives."

"Withdraw, withdraw, let's not sacrifice in vain."


The bombs attached to the soldiers of the Hua Kingdom frightened the killers of other countries. For a while, everyone froze at the door, and no one dared to move.

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