Global live broadcast, start off angry green tea bitch

Chapter 42: I'm Really Not the Son of Scourge

"Actually, we don't dislike it, it looks pretty good."

"Indeed, rat meat is also edible. Bugs are high in protein and can supplement the body's nutrition. Don't be so picky at this time."

In order not to be dogs, the female boxers could only say these words against their will, and ruthlessly abandoned their boxer sisters.

"It's baked, eat it, be careful not to burn it, one for each person, don't worry."

After roasting, Ye Chen handed the 'rabbit meat' to them. The two of them were also starving, and they ate it wheezingly, but they didn't find anything weird at all.

"Is it tasty?"

"The taste is okay, just a little fishy, ​​but it's okay."

"Yeah, although the taste is not very good, it may be because there is no seasoning, but it is barely acceptable. The outside is burnt and the inside is tender, and there is a lot of oil and water, which is acceptable."

After a long drought and rain, no matter how unpalatable it is, it is meat, which is much better than crispy noodles, and they are not picky.

The two of them can accept it, Ye Chen is relieved, let them eat well first, let them have a full meal today, and tell them the matter tomorrow, even if they want to vomit, they won't be able to vomit.

"It's delicious, eat more. You'll be on your way tomorrow. If you don't have enough to eat, you'll be hungry."


"Don't worry, today I will support myself to death."

When Ye Chen said this, the two of them ate more vigorously, and kept stuffing mouthfuls of meat one after another.

"Ouch...I can't do it anymore, it's too greasy. When I think about rat meat and that fat big worm, I'll take a bite, vomit, I can't take it anymore."

"Brother, don't describe it, don't let me have this picture in my mind, I fucked up, I vomit first as a respect, vomit..."

"These stinky men, vomit..."


An uncontrollable chain reaction, one person vomits, all of them vomit.

The barrage in the live broadcast room stopped instantly, and it took a long time before it slowly recovered.

"Phew, it's a lot easier."

"Me too, don't say, don't ask, don't think about it."

"Watch the live broadcast and go straight to bed. Rest well tonight and watch their performance tomorrow."

"It's late at night, it's time to go to bed, we vomit when others eat, we waste electricity when others make money, the world is not worth it, shit, mouse..."


"Too much...vomit..."

The word "mouse" has become a taboo in the live broadcast room. Whenever someone mentions these two people, there will be a storm, and then they will find a toilet to vent.

"Who... who is mentioning the word old*, don't blame me... vomit..."

"Poor brother, you can't live without doing your own crimes. Why bother to think about that picture."

"It's down, I'm afraid I'll vomit to death tonight, so go to bed first, if something serious happens, please kick me."

"Brothers, let's go, I will stand on the last post for you, and I will definitely monitor Ye Chen's every move."


After Ye Chen took the two of them to have a hearty meal, they lay directly on the homemade bed.

"Lie down after a meal and feel refreshed."

"If you are full, go to bed early, we have to leave tomorrow."

Qin Wan and Liu Shiyao looked at the forest full of weeds, and at Ye Chen, they didn't know where to sleep.

"Brother Ye Chen, where do we sleep?"

"Then, and there, and there, so many places are not enough for the two of you to sleep, the sky is the quilt, the earth is the bed, you are the darlings of nature, sleep well."

Ye Chen himself almost believed this set of explanations.

"Brother Ye Chen, we are afraid, we want to be with you..."

Although Ye Chen's bed is very simple, but it looks more or less like a bed, which is much better than the environment outside where the sky is the cover and the ground is the bed.

So the only way now is to sleep together with Ye Chen.

How could Ye Chen not know what they were thinking, so he refused the moment Qin Wan spoke.

"No, you don't want to."

"You have grown up independently and are no longer children who need to be pampered. Today is the first test for you, to survive independently."

"If I accidentally die in the future, what should you do? I'm just thinking about it for you. Why don't you understand my good intentions?"

Ye Chen's words are better than ten years of reading, just like this with snot and tears fooling the two of them.

The two of them were fooled into it by Ye Chen going around.

"I hope it won't rain tonight, otherwise, what can we do, the recent weather changes are not stable."

"What a beautiful day, there is not even a cloud, how can it rain, don't worry."

Qin Wan looked up and found that there was not even a cloud in the sky, and it was impossible for it to rain.

"Who knows, in this unlucky environment, doesn't the rain come as soon as you say it?"


Before Liu Shiyao's voice fell to the ground, there was a burst of thunder in the sky.

Ye Chen, who was resting, rolled over from the bed when he heard the thunder.

"Isn't it true that there will be thunder on the flat ground even in a clear sky?"

Ye Chen turned his head to look at the innocent Liu Shiyao again, with a helpless expression on his face.

Now he really suspects that Liu Shiyao is a woman cursed by heaven.

Otherwise, how can you speak so smartly, what you don't want will come.

"Liu Shiyao, let me ask you, did you experience a vision from the sky when you were born, such as when the sky suddenly changed from sunny to cloudy, or you came out smiling when you were born."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Liu Shiyao couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"No, I'm just an ordinary woman, and I don't have what you said at all."

"And everything that happened before was a coincidence and has nothing to do with me."

"If I'm really the Son of Scourge, then if I don't want God to rain now, will it rain?"



tick tock tick tock...

As soon as the words fell, Dou Da's raindrops fell.

The clear sky just now disappeared without a trace, and in the blink of an eye, it became cloudy and thunderous.

Looking at Ye Chen, he felt even more helpless.

Liu Shiyao was embarrassed.

"Is there anything else you want to explain? Isn't this the best answer for you."

What Liu Shiyao could explain, she didn't know why.

Even she has some self-doubt now.

"Am I really the Son of Scourge?"

"Does God despise me?"

"It must be that I am too beautiful, and the disaster for the country and the people. God can't stand it anymore, so it keeps stopping me."

After finding a suitable reason for herself, Liu Shiyao relaxed.

"I said, it's raining, don't we still use the sky as our blanket and the ground as our bed? Isn't it a bit damp?"

"Brother Ye Chen, can you let us go in and squeeze with you, if you get sick and catch a cold, it will affect your future actions."

"The most important thing is that sleeping under a tree is easy to be struck by lightning, and with this son of scourge by your side, the probability is hundreds of times greater than usual."

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